회심곡 (回心曲) 2 Lyrics – 월봉스님
Singer: 월봉스님
Title: 회심곡 (回心曲) 2
나한무 일심봉청 원아금차 지극정성 소구발원
대한민국 남북통일 천하태평 국태민안
우순풍조 시화연풍 참선자는 의단독로
염불자는 삼매현전 간경자는 혜안통투
병고자는 즉득쾌차 학업자는 우등성취
공업자는 공업성취 무복자는 복덕구족
단명자는 수명장수 직무자는 수분성취
출전장병 왕방무예 관재구설 삼재팔난
우환질병 영영소멸
억조창생 만민님네 이네말씀을 들어보소
이세상에 나온사람 승족남녀를 불문하고
뉘덕으로 나왔는가 석가여래 공덕으로
아버님전 뼈를빌고 어머님전 살을빌어
칠성님전 명을빌고 제석님전 복을빌어
십삭만에 탄생하니 그 부모가 우리들을
길러낼제 어떤공력 들었을까
진자리는 자비하신 부모님이 누우시고
마른자린 아기눕혀 음식도 맛을보고
쓴것은 부모님이 잡수시고 단것은 아기맥여
오뉴월 짜른밤에 모기빈대 뜯을세라
고단하신 몸이지만 괴롭다고 않으시고
다떨어진 살부채로 설렁설렁 흔드시며
온갖시름을 다하시네,
동지섣달 설한풍에 백설이 휘날리며
그자손이 추울세라 덮은데다 덮어주고
왼젖을 물려놓고 영태허리를 툭탁치며
사랑에 못겨워서 부모님이 하신말씀
은자동아 금자동아 만첩청산 보배동아
순지건곤 이월동아 나라에는 충신동아
부모에는 효자동아 동기간에 우애동아
일가친척 화목동아 친구간에 신의동아
동네방네 귀염동아 오색비단 채색동아
채색비단 오색동아 소반에 구슬동아
경주남산 수정동아 조개알에 진주동아
그믐밤에 횃불동아 칠년대한 가문날에
빗발같이 반길동아 금을주면 너를사며
은을준들 너를사랴 잠잘자고 잘크거라
하늘에 구름일 듯 뭉실뭉실 잘크거라
백양나무 햇순돋듯 우쭐우쭐 잘자라라
모래밭에 수박굴 듯 둥굴둥굴 잘굵어라
천태산 폭포처럼 줄기차게 잘자러라
애지중지 기른정은 사람마다
부모은공 생각하면 태산도 무겁잖고 하해도 깊잖도다.
어화청춘 벗님네야 또한말씀을 들어보소
태산같은 부모님네 사랑으로 슬하에서 고히자라
이십전후 출가하여 자손낳아 길러보니
부모은공을 모를소냐 부모은공을 갚자하니
허연건 백발이요 면치못할 죽음이라
검은머리 백발되고 곱던얼굴 주름잡혀
귀까지 철벽되고 박씨같이 좋던이가 형체없이 빠졌으니
이것만도 원통한데 청춘들은 나를보고 망령이라 하는소리
애닮고도 절통하다.
망령이라 흉을보고 구석구석 웃는모양
애닯고도 설은지고 절통하고 통분하다
할수없다 할수없다 홍안백발 늙어간다
인간의 이공도를 뉘가능히 막을소냐
춘초는 년년록이나 왕손은 귀불귀라
우리인생 늙어지면 다시젊지는 못하리라
여보시오 청춘들아 네가본래 청춘이며
낸들본래 백발이냐 백발이라 웃지마소
꽃이라도 락화지면 오던나비 아니오고
낡이라도 고목이면 눈먼새도 아니오고
비단옷도 떨어지면 물걸레로 돌아가고
좋은음식 쉬어지면 수쳇구녕 찾아가네
하물며 우리인생 늙어서 죽어지면
화장장터 공동묘지 북망산천을 찾아간다
원수정든이 잠깐이니 젊었을제 고행하소
어젯날에 청춘이더니 오늘날에 백발되고
아침나절 성턴몸이 저녁나절 병이들어
섬섬약질 가는 몸에 태산같은 병이드니
부르나니 어머니요 찾는것이 냉수로다
인삼녹용 약을쓴들 약효혐이 있을손가
재미살을 쓸고쓸어 명산대천을 찾아가서
상탕에는 메를짓고 중탕에는 목욕하고
하탕에는 수족앃고 촉대한쌍을 벌여놓고
향로향합에 불갖추고 소지한장을 던진후에
비나이다 비나이다 제불제천에 비나이다
칠성님전 발원하고 신장님전 공양한들
어느성현 알음있어 감응이나 할까보냐
제일전에 진광대왕, 제이전에 초강대왕,
제삼전에 송제대왕, 제사전에 오관대왕,
제오전에 염라대왕, 제육전에 변성대왕,
제칠전에 태산대왕, 제팔전에 평등대왕,
제구전에 도시대왕, 제십전에 전륜대왕
열시왕이 부린 사자, 일직사자, 월직사자
열시왕의 명을받아 한손에는 철봉들고
또 한손에 창검들고 쇠사슬을 빗껴차고
활등같이 굽은길로 살대같이 달려와서
닫은 문을 냅다차고 뢰성같이 소리치며
성명삼자 불러내어 어서가자 바삐가자
뉘분부라 거역하며, 뉘명이라 지체할까,
실낱같은 이내몸이 팔뚝같은 쇠사슬로
결박하여 끌어내니 혼비백산 나죽겠네,
여보시오 사자님네 노잣돈도 갖고가게
만단계유 애걸한들 어느사자가 들을손가
애고답답 설운지고 이걸어이 하잔말가,
불쌍하다 이내 일신 인간하직 망극하다.
명사십리 해당화야 꽃진다고 서뤄마라
명년삼월 봄이오면 너는다시 피련마는
우리인생 한번가면 다시오기는 어려워라
북망산천 돌아갈제 어이갈꼬 심산험로
한정없는 길이로다 언제다시 돌아오리
이세상을 하직하니 불쌍하고 가련하다
부모처자의 손을잡고 만단설화를 못해보고
정신차려 살펴보니 약탕관을 벌여놓고
지성구호 극진한들 죽을목숨을 살릴손가
옛늙은이 말들으니 저승길이 멀다드니
오늘내가 당해보니 대문밖이 저승이며
친구벗이 많다한들 어느누가 동행하며
부모형제가 많다한들 어느누가 대신가며
금은옥백이 많다한들 금은가져서 노자하리
공수래 공수건대 빈손빈몸으로 나왔다가
빈손빈몸 돌아갈 때 사자한쌍 동행되어
멀고먼길 가고가니 그아니도 가소롭나
구사당에 하직하고, 신사당에 허배하고
대문밖을 썩나서니, 적삼내의 손에들고
혼백불러 초혼하니 없던 곡성 낭자하다
일직사자 손을 끌고, 월직사자 등을밀어
풍우같이 재촉하여 천방지방 몰아갈제
높은데는 낮게밀고 낮은데는 높게민다
악의악식 모은재산 먹고가며 쓰고가랴
사자님요 사자님요 내말잠깐 들어주소.
시장한데 밥을먹고 신발이나 고쳐신고
쉬어가자 애걸한들 들은체도 아니하고
쇠뭉치로 등을 치며 어서가자 바삐가자
뉘분부라 거역하며 뉘명이라서 지체할까
이렁저렁 여러날에 저승원문 득달하니
우두나찰, 마두나찰 소리치며 달려들어
인정달라 비는구나, 인정쓸돈 한푼없다
담배곯고 모은 재산인정한푼 써볼손가,
저승으로 옮겨올까, 환전붙여 가져올까,
의복벗어 인정쓰며 열두대문 들어가니
무섭기도 끝이없고 두렵기도 측량없다.
대명하고 기다리니 옥사장이 분부듣고
남녀죄인을 등대할제 정신차려 살펴보니
열시왕이 좌개하고 최판관이 문서잡고
남녀죄인 잡아들여 다짐받고 문초할제
어두귀면 나찰들은 전후좌우 벌여서서
기치창검 삼엄한데 형벌기구 차려놓고
대상호령 기다리니 엄숙하기 측량없다
죄지경중 가리어서 차례대로 처결할제
도산지옥 화산지옥 한빙지옥 검수지옥
발설지옥 독사지옥 이침지옥 거해지옥
각처지옥 분부하여 모든죄인 처결한후
착한사람 불러들여 공경하며 대접하고
연화대로 가는사람 선경으로 가는사람
장생부사 하는사람 서환모의 사환되어
반도소임 맡은사람 요지연에 가는사람
백만군중 도둑되어 장수몸이 되는사람
극락으로 가는사람 각처낙지 찾아가서
극락장엄 살펴볼제 황금으로 땅이되고
백천지보 간직하여 산천강해 아주없고
평탄광박 염려하여 밝은 광명 영철함이
청억일월 화합한 듯 곳곳이도 보배낡이
칠중으로 둘렸으되 어떤낡은 순금이요
어떤낡은 순은이요 또다시 어떤낡은
황금으로 뿌리되고 백은으로 줄기되며
유리로서 가지뻗고 진주엽이 번성커든
자개화가 만발하여 많이과실 열렸으며
또다시 어떤낡은 근검지는 황금이요
화과엽은 백은이며 가지가지 보배낡이
금은유리 칠보로서 서로서로 역였는데
칠중난순 둘러있고 칠중난망 덮였으되
무비상묘 보배로다. 오백억천 묘화궁전
나무가지 사이마다 상하에 벌여있고
오백억천 동자들이 그궁전에 유희하되
광명있는 마니주로 화만영락 장엄일세
필종천풍 건듯불어 보수보양 나는소리
미묘하고 청절하여 백천풍악 진동하니
그소리 듣는사람 탐진번뇌 소멸하고
염불심이 절로나며 또다시 그나라에
백보색조 있아오되 백학이며 공작이며
기륭반가 공명조가 주야육시 우는소리
화아하고 미묘하여 무상법을 연설커든
듣는자가 감동하며 염불심이 격발하여
또다시 그국토에 가지가지 하늘꽃을
주야육시 펴주거든 중생들이 그꽃으로
시방세계 제불전에 들어가서 공양하고
순식간에 불어오고 죄보녀인 실로없고
칠보로 생긴못에 팔덕공수 충만하고
오색연화 피었거든 낱낱이도 광명이요
색색이도 보배로다. 극락세계 중생들이
희희낙락 즐기면서 과거본행 의논할제
나는과거 본행시에 염불삼매 성취하여
대승전에 독송하고 삼불전에 공양하며
국왕부모 충효하여 빈병걸인 보시하여
이극락에 나왔노라 나는과거 본행시에
욕되는일 능히참고 지혜를 수습하여
공경하고 하심하며 일체사람 권화하여
염불시킨 공덕으로 이극락에 나왔노라
나는과거 본행시에 탑사를 이육하고
불도량을 소쇄하고 죽는목숨 살려주고
청정계행을 수지하야 십선업을 수행하고
이극락에 나왔노라.
나는과거 본행시에 우물파서 보시하고
험한도로 수축하고 무거운짐 대신지며
새벽마다 서행하여 사성존께 예배하고
평원광야 정자심어 왕래인을 쉬게하고
유월염천 더운때에 참외심어 보시하고
큰강수에 배띄우고 작은냇물 다리놓고
왕래인을 통섭하며 산고곡심 험한길에
실로자를 지도하며 그믐칠야 밤길가는
저행인에 햇불주며 앞어두운 저맹인이
개천구렁 건너거든 붙들어서 인도하며
객사타향 거리송장 선심으로 묻어주고
사고무친 병든사람 지성으로 구원하여
이극락에 나왔노라.
나는과거 본행시에 십악오역 두루짓고
무간지옥을 가려하니 임종시에 선녀만나
겨우십년 염불하고 이극락에 나왔노라
천차만별 본행시를 이와같이 의론하며
후세불을 꿈꾸도다
어화세상 사람들아
젊었을 때 고행하여 후세노자 장만하여
극락세계 구경가세 삼일수심은 천재보요
백년탐불은 일조진인데 삼일동안 닦은공은
천년이가도 보배되고 백년동안 탐한재물
하루아침 티끌이네 공수래 공수(去)건데
단백년을 못살인생 몽중같은 인생살이
물위의 거품이요 위수의 부평초라
칠팔십을 살더라도 일장춘몽의 꿈이로다.
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最强昌珉 (최강창민) - Alien
장혜진 - 위로
Hangul / Romanized / Romanization
nahanmu ilsimbongcheong won-ageumcha jigeugjeongseong sogubal-won
daehanmingug nambugtong-il cheonhataepyeong gugtaemin-an
usunpungjo sihwayeonpung chamseonjaneun uidandoglo
yeombuljaneun sammaehyeonjeon gangyeongjaneun hyeantongtu
byeong-gojaneun jeugdeugkwaecha hag-eobjaneun udeungseongchwi
gong-eobjaneun gong-eobseongchwi mubogjaneun bogdeoggujog
danmyeongjaneun sumyeongjangsu jigmujaneun subunseongchwi
chuljeonjangbyeong wangbangmuye gwanjaeguseol samjaepalnan
uhwanjilbyeong yeong-yeongsomyeol
eogjochangsaeng manminnimne inemalsseum-eul deul-eoboso
isesang-e naonsalam seungjognamnyeoleul bulmunhago
nwideog-eulo nawassneunga seoggayeolae gongdeog-eulo
abeonimjeon ppyeoleulbilgo eomeonimjeon sal-eulbil-eo
chilseongnimjeon myeong-eulbilgo jeseognimjeon bog-eulbil-eo
sibsagman-e tansaenghani geu bumoga ulideul-eul
gilleonaelje eotteongonglyeog deul-eoss-eulkka
jinjalineun jabihasin bumonim-i nuusigo
maleunjalin aginubhyeo eumsigdo mas-eulbogo
sseungeos-eun bumonim-i jabsusigo dangeos-eun agimaeg-yeo
onyuwol jjaleunbam-e mogibindae tteud-eulsela
godanhasin mom-ijiman goelobdago anh-eusigo
datteol-eojin salbuchaelo seolleongseolleong heundeusimyeo
ongajsileum-eul dahasine,
dongjiseoddal seolhanpung-e baegseol-i hwinallimyeo
geujason-i chuulsela deop-eundeda deop-eojugo
oenjeoj-eul mullyeonohgo yeongtaeheolileul tugtagchimyeo
salang-e mosgyeowoseo bumonim-i hasinmalsseum
eunjadong-a geumjadong-a mancheobcheongsan bobaedong-a
sunjigeongon iwoldong-a nala-eneun chungsindong-a
bumo-eneun hyojadong-a dong-gigan-e uaedong-a
ilgachincheog hwamogdong-a chingugan-e sin-uidong-a
dongnebangne gwiyeomdong-a osaegbidan chaesaegdong-a
chaesaegbidan osaegdong-a soban-e guseuldong-a
gyeongjunamsan sujeongdong-a jogaeal-e jinjudong-a
geumeumbam-e hwaesbuldong-a chilnyeondaehan gamunnal-e
bisbalgat-i bangildong-a geum-euljumyeon neoleulsamyeo
eun-euljundeul neoleulsalya jamjaljago jalkeugeola
haneul-e guleum-il deus mungsilmungsil jalkeugeola
baeg-yangnamu haes-sundoddeus ujjul-ujjul jaljalala
molaebat-e subaggul deus dung-guldung-gul jalgulg-eola
cheontaesan pogpocheoleom julgichage jaljaleola
aejijungji gileunjeong-eun salammada
bumo-eungong saeng-gaghamyeon taesando mugeobjanhgo hahaedo gipjanhdoda.
eohwacheongchun beosnimneya ttohanmalsseum-eul deul-eoboso
taesangat-eun bumonimne salang-eulo seulha-eseo gohijala
isibjeonhu chulgahayeo jasonnah-a gilleoboni
bumo-eungong-eul moleulsonya bumo-eungong-eul gapjahani
heoyeongeon baegbal-iyo myeonchimoshal jug-eum-ila
geom-eunmeoli baegbaldoego gobdeon-eolgul juleumjabhyeo
gwikkaji cheolbyeogdoego bagssigat-i johdeon-iga hyeongcheeobs-i ppajyeoss-euni
igeosmando wontonghande cheongchundeul-eun naleulbogo manglyeong-ila haneunsoli
aedalmgodo jeoltonghada.
manglyeong-ila hyung-eulbogo guseogguseog usneunmoyang
aedalbgodo seol-eunjigo jeoltonghago tongbunhada
halsueobsda halsueobsda hong-anbaegbal neulg-eoganda
ingan-ui igongdoleul nwiganeunghi mag-eulsonya
chunchoneun nyeonnyeonlog-ina wangson-eun gwibulgwila
uliinsaeng neulg-eojimyeon dasijeolmjineun moshalila
yeobosio cheongchundeul-a negabonlae cheongchun-imyeo
naendeulbonlae baegbal-inya baegbal-ila usjimaso
kkoch-ilado laghwajimyeon odeonnabi aniogo
nalg-ilado gomog-imyeon nunmeonsaedo aniogo
bidan-osdo tteol-eojimyeon mulgeollelo dol-agago
joh-eun-eumsig swieojimyeon suchesgunyeong chaj-agane
hamulmyeo uliinsaeng neulg-eoseo jug-eojimyeon
hwajangjangteo gongdongmyoji bugmangsancheon-eul chaj-aganda
wonsujeongdeun-i jamkkan-ini jeolm-eoss-eulje gohaenghaso
eojesnal-e cheongchun-ideoni oneulnal-e baegbaldoego
achimnajeol seongteonmom-i jeonyeognajeol byeong-ideul-eo
seomseom-yagjil ganeun mom-e taesangat-eun byeong-ideuni
buleunani eomeoniyo chajneungeos-i naengsuloda
insamnog-yong yag-eulsseundeul yaghyohyeom-i iss-eulsonga
jaemisal-eul sseulgosseul-eo myeongsandaecheon-eul chaj-agaseo
sangtang-eneun meleuljisgo jungtang-eneun mog-yoghago
hatang-eneun sujogssihgo chogdaehanssang-eul beol-yeonohgo
hyanglohyanghab-e bulgajchugo sojihanjang-eul deonjinhue
binaida binaida jebuljecheon-e binaida
chilseongnimjeon bal-wonhago sinjangnimjeon gong-yanghandeul
eoneuseonghyeon al-eum-iss-eo gam-eung-ina halkkabonya
jeiljeon-e jingwangdaewang, jeijeon-e chogangdaewang,
jesamjeon-e songjedaewang, jesajeon-e ogwandaewang,
je-ojeon-e yeomladaewang, jeyugjeon-e byeonseongdaewang,
jechiljeon-e taesandaewang, jepaljeon-e pyeongdeungdaewang,
jegujeon-e dosidaewang, jesibjeon-e jeonlyundaewang
yeolsiwang-i bulin saja, iljigsaja, woljigsaja
yeolsiwang-ui myeong-eulbad-a hanson-eneun cheolbongdeulgo
tto hanson-e chang-geomdeulgo soesaseul-eul biskkyeochago
hwaldeung-gat-i gub-eungillo saldaegat-i dallyeowaseo
dad-eun mun-eul naebdachago loeseong-gat-i solichimyeo
seongmyeongsamja bulleonaeeo eoseogaja bappigaja
nwibunbula geoyeoghamyeo, nwimyeong-ila jichehalkka,
silnatgat-eun inaemom-i palttuggat-eun soesaseullo
gyeolbaghayeo kkeul-eonaeni honbibaegsan najuggessne,
yeobosio sajanimne nojasdondo gajgogage
mandangyeyu aegeolhandeul eoneusajaga deul-eulsonga
aegodabdab seol-unjigo igeol-eoi hajanmalga,
bulssanghada inae ilsin inganhajig mang-geughada.
myeongsasibli haedanghwaya kkochjindago seolwomala
myeongnyeonsam-wol bom-iomyeon neoneundasi pilyeonmaneun
uliinsaeng hanbeongamyeon dasiogineun eolyeowola
bugmangsancheon dol-agalje eoigalkko simsanheomlo
hanjeong-eobsneun gil-iloda eonjedasi dol-aoli
isesang-eul hajighani bulssanghago galyeonhada
bumocheojaui son-euljabgo mandanseolhwaleul moshaebogo
jeongsinchalyeo salpyeoboni yagtang-gwan-eul beol-yeonohgo
jiseong-guho geugjinhandeul jug-eulmogsum-eul sallilsonga
yesneulg-eun-i maldeul-euni jeoseung-gil-i meoldadeuni
oneulnaega danghaeboni daemunbakk-i jeoseung-imyeo
chingubeos-i manhdahandeul eoneunuga donghaenghamyeo
bumohyeongjega manhdahandeul eoneunuga daesingamyeo
geum-eun-ogbaeg-i manhdahandeul geum-eungajyeoseo nojahali
gongsulae gongsugeondae binsonbinmom-eulo nawassdaga
binsonbinmom dol-agal ttae sajahanssang donghaengdoeeo
meolgomeongil gagogani geuanido gasolobna
gusadang-e hajighago, sinsadang-e heobaehago
daemunbakk-eul sseognaseoni, jeogsamnaeui son-edeulgo
honbaegbulleo chohonhani eobsdeon gogseong nangjahada
iljigsaja son-eul kkeulgo, woljigsaja deung-eulmil-eo
pung-ugat-i jaechoghayeo cheonbangjibang mol-agalje
nop-eundeneun najgemilgo naj-eundeneun nopgeminda
ag-uiagsig mo-eunjaesan meoggogamyeo sseugogalya
sajanim-yo sajanim-yo naemaljamkkan deul-eojuso.
sijanghande bab-eulmeoggo sinbal-ina gochyeosingo
swieogaja aegeolhandeul deul-eunchedo anihago
soemungchilo deung-eul chimyeo eoseogaja bappigaja
nwibunbula geoyeoghamyeo nwimyeong-ilaseo jichehalkka
ileongjeoleong yeoleonal-e jeoseung-wonmun deugdalhani
udunachal, madunachal solichimyeo dallyeodeul-eo
injeongdalla bineunguna, injeongsseuldon hanpun-eobsda
dambaegolhgo mo-eun jaesan-injeonghanpun sseobolsonga,
jeoseung-eulo olmgyeoolkka, hwanjeonbut-yeo gajyeoolkka,
uibogbeos-eo injeongsseumyeo yeoldudaemun deul-eogani
museobgido kkeut-ieobsgo dulyeobgido cheuglyang-eobsda.
daemyeonghago gidalini ogsajang-i bunbudeudgo
namnyeojoein-eul deungdaehalje jeongsinchalyeo salpyeoboni
yeolsiwang-i jwagaehago choepangwan-i munseojabgo
namnyeojoein jab-adeul-yeo dajimbadgo munchohalje
eodugwimyeon nachaldeul-eun jeonhujwau beol-yeoseoseo
gichichang-geom sam-eomhande hyeongbeolgigu chalyeonohgo
daesangholyeong gidalini eomsughagi cheuglyang-eobsda
joejigyeongjung galieoseo chalyedaelo cheogyeolhalje
dosanjiog hwasanjiog hanbingjiog geomsujiog
balseoljiog dogsajiog ichimjiog geohaejiog
gagcheojiog bunbuhayeo modeunjoein cheogyeolhanhu
chaghansalam bulleodeul-yeo gong-gyeonghamyeo daejeobhago
yeonhwadaelo ganeunsalam seongyeong-eulo ganeunsalam
jangsaengbusa haneunsalam seohwanmoui sahwandoeeo
bandosoim mat-eunsalam yojiyeon-e ganeunsalam
baegmangunjung dodugdoeeo jangsumom-i doeneunsalam
geuglag-eulo ganeunsalam gagcheonagji chaj-agaseo
geuglagjang-eom salpyeobolje hwang-geum-eulo ttang-idoego
baegcheonjibo ganjighayeo sancheonganghae ajueobsgo
pyeongtangwangbag yeomlyeohayeo balg-eun gwangmyeong yeongcheolham-i
cheong-eog-il-wol hwahabhan deus gosgos-ido bobaenalg-i
chiljung-eulo dullyeoss-eudoe eotteonnalg-eun sungeum-iyo
eotteonnalg-eun sun-eun-iyo ttodasi eotteonnalg-eun
hwang-geum-eulo ppulidoego baeg-eun-eulo julgidoemyeo
yuliloseo gajippeodgo jinjuyeob-i beonseongkeodeun
jagaehwaga manbalhayeo manh-igwasil yeollyeoss-eumyeo
ttodasi eotteonnalg-eun geungeomjineun hwang-geum-iyo
hwagwayeob-eun baeg-eun-imyeo gajigaji bobaenalg-i
geum-eun-yuli chilboloseo seoloseolo yeog-yeossneunde
chiljungnansun dulleoissgo chiljungnanmang deop-yeoss-eudoe
mubisangmyo bobaeloda. obaeg-eogcheon myohwagungjeon
namugaji saimada sangha-e beol-yeoissgo
obaeg-eogcheon dongjadeul-i geugungjeon-e yuhuihadoe
gwangmyeong-issneun manijulo hwaman-yeonglag jang-eom-ilse
piljongcheonpung geondeusbul-eo bosuboyang naneunsoli
mimyohago cheongjeolhayeo baegcheonpung-ag jindonghani
geusoli deudneunsalam tamjinbeonnoe somyeolhago
yeombulsim-i jeollonamyeo ttodasi geunala-e
baegbosaegjo iss-aodoe baeghag-imyeo gongjag-imyeo
gilyungbanga gongmyeongjoga juyayugsi uneunsoli
hwaahago mimyohayeo musangbeob-eul yeonseolkeodeun
deudneunjaga gamdonghamyeo yeombulsim-i gyeogbalhayeo
ttodasi geugugto-e gajigaji haneulkkoch-eul
juyayugsi pyeojugeodeun jungsaengdeul-i geukkoch-eulo
sibangsegye jebuljeon-e deul-eogaseo gong-yanghago
sunsiggan-e bul-eoogo joebonyeoin sillo-eobsgo
chilbolo saeng-ginmos-e paldeoggongsu chungmanhago
osaeg-yeonhwa pieossgeodeun natnat-ido gwangmyeong-iyo
saegsaeg-ido bobaeloda. geuglagsegye jungsaengdeul-i
huihuinaglag jeulgimyeonseo gwageobonhaeng uinonhalje
naneungwageo bonhaengsie yeombulsammae seongchwihayeo
daeseungjeon-e dogsonghago sambuljeon-e gong-yanghamyeo
gug-wangbumo chunghyohayeo binbyeong-geol-in bosihayeo
igeuglag-e nawassnola naneungwageo bonhaengsie
yogdoeneun-il neunghichamgo jihyeleul suseubhayeo
gong-gyeonghago hasimhamyeo ilchesalam gwonhwahayeo
yeombulsikin gongdeog-eulo igeuglag-e nawassnola
naneungwageo bonhaengsie tabsaleul iyughago
buldolyang-eul soswaehago jugneunmogsum sallyeojugo
cheongjeong-gyehaeng-eul sujihaya sibseon-eob-eul suhaenghago
igeuglag-e nawassnola.
naneungwageo bonhaengsie umulpaseo bosihago
heomhandolo suchughago mugeounjim daesinjimyeo
saebyeogmada seohaenghayeo saseongjonkke yebaehago
pyeong-wongwang-ya jeongjasim-eo wanglaein-eul swigehago
yuwol-yeomcheon deounttaee cham-oesim-eo bosihago
keungangsue baettuiugo jag-eunnaesmul dalinohgo
wanglaein-eul tongseobhamyeo sangogogsim heomhangil-e
sillojaleul jidohamyeo geumeumchil-ya bamgilganeun
jeohaeng-in-e haesbuljumyeo ap-eoduun jeomaeng-in-i
gaecheonguleong geonneogeodeun butdeul-eoseo indohamyeo
gaegsatahyang geolisongjang seonsim-eulo mud-eojugo
sagomuchin byeongdeunsalam jiseong-eulo guwonhayeo
igeuglag-e nawassnola.
naneungwageo bonhaengsie sib-ag-oyeog dulujisgo
muganjiog-eul galyeohani imjongsie seonnyeomanna
gyeousibnyeon yeombulhago igeuglag-e nawassnola
cheonchamanbyeol bonhaengsileul iwagat-i uilonhamyeo
husebul-eul kkumkkudoda
eohwasesang salamdeul-a
jeolm-eoss-eul ttae gohaenghayeo husenoja jangmanhayeo
geuglagsegye gugyeong-gase sam-ilsusim-eun cheonjaeboyo
baegnyeontambul-eun iljojin-inde sam-ildong-an dakk-eungong-eun
cheonnyeon-igado bobaedoego baegnyeondong-an tamhanjaemul
haluachim tikkeul-ine gongsulae gongsu(geo)geonde
danbaegnyeon-eul mos-sal-insaeng mongjung-gat-eun insaengsal-i
mul-wiui geopum-iyo wisuui bupyeongchola
chilpalsib-eul saldeolado iljangchunmong-ui kkum-iloda.
Find more lyrics at mykpop.jspinyin.net
회심곡 (回心曲) 2 – English Translation
Nahan Soo Cheongwon Cheong
Korea South Bureau
Woo Soon-hoon
The salt of the salt is
In the case of the union,
The number of sponsors
Adjust for the perpetrator.
Whether to be a person who is in this world
I came to Goggu,
I borrowed my father’s bones.
I want to bite before Chilsung.
The parents are born in the middle of
How did you do what your work
Jin-ri, the parents who are merciful
Dry skewing baby lying down food
What you write is a parent,
Mosquito Bean Bean Dean Cerama
I’m a high body, but I’m not afraid.
It shakes with a mild living
Do all kinds of corrections,
I am afraid that I am a
The hand covered the chamber.
I put the leftover of the left and put the waist
I can not love it because my parents
The automatic ah goldsu
In the country,
In the parents,
I am a friend,
Dong Neighborhood Divine
Coloring Silk Ale Brothers
Gyeongju Namsan Suffine
On the end of the year,
If you give me a half-way,
I gave me you sleeping.
I think it’s a cloud in the sky.
Baekhan tree mood
It’s a good idea to have a bump on the sand.
I’ll take care of it like a waterfall.
Everyone on the remains
If you think of your parents, Taishan is heavier and it’s deep.
I also listen to the Word.
Taishan’s parents like your love,
Twenty and rearing before and after,
I do not know my parents.
I do not know what to do.
Black hair is grayed and curled
The ear is ironed and I was like a bad shape,
This is also a cylinder, but youths see me
It is a baby.
The shape of the corner and smile
Ah, he is a highway,
I can not do it.
I have a remarkable movie.
Chun Chun, the old man,
If we are old, you will not be young again.
Honey, youth, you are your original youth
Do not laugh because of the original white hair?
If the flower is locked,
Even if it is an edible,
When the silk clothes fall,
If good food is resting,
When we are old,
Cosmetic Patterns Co-Cemetery
The enemy is a little bit,
I’m a youth on last day,
The morning of the morning,
It is a cold water to find my mother.
Ginseng meals
I sweep the fun and sweep it.
In the Galls,
I have a pair of aquaculture,
After throwing a piece of possessions on the incense,
Bina is Bina.
Chilsung Fire,
Which nature you know,
The first before the first minute,
The King of Songjung,
Demonstration of the Great King,
Daesan Daesan,
The Daemun Wang,
Lion, a full lion,
I will take the name of the opening,
In addition, the window can be made in one hand
I will rush like a bow like a bow.
I have a closed door.
Let’s call it.
I am born, and I will delay it,
The same body is a chains
I will pull the strap and pull it.
Honey Come on.
Only one of the people who have been
I do not know what to do this.
It is a pity that is a human retardment.
I do not want to be a flower
If you come to Spring in Spring,
If you go to our life,
I will go back to the north of the North.
Limited Length When I come back again
It’s a poor and tired of this world.
I can not only make the hands of my parents
I looked at the spirit of mentally,
Intelligent relief criminals
The old man says,
Today I am in the door,
I have a lot of friends.
I have a lot of parent brothers,
I have a lot of gold,
I came to the empty-handed body of the air.
When you go back to your hands,
It’s a far and goes.
I rotten the gate,
I have a mixed song.
Drag the hand of a job, pushing a monthly lion, etc.
I promise to be a wind,
High, low and low,
Evil’s oblique mosquitoes eating and writing
Lion, lion, please give me a second.
I have a market, I eat rice, shoes or fix it
Let’s take a rest.
Let’s go and go to the iron.
I will be born after a comment,
I have a lot of money on my day.
I ran out of the chestnut,
I do not know what to do.
Cigarette and collected property recognition
Will you move to the end,
I am wearing a peripheral and I’m entering the twelve.
There is no end of the scary, and it is no surprise.
I am looking forward to seeing the member
I looked at the men and women who will be able to lighthouse.
The opening of the heat is left and the minimum pavilion is holding the document
I have a males and I will hold it for a compaction.
If you are dark, the scores are
The banner window is a three-year-old,
I have no surveying to wait for the destination.
I’m going to see you in turn.
Gosan Hell’s Volcano Jankan Haning Ji Ok Hell Hell
Hell’s Hell’s Hell’s Hell Hell
After the hell,
Honorable person,
A person who goes to the festival
People who visited life
People who are in charge of the semiconductor
A person who becomes a thief of the millions of people
I went to a paradise.
It’s a paradise.
I keep a hundred thousand,
I am concerned about flat light,
I feel like it’s unbounded by the audience
I have been shading with seventh, but somewhere.
Some worship is this again
It is rooted into gold and stems with a back silver
As a glass,
The father was open and opened a lot.
Another time, no idea is gold.
The festival is a back,
The gold was a glass of glass as a side.
I’m surrounded by Seventh, and I covered it.
Movie treasure. 50 million thousand
The five hundred million people are played in the Palace.
Gwangmyeong Man’s Magi
I do not know what to do.
Subtle and jetted,
The sound of the sound of the ridiculous trust
I am in the heart of my life
There is a backborne bath,
The trees of the trees
Hwa and subtle,
The listening person is impressed,
Again, the sky flowers in the country
I’m looking for a week.
I entered before my life,
I’m in an instant,
I am full of army,
It’s a color of a color.
Color is also treasured. Paradise world regeneration
Have you either enjoying the past,
I am achieved in the past,
Bulletinals and trifluorine
I see the Korean parents,
I came to the piracrock, I am in the past
Refer to the wisdom of wisdom
I came to the piracrock with a bad mall.
I am sick of the top of the past
Solve the lives of the fire and die
We have to do a cleaning bank for resin.
I got out of this Arcock.
I see the wells in the past.
It shrinks with a rough road,
Surrounded by dawn,
Plain wilderness sperm
Paddy Temple Shorten
I will be rejected in a big rainfall and put a little stream bridge.
It’s a ridiculous,
I guess I’m in the year,
In the furnace,
I crossed a bare man,
Given the guest,
Saved with a sick person’s intelligence
I got out of this Arcock.
I am a tricky omnidist when I opened the past
I will go to a midnight,
I have been in a pyramquin,
When I am in the car,
Dream of a dock
People in the world
When you are young,
The paradise world view,
One hundred years, is a sunshine,
The millennium is also treasured and the rich riches for a hundred years
One morning, it is a river. (去)
Life of life without protein
Bubble of the water
Even if you live in seventeen, one dream of one hundred dreams.
Find more lyrics at mykpop.jspinyin.net
Lyrics 월봉스님 – 회심곡 (回心曲) 2 가사
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