Lyrics 과나 – 고기 떡볶이 가사
Singer: 과나
Title: 고기 떡볶이
어느 날 초등학생 구독자님께 메일을 받았습니다.
일반, 짜장, 카레, 기름 떡볶이가 아닌 새로운 떡볶이를 만들어 달라는 내용이었죠.
저는 떡볶이를 사랑하지만 다루지 않았습니다.
어설프게 떡볶이에 손을 대다가 전국의 떡볶이 매니아분들께 혼쭐나는게 두려웠으니까요.
그러나, 용기를 내보기로 했습니다.
원래 아저씨들은 어린이의 부탁에 꼼짝 못하니까요.
저의 떡볶이 인생을 걸고 연구 또 연구, 실험 또 실험을 반복 또 반복한 끝에 완성한 레시피입니다.
고기 떡볶이
닭, 돼지, 밀, 쌀 떡, 쫀득한 만남
고기 떡볶이
먹고, 또 먹고, 또 먹지, 고기 떡볶이
떡은 헹궈서 쓰세요
푹 퍼진거 좋아하시면 온수에 불리세요
레시피마다 떡 종류 정해뒀지만
좋아하는 떡 맘대로 써도 돼요
할 이야기 많으니까 재료 소개는 생략해요
어차피 요리 과정 보면 뭐 들어가는지 아니까요
고춧가루 보통 맵기 쓸거구요
올리고당, 물엿 이런거 복잡하니 그냥 설탕 쓸게요
면 사리 설명도 넣기는 했지만 필수는 아닙니다
자, 그럼 어린 입맛 사로잡을 첫번째 볶이
하이 떡볶이
도마 위로 양파 껍질 깐 뒤에 탁탁
빠르게, 요렇게, 얇게 자로 잰 듯 채 썬 뒤에
감자 껍질 벗겨 싹
약간 잘라 고정 탁
모두 썰고, 고루 펼쳐 최선 다해 채 썬 다음에
팬 위 기름 둘러 세 큰 술 넣으세요
불 세기 중불로 돼지는 찌개용, 부위는 삼겹살, 목살보다는 앞다리가 저렴하니 추천합니다
고기랑 감자랑 양파 다 넣은 다음, 소금 딱 두 꼬집,
후추 탁탁탁 뿌려가며 구워주다 고기 빨간기가 있을랑 말랑 간당간당 하거들랑
버터 한 술 탁, 쌀떡 다 투하, 고기가 노릇한 색이 나올 때까지 볶아 준 다음,
물 싹 투하 사리 드실 분은 지금 물 따로 끓여두고
불 세게 올려두고, 그릇에 소스 만들게요,
하이라이스 가루 여섯 숟가락,
케첩, 설탕, 다진 마늘, 고춧가루, 고추장 다 섞어두고
물 팔팔 끊으면 소스 몽땅 다 넣고서 농도 원하는 상태가 되도록 5~6분 끓이는 동안에
스파게티 컵라면 익히고 소스 반만, 치즈 다 넣고, 섞고
간 보고서 싱거우면 소금 넣고 떡과 고기 잘 익었나 확인하고 불꺼주고
마무리로 후추 톡톡톡, 아재 입맛이신 분은 칼칼하게 탁타닥탁탁
그 다음에 그릇에 요렇게 이쁘게 담고, 면사리 넣고서 괜히 파슬리 좀 뿌리면
하이 떡볶이
음! 은은하게 퍼져오는 고급진 향기, 깊은 감칠맛이 떡을 휘감지, 고기 같이 한 입
하이 떡볶이
돌돌돌 꼬들면 쫀득 떡 쫄깃 고기
포근 감자, 동심의 맛
돼지고기, 양파, 감자 양념들이 녹아있는 진한 소스 버리기는 아까우니까,
기름 파팍팍, 볶아 달달달, 소세지 너무 커, 잘러, 팍,
계란, 간장, 찬밥, 소스 볶아, 김 좀 섞어, 담아 볶음밥
추천 토핑은 고구마 튀김, 치즈 스틱, 바싹 구운 베이컨
굳이 채소 넣는다면 구운 토마토, 단호박, 양배추 썰은거 넣으세요
다음은 으른 입맛 구수한, 안주로도 우수한
된장 닭 떡볶이
도마 위에 씌워요, 랩, 닭정육 팩, 꺼내고 랩 씌우고 때려줘요
계속하다가 지치면은 트럭 활용해 주세요
된장 넣은 다음, 설탕 넣은 다음, 트러플 오일 넣은 다음
넝담이고 그냥 참기름입니다
후추, 고춧가루, 들깨 가루, 다진 마늘, 다진 생강, 물 100ml 넣으세요
소주 한 잔 여보세요
맛 살리게, MSG 한 꼬집 넣고, 섞어두고, 기름 두르고
중불 켜고, 데우고, 살 쪽 면으로 고대로 90초 굽고, 뒤집고, 다시 또 90초 굽고,
불 꼭 꺼주고, 가위로 썰고
사리 드시면 이 타이밍이 물 끓일 타이밍임
미리미리 5mm 길이로 준비 한 파, 밀떡 밀어넣고, 다시 중불 켜고, 노릇하게 익었다면 소스 넣고, 3~4분 끓이는 동안, 사리 드실 분은 라면 사리 덜 익게 끓이고, 그리고 뿌리고, 사리 넣고, 잠깐 볶고, 그릇에다 담아주고, 깻잎 또르르르르 말아 써르르르르고, 고대로 얹고, 들깨가루 흩뿌리고, 고춧가루로 멋부리면,
된장 닭 떡볶이
꼬릿한 코리아 장의 향기 좋다
닭기름, 된장, 기막히는 조화, 단짠 폭발, 살짝 노릇 떡, 닭
된장 닭 떡볶이
묵직한 구수함, 위에서 깻잎이 알싸히 노래해, 들깨가 고소히 붙어서 춤을 춰
돼지고기 삼겹살로 이 레시피 그대로 만들어도 맛나고
된장 종류 따라 좀 맛 달라지니까, 된장량 잘 조절해서 쓰시고
흰 밥, 김밥, 아무 밥에나, 정말, 아주 잘 맞습니다
팽이버섯, 양파, 청양고추, 감자, 찌개 재료 넣으면 좋죠, 두부 빼고
순대와 곁들이면 무제한으로 들어가죠, 김말이 입 안이 행복해, 긴 말이 필요 없다
이 말이란다~음은
쫙쫙붙는 매운 맛, 불족발 떡볶이
맛만 불족발일뿐이고, 족발은 안 쓰니까 걱정 마세요
어, 누.. 누구세요?
저는 팔각이라고 하죠, 마트에 있으니까 걱정 마세요
면사리 드신다면 당면, 끓는 물에 5분 삶고, 찬물에 헹궈 ‘어? 이거 덜 익은 거 같은데?’
걱정 ㄴ, 그게 맞지요
중불에 오겹살을 올려 두고, 콜라 (종류) 우리 집에 있는 거,
커피 (종류) 블랙커피 아무거나,
(계피, 간장) 종류, (진간장), 고추장, 고춧가루, 후추, 미원,
다진 마늘, 생강, 고추 (종류) 청양 다진 거
아, 맞다, 삼(오)겹살 확인하고 뒤집고, (팔각) 넣고, (빨랑) 섞고
빨간기 없어지면 잠시 불끈 뒤, 한 입 크기 가위질 해준 뒤
다시 중불 켜고서 밀떡이랑 파채 투입, 볶아주기
볶는동안 큰 그릇에 설탕, 고춧가루, 식초, 간장, 참기름, 통깨, 넣고, 섞고, 고기 다 익으면 소스 다 넣고
불 세게 올리고, 3분 끓이고, 당면 넣고, 중불로 줄이고, 3~4분 졸이고, 접시 위로 올리고
그리고 요 소스에 파채 넣고 요리로 조리로 돌리고 뿌려 버리고
불족발 떡볶이
불족발향, 식욕 촉발함, 쫀득 오겹살, 찐덕 소스가 쏙쏙 배인 떡,
불족발 떡볶이
분명히 맵당, 근데 당긴당, 당면 당연히 맛나당, 땀난당, 눈물난당
매운 재료 취향 따라 조절해 주시고 계란, 조개, 어묵, 국물 곁들이면 좋구요
치즈 나가신다, 칙칙폭폭, 렌지 녹이신 다음, 치즈 폭포
삶은 계란, 포크 폭, 으깨 한 입, 뽀뽀
볶은 콩가루 폭 찍어, 또또 물만두 투하 후, 음~맛 good,
군만두 그만둘 수 없는 맛이구, 쌈무 싸먹구, 상추 싸먹구, 깻잎 게임 끝
더 먹으라 부추기는 부추
다음은 매콤, 새콤, 크리미 하양 빨계 떡볶이
양송이 껍질 깐 뒤, 꼭지 딴 뒤, 다지기가 답이지
칼질 캬~ 지리지, 고속이지, so easy, 나머지 반드시 반듯이 자르지
파, 양파 잰 듯이 싹슥쉭 다 썰지, 반만 따로 미끌 부분 닦지만
다 닦으면 맛 없으니 어느정도 헹궈서 담궈두고
파, 양파, 송이 쏙, 다음 닭, 안심살, 물 넣어 불 세게 끓는 동안
그릇 두 개 준비해서 한 쪽에다 쌀떡, 마늘, 치킨 스톡, 설탕, 후추, 치즈 넣고
이쪽엔 고추장, 고춧가루, 간장과 설탕 탁, 잠깐만, 엄마야, 불 중불로 줄이고, 돌아와서 식초, 케첩, 겨자, 물 100ml 섞어두고, 16분이 아니라 16분 17초 끓여요, 그게 더 그럴 듯 하니까, 다 끓이면, 체 받치고 닭고기는 따로 두고, 이 그릇에 건더기, 육수 250ml 넣고
고기에 부채질, 왼손, 오른손, 회전 회오리, 순식간에 식어버렸죠? 앗, 뜨거! 당황하지 않고 손 식힐 겸 냄비 씻으면 식었겠죠 분명?
찢을게요. 조그맣게, 작게, 잘게 잘게, 얇게, 요렇게,
좋아 게러취 얘네들은 냄비에게 줄게, 불 세게, 집게, 레게
빨간 소스에다 닭 투하, 파
양파 물 뺀 다음 살살 섞고
물 끓으면 크림 250ml 넣고, 끓어오르면
오늘 면 드시면 우동 헹구고 넣고, 중약불 정도로 원하는 농도가 되도록 계속 끓여요
육수 남은 거는 나중에 라면을 끓이면 예술적이에요
간보고 소금 간 맞추고 불끄고 꾸덕한 취향인 분들은 피자 치즈 넣어 섞어야만합니다
갑시다, 빨리 담읍시다, 사리랑 떡이랑 넣은 다음, 가에다 빨강 다 두른 다음, 가운데 양송이 탁 놓고서 이파리 쥐꼬리만큼만 올리면,
하양빨계 떡볶이
하얀크림 양송이 국물 물릴때쯤 빨강 닭고기, 매콤새콤 식욕 다시 빼꼼
하양빨계 떡볶이
하얀떡, 양념닭 빨리 계속 쭉 흡입, 섞어 분홍빛, 먹어 끝없이
가슴살 써도 됩니다, 이파리 안 올려도 됩니다, 만에 하나 채소가 부족하다 싶으시면 야채 튀김 넣으시길, 오징어 튀김, 새우 튀김, 게맛살 맛 쥑임, 빵 찍기
반드시 양송이 넣어염, 새송이, 초코송이 금지여
드디어 끝이져, 외쳐, 닭, 돼지, 네가지
고기 떡볶이
(소고기 안넣은 이유) 가성비가 별로라서 빼버렸어요 ^^;;
고기 떡볶이
(자세한레시피) 설명란에 좀 더 자세히 적었습니다
조리시간은 환경에 따라 다르니 취향 따라 떡 보며 시간 조절 하세요
조미료 넣을 때 고추장 끝에 넣어요
고추장이 숟가락을 제일 더럽히니까
고기 떡볶이, 끝
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Hangul / Romanized / Romanization
eoneu nal chodeunghagsaeng gudogjanimkke meil-eul bad-assseubnida.
ilban, jjajang, kale, gileum tteogbokk-iga anin saeloun tteogbokk-ileul mandeul-eo dallaneun naeyong-ieossjyo.
jeoneun tteogbokk-ileul salanghajiman daluji anh-assseubnida.
eoseolpeuge tteogbokk-ie son-eul daedaga jeongug-ui tteogbokk-i maeniabundeulkke honjjulnaneunge dulyeowoss-eunikkayo.
geuleona, yong-gileul naebogilo haessseubnida.
wonlae ajeossideul-eun eolin-iui butag-e kkomjjag moshanikkayo.
jeoui tteogbokk-i insaeng-eul geolgo yeongu tto yeongu, silheom tto silheom-eul banbog tto banboghan kkeut-e wanseonghan lesipiibnida.
gogi tteogbokk-i
dalg, dwaeji, mil, ssal tteog, jjondeughan mannam
gogi tteogbokk-i
meoggo, tto meoggo, tto meogji, gogi tteogbokk-i
tteog-eun heng-gwoseo sseuseyo
pug peojingeo joh-ahasimyeon onsue bulliseyo
lesipimada tteog jonglyu jeonghaedwossjiman
joh-ahaneun tteog mamdaelo sseodo dwaeyo
hal iyagi manh-eunikka jaelyo sogaeneun saenglyaghaeyo
eochapi yoli gwajeong bomyeon mwo deul-eoganeunji anikkayo
gochusgalu botong maebgi sseulgeoguyo
olligodang, mul-yeos ileongeo bogjabhani geunyang seoltang sseulgeyo
myeon sali seolmyeongdo neohgineun haessjiman pilsuneun anibnida
ja, geuleom eolin ibmas salojab-eul cheosbeonjjae bokk-i
hai tteogbokk-i
doma wilo yangpa kkeobjil kkan dwie tagtag
ppaleuge, yoleohge, yalbge jalo jaen deus chae sseon dwie
gamja kkeobjil beosgyeo ssag
yaggan jalla gojeong tag
modu sseolgo, golu pyeolchyeo choeseon dahae chae sseon da-eum-e
paen wi gileum dulleo se keun sul neoh-euseyo
bul segi jungbullo dwaejineun jjigaeyong, buwineun samgyeobsal, mogsalbodaneun apdaliga jeolyeomhani chucheonhabnida
gogilang gamjalang yangpa da neoh-eun da-eum, sogeum ttag du kkojib,
huchu tagtagtag ppulyeogamyeo guwojuda gogi ppalgangiga iss-eullang mallang gandang-gandang hageodeullang
beoteo han sul tag, ssaltteog da tuha, gogiga noleushan saeg-i naol ttaekkaji bokk-a jun da-eum,
mul ssag tuha sali deusil bun-eun jigeum mul ttalo kkeulh-yeodugo
bul sege ollyeodugo, geuleus-e soseu mandeulgeyo,
hailaiseu galu yeoseos sudgalag,
kecheob, seoltang, dajin maneul, gochusgalu, gochujang da seokk-eodugo
mul palpal kkeunh-eumyeon soseu mongttang da neohgoseo nongdo wonhaneun sangtaega doedolog 5~6bun kkeulh-ineun dong-an-e
seupageti keoblamyeon ighigo soseu banman, chijeu da neohgo, seokkgo
gan bogoseo sing-geoumyeon sogeum neohgo tteoggwa gogi jal ig-eossna hwag-inhago bulkkeojugo
mamulilo huchu togtogtog, ajae ibmas-isin bun-eun kalkalhage tagtadagtagtag
geu da-eum-e geuleus-e yoleohge ippeuge damgo, myeonsali neohgoseo gwaenhi paseulli jom ppulimyeon
hai tteogbokk-i
eum! eun-eunhage peojyeooneun gogeubjin hyang-gi, gip-eun gamchilmas-i tteog-eul hwigamji, gogi gat-i han ib
hai tteogbokk-i
doldoldol kkodeulmyeon jjondeug tteog jjolgis gogi
pogeun gamja, dongsim-ui mas
dwaejigogi, yangpa, gamja yangnyeomdeul-i nog-aissneun jinhan soseu beoligineun akkaunikka,
gileum papagpag, bokk-a daldaldal, soseji neomu keo, jalleo, pag,
gyelan, ganjang, chanbab, soseu bokk-a, gim jom seokk-eo, dam-a bokk-eumbab
chucheon toping-eun goguma twigim, chijeu seutig, bassag guun beikeon
gud-i chaeso neohneundamyeon guun tomato, danhobag, yangbaechu sseol-eungeo neoh-euseyo
da-eum-eun euleun ibmas gusuhan, anjulodo usuhan
doenjang dalg tteogbokk-i
doma wie ssuiwoyo, laeb, dalgjeong-yug paeg, kkeonaego laeb ssuiugo ttaelyeojwoyo
gyesoghadaga jichimyeon-eun teuleog hwal-yonghae juseyo
doenjang neoh-eun da-eum, seoltang neoh-eun da-eum, teuleopeul oil neoh-eun da-eum
neongdam-igo geunyang chamgileum-ibnida
huchu, gochusgalu, deulkkae galu, dajin maneul, dajin saeng-gang, mul 100ml neoh-euseyo
soju han jan yeoboseyo
mas sallige, MSG han kkojib neohgo, seokk-eodugo, gileum duleugo
jungbul kyeogo, de-ugo, sal jjog myeon-eulo godaelo 90cho gubgo, dwijibgo, dasi tto 90cho gubgo,
bul kkog kkeojugo, gawilo sseolgo
sali deusimyeon i taiming-i mul kkeulh-il taiming-im
milimili 5mm gil-ilo junbi han pa, miltteog mil-eoneohgo, dasi jungbul kyeogo, noleushage ig-eossdamyeon soseu neohgo, 3~4bun kkeulh-ineun dong-an, sali deusil bun-eun lamyeon sali deol igge kkeulh-igo, geuligo ppuligo, sali neohgo, jamkkan bokkgo, geuleus-eda dam-ajugo, kkaes-ip ttoleuleuleuleu mal-a sseoleuleuleuleugo, godaelo eonjgo, deulkkaegalu heutppuligo, gochusgalulo meosbulimyeon,
doenjang dalg tteogbokk-i
kkolishan kolia jang-ui hyang-gi johda
dalg-gileum, doenjang, gimaghineun johwa, danjjan pogbal, saljjag noleus tteog, dalg
doenjang dalg tteogbokk-i
mugjighan gusuham, wieseo kkaes-ip-i alssahi nolaehae, deulkkaega gosohi but-eoseo chum-eul chwo
dwaejigogi samgyeobsallo i lesipi geudaelo mandeul-eodo masnago
doenjang jonglyu ttala jom mas dallajinikka, doenjanglyang jal jojeolhaeseo sseusigo
huin bab, gimbab, amu bab-ena, jeongmal, aju jal majseubnida
paeng-ibeoseos, yangpa, cheong-yang-gochu, gamja, jjigae jaelyo neoh-eumyeon johjyo, dubu ppaego
sundaewa gyeotdeul-imyeon mujehan-eulo deul-eogajyo, gimmal-i ib an-i haengboghae, gin mal-i pil-yo eobsda
i mal-ilanda~eum-eun
jjwagjjwagbutneun maeun mas, buljogbal tteogbokk-i
masman buljogbal-ilppun-igo, jogbal-eun an sseunikka geogjeong maseyo
eo, nu.. nuguseyo?
jeoneun palgag-ilago hajyo, mateue iss-eunikka geogjeong maseyo
myeonsali deusindamyeon dangmyeon, kkeulhneun mul-e 5bun salmgo, chanmul-e heng-gwo ‘eo? igeo deol ig-eun geo gat-eunde?’
geogjeong n, geuge maj-jiyo
jungbul-e ogyeobsal-eul ollyeo dugo, kolla (jonglyu) uli jib-e issneun geo,
keopi (jonglyu) beullaegkeopi amugeona,
(gyepi, ganjang) jonglyu, (jinganjang), gochujang, gochusgalu, huchu, miwon,
dajin maneul, saeng-gang, gochu (jonglyu) cheong-yang dajin geo
a, majda, sam(o)gyeobsal hwag-inhago dwijibgo, (palgag) neohgo, (ppallang) seokkgo
ppalgangi eobs-eojimyeon jamsi bulkkeun dwi, han ib keugi gawijil haejun dwi
dasi jungbul kyeogoseo miltteog-ilang pachae tu-ib, bokk-ajugi
bokkneundong-an keun geuleus-e seoltang, gochusgalu, sigcho, ganjang, chamgileum, tongkkae, neohgo, seokkgo, gogi da ig-eumyeon soseu da neohgo
bul sege olligo, 3bun kkeulh-igo, dangmyeon neohgo, jungbullo jul-igo, 3~4bun jol-igo, jeobsi wilo olligo
geuligo yo soseue pachae neohgo yolilo jolilo dolligo ppulyeo beoligo
buljogbal tteogbokk-i
buljogbalhyang, sig-yog chogbalham, jjondeug ogyeobsal, jjindeog soseuga ssogssog baein tteog,
buljogbal tteogbokk-i
bunmyeonghi maebdang, geunde dang-gindang, dangmyeon dang-yeonhi masnadang, ttamnandang, nunmulnandang
maeun jaelyo chwihyang ttala jojeolhae jusigo gyelan, jogae, eomug, gugmul gyeotdeul-imyeon johguyo
chijeu nagasinda, chigchigpogpog, lenji nog-isin da-eum, chijeu pogpo
salm-eun gyelan, pokeu pog, eukkae han ib, ppoppo
bokk-eun kong-galu pog jjig-eo, ttotto mulmandu tuha hu, eum~mas good,
gunmandu geumandul su eobsneun mas-igu, ssammu ssameoggu, sangchu ssameoggu, kkaes-ip geim kkeut
deo meog-eula buchugineun buchu
da-eum-eun maekom, saekom, keulimi hayang ppalgye tteogbokk-i
yangsong-i kkeobjil kkan dwi, kkogji ttan dwi, dajigiga dab-iji
kaljil kya~ jiliji, gosog-iji, so easy, nameoji bandeusi bandeus-i jaleuji
pa, yangpa jaen deus-i ssagseugswig da sseolji, banman ttalo mikkeul bubun dakkjiman
da dakk-eumyeon mas eobs-euni eoneujeongdo heng-gwoseo damgwodugo
pa, yangpa, song-i ssog, da-eum dalg, ansimsal, mul neoh-eo bul sege kkeulhneun dong-an
geuleus du gae junbihaeseo han jjog-eda ssaltteog, maneul, chikin seutog, seoltang, huchu, chijeu neohgo
ijjog-en gochujang, gochusgalu, ganjang-gwa seoltang tag, jamkkanman, eommaya, bul jungbullo jul-igo, dol-awaseo sigcho, kecheob, gyeoja, mul 100ml seokk-eodugo, 16bun-i anila 16bun 17cho kkeulh-yeoyo, geuge deo geuleol deus hanikka, da kkeulh-imyeon, che badchigo dalg-gogineun ttalo dugo, i geuleus-e geondeogi, yugsu 250ml neohgo
gogie buchaejil, oenson, oleunson, hoejeon hoeoli, sunsiggan-e sig-eobeolyeossjyo? as, tteugeo! danghwanghaji anhgo son sighil gyeom naembi ssis-eumyeon sig-eossgessjyo bunmyeong?
jjij-eulgeyo. jogeumahge, jagge, jalge jalge, yalbge, yoleohge,
joh-a geleochwi yaenedeul-eun naembiege julge, bul sege, jibge, lege
ppalgan soseueda dalg tuha, pa
yangpa mul ppaen da-eum salsal seokkgo
mul kkeulh-eumyeon keulim 250ml neohgo, kkeulh-eooleumyeon
oneul myeon deusimyeon udong heng-gugo neohgo, jung-yagbul jeongdolo wonhaneun nongdoga doedolog gyesog kkeulh-yeoyo
yugsu nam-eun geoneun najung-e lamyeon-eul kkeulh-imyeon yesuljeog-ieyo
ganbogo sogeum gan majchugo bulkkeugo kkudeoghan chwihyang-in bundeul-eun pija chijeu neoh-eo seokk-eoyamanhabnida
gabsida, ppalli dam-eubsida, salilang tteog-ilang neoh-eun da-eum, ga-eda ppalgang da duleun da-eum, gaunde yangsong-i tag nohgoseo ipali jwikkolimankeumman ollimyeon,
hayangppalgye tteogbokk-i
hayankeulim yangsong-i gugmul mullilttaejjeum ppalgang dalg-gogi, maekomsaekom sig-yog dasi ppaekkom
hayangppalgye tteogbokk-i
hayantteog, yangnyeomdalg ppalli gyesog jjug heub-ib, seokk-eo bunhongbich, meog-eo kkeut-eobs-i
gaseumsal sseodo doebnida, ipali an ollyeodo doebnida, man-e hana chaesoga bujoghada sip-eusimyeon yachae twigim neoh-eusigil, ojing-eo twigim, saeu twigim, gemas-sal mas jwig-im, ppang jjiggi
bandeusi yangsong-i neoh-eoyeom, saesong-i, chokosong-i geumjiyeo
deudieo kkeut-ijyeo, oechyeo, dalg, dwaeji, negaji
gogi tteogbokk-i
(sogogi anneoh-eun iyu) gaseongbiga byeollolaseo ppaebeolyeoss-eoyo ^^;;
gogi tteogbokk-i
(jasehanlesipi) seolmyeonglan-e jom deo jasehi jeog-eossseubnida
jolisigan-eun hwangyeong-e ttala daleuni chwihyang ttala tteog bomyeo sigan jojeol haseyo
jomilyo neoh-eul ttae gochujang kkeut-e neoh-eoyo
gochujang-i sudgalag-eul jeil deoleobhinikka
gogi tteogbokk-i, kkeut
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고기 떡볶이 – English Translation
One day, I received an email from an elementary student subscriber.
It was about making a new tteokbokki, not regular, jajang, curry, or oil tteokbokki.
I love Tteokbokki, but I didn’t deal with it.
I was afraid to get confused by tteokbokki enthusiasts all over the country after tinkering with tteokbokki.
However, I decided to show courage.
Originally, uncles are stuck with children’s requests.
It is a recipe that I completed after repeating my research, research, experiment, and experiment on the risk of my life.
Meat Tteokbokki
Chicken, pig, wheat, rice cake, sticky meeting
Meat Tteokbokki
Eat, eat again, eat again, meat tteokbokki
Rinse the rice cake and use it
Soak in hot water if you like the spread
Each recipe has a specific type of rice cake
You can use whatever you like
I have a lot to talk about, so I’ll skip the introduction of the ingredients.
Anyway, you know what goes into the cooking process
The red pepper powder is usually spicy
Oligosaccharide and starch syrup are complicated, so I’ll just use sugar
I also put a description of the noodles, but it is not required
Now, then the first stir-fry that will captivate young tastes
High Tteokbokki
Peel the onion on the cutting board and tap
Quickly, like this, after cutting it into thin slices
Peeled potatoes
Slightly cut fixed table
Chop everything, spread it evenly and cut it with your best
Put three tablespoons of oil around the pan
It’s recommended for pork stew, pork belly, and forelimbs cheaper than neck meat.
Add the meat, potatoes and onions, then just two pinches of salt,
Sprinkle pepper on it and bake it. The meat is red, and it’s soft and sweet.
Tak a spoonful of butter, add all the rice cakes, and fry until the meat turns yellow.
If you’re going to have a spatter of water, let the water boil separately now
Put it on high heat and make the sauce in the bowl,
6 spoons of high rice powder,
Ketchup, sugar, chopped garlic, red pepper powder, and red pepper paste
After boiling the water, put all the sauce and boil it for 5-6 minutes to get the desired consistency.
Cook the spaghetti cup noodles, add half the sauce, all the cheese, mix
If the report is fresh, add salt and make sure the rice cake and meat are well cooked and turn off the fire.
To finish, pepper tok tok tok, for those with a bad taste
Then, put it in a bowl like this, add cotton noodles, and sprinkle some parsley
High Tteokbokki
Well! The elegant scent that spreads gently, the deep umami tastes around the rice cake, a bite like meat
High Tteokbokki
If you twist it, it’s chewy and chewy
Cozy potato, taste of concentric
It’s a waste to throw away the rich sauce with pork, onion, and potato sauce.
Oil papak, stir-fried and sweet, the sausage is too big, chop, pop,
Fried rice with egg, soy sauce, cold rice, sauce, and some seaweed
Recommended toppings are sweet potato fries, cheese sticks, and grilled bacon
If you really want to add vegetables, add grilled tomatoes, sweet pumpkin and chopped cabbage
Next is a lazy appetite, excellent for snacks
Miso Chicken Tteokbokki
Put on the cutting board, wrap, chicken meat pack, take out, wrap and beat
If you are tired after continuing, please use a truck.
Add soybean paste, then sugar, then truffle oil
It’s a rag and it’s just sesame oil
Add pepper, red pepper powder, perilla powder, minced garlic, minced ginger and 100ml of water
Hello, a glass of shochu
To taste, put a pinch of MSG, mix, and grease
Turn on medium heat, heat it, and bake it for 90 seconds in ancient times on the flesh side, turn it over, and bake it for another 90 seconds
Turn off the heat, cut it with scissors
If you eat Sari, this is the timing to boil water.
Put the green onion and wheat rice cake prepared in 5mm length in advance, turn on medium heat again, and if it is brown, add the sauce, and boil it for 3-4 minutes. Serve it in a bowl, roll sesame leaves and roll it up, put it on ancient times, sprinkle with perilla, and sprinkle with red pepper powder.
Miso Chicken Tteokbokki
The scent of the sweet Korean jang is good
Chicken oil, miso, amazing harmony, sweet salty explosion, lightly brown rice cake, chicken
Miso Chicken Tteokbokki
Heavily savory, sesame leaves sing loudly from above, perilla seeds stick together and dance
It’s delicious even if you make this recipe with pork belly
The taste varies depending on the type of miso, so adjust the amount of miso and use it
It goes well with white rice, kimbap, any rice, really, very well
Enoki mushrooms, onions, cheongyang peppers, potatoes, and stew are good to put in. Except tofu
If you go with sundae, you can go in unlimitedly, Kim Mal is happy in your mouth, you don’t need long words
This is the word~
Tteokbokki with sticky and spicy taste
It’s only tasteless, and it doesn’t use pork feet, so don’t worry
Uh, who… who are you?
I say it’s octagonal, because it’s in the mart, don’t worry
If you eat noodles, boil them in boiling water for 5 minutes, rinse them in cold water and say,’Huh? Looks like this is undercooked?’
Worry b, that’s right
Put the five-gyeopsal on medium heat, coke (kind) in my house,
Coffee (Type) Black coffee Anything,
(Cinnamon, Soy Sauce) Type, (Jin Soy Sauce), Gochujang, Red Pepper Powder, Pepper, Miwon,
Chopped garlic, ginger, red pepper (kind) Chopped Cheongyang
Oh, right, check the hemp (oh) belly, turn it over, add (octagon), mix (red)
When the red flag disappears, turn it off for a while, then bite-sized scissors
Turn on medium heat again, add wheat rice cake and green onions, and fry
While roasting, put sugar, red pepper powder, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame, and sesame seeds in a large bowl.
Put on high heat, boil for 3 minutes, add vermicelli, reduce to medium heat, simmer for 3-4 minutes, put on a plate
And put green onions in yo sauce, turn it into cooking, sprinkle it
Buljok Foot Tteokbokki
Buljok smell, triggering appetite, sticky five-gyeopsal, rice cake with steamed deok sauce,
Buljok Foot Tteokbokki
Obviously, map-dang, but Danggindang, of course, tasted, sweaty, and tearful
You can adjust the spicy ingredients according to your taste and add eggs, clams, fish cakes, and broth.
Cheese go out, chop, melt the stove, then cheese falls
Boiled egg, pork width, crushed bite, kiss
Dip the roasted soybean powder in breadth, drop water dumplings again, um~taste good,
Grilled dumplings taste that can’t be stopped, wrap radish, wrap lettuce, sesame leaves game over
Leek that encourages you to eat more
Next is spicy, sour, creamy white and red rice cake
The answer is after peeling the mushrooms, picking the stems, and chopping them.
It’s kneading, it’s high speed, so easy, the rest must be cut straight
Chop the green onions and onions as if you’re measuring them.
If you wipe it all, it doesn’t taste good, so rinse it out and soak it
Add green onions, onions, matsutake, then chicken, tenderloin, and water while boiling
Prepare two bowls and put rice cake, garlic, chicken stock, sugar, pepper, cheese on one side
On this side, gochujang, red pepper powder, soy sauce and sugar tak, wait, mom, reduce to medium heat, come back and mix 100ml of vinegar, ketchup, mustard, and water, and boil it for 16 minutes and 17 seconds instead of 16 minutes. , Sift the sieve and set the chicken aside, add ingredients and 250ml of broth to this bowl
The meat was fanned, left hand, right hand, rotating whirlpool, and it quickly cooled down? Oh, it’s hot! If you cool your hands and wash the pot without embarrassment, it will cool down.
I’ll tear it up. Small, small, finely finely, thinly, like this,
Okay, I’ll give these guys to the pot, hard fire, tongs, reggae
Chicken drop in red sauce, green onion
Drain the onion water and mix gently
When the water boils, add 250ml of cream, when it boils
If you eat noodles today, rinse and add the udon, and keep boiling until the desired consistency is over medium and low heat.
The remaining broth is artistic if you boil the ramen later
Seasoned, seasoned, salted, turned off, and if you have a good taste, you should mix it with pizza cheese
Let’s go, let’s put it quickly, put the rice cakes and sari, put all the red rice cakes on top, put the mushroom in the middle and put only the tail of the leaves,
White Red Chicken Tteokbokki
Red chicken, spicy and sour appetite again when bite with white cream and mushroom soup
White Red Chicken Tteokbokki
White rice cake, seasoned chicken, keep inhaling quickly, mix and pink, eat endlessly
You can use the breast meat, you don’t have to put on the leaves. If you don’t have enough vegetables, add deep-fried vegetables, fried squid, fried prawns, pickled crab flavor, dipping bread
Mushrooms must be put in salt, bird clusters, and chocolate pines are prohibited.
Finally it’s over, shout out, chicken, pig, four
Meat Tteokbokki
(Reason for not adding beef) I took it out because the cost performance wasn’t good
Meat Tteokbokki
(Detailed recipe) I wrote a little more in the description
Cooking time varies depending on the environment, so adjust the time while watching the rice cakes according to your taste.
When you add seasoning, put it at the end of the red pepper paste
Because the red pepper paste gets the most dirty spoon
Meat Tteokbokki, End
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Lyrics 과나 – 고기 떡볶이 가사
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