Lyrics 정윤형 – 박망파 싸움부터 공명 주유를 격동시키는 대목 까지 가사
Singer: 정윤형
Title: 박망파 싸움부터 공명 주유를 격동시키는 대목 까지
공명이 그제야 감탄하고 함루허며, “천단한 재주를 버리지 아니허시니 현주를 도와 견마지력을 다하겠나니다.” 현덕이 반겨 듣고 운장과 익덕을 불러 단례를 나눈 후에, “이 사람은 내 둘째 아우 운장이요, 이는 내 셋째 아우 익덕이옵니다.” 공명이 반겨 허며 아우 균을 불러, “이 애, 균아, 유, 관, 장, 세분께서 날 같은 천사를 대접코저 포수금백 예물로써 삼고초려 지극허시니 지은을 난망이라, 이 몸을 허락허니, 후원의 매화를 버리지 말며, 내 공성신퇴할 날이나 기다려라.”, “예, 형장은 대사 성공하시고 수이 환가하시기 바라나니다.” 아우에게 이렇듯 당부허고 현덕과 신야로 돌아오니, 병불만천이요, 장불만십이라, 천하사를 의논 헐 제, 이때으 운장은 못마땅히 여겨, “공명이 나이 어리고 진실한 재조 없거늘, 형장이 너무 태과히 대접함이 불가한가 하나니다.” 현덕 왈, “내가 공명을 얻음이 고기 물을 얻음과 같는지라, 아우는 그런 말 허지 말라.” 하로난 공명이 허는 말이 “주공, 빨리 군사를 초모하소서.” 현덕이 백성 삼천인을 모집하야 공명이 시시로 진법을 가르치되, 때마침 조 조가 하후 돈으로 하여금 십만 군을 이끌고 짓쳐온다 하거늘 공명 왈, “운장이 군령을 아니 들을 것 같사오니 칼과 인을 빌리소서.” 현덕이 허락허고,
일일은 공명이 장대으 높이 올라 제장을 분발헐 제, “운장은 일천군을 거느리고 안림 숲을 가만히 매복허였다가, 적병이 지나되 양초 뒤에 있을 것이니, 남방 봉화를 보아 박망성 향허여 양초으 불을 놓으라. 조 운은 선봉이 되어 적장을 유인허고, 익덕은 중군이 되어 적군이 이르거든 일시으 엄살허라. 주공은 일군을 거느리고 뒤를 접응하소서.” 운장, 익덕 대소 왈, “우리는 적군을 막거니와, 그대는 집 속에 편히 있고저 헌단 말가?” 공명이 호령허되, “칼과 인이 예 있거날, 위령자는 참하리라.” 벽력같은 호령 소리, 위엄이 추상같다. 현덕이 무안허여, “현제여, 현제여, 운주유악지중 결승천리지외를 어이 모르는고? 두 아우는 추호 영을 어기지 말라.” 이때여 하후돈, 우금, 이전이 박망파으 이르러 현덕 진을 보더니 대소허며 허는 말이, “견양을 몰아다가 맹호를 침범함이로다.”
조운이 말을 놓아 급급히 달려오다 하후돈과 서로 맞어 십여 합 싸우더니, 조운이 패하는체 오던 길로 닫는지라, 하후돈 의기양양, 쫓기로 작정허니, 우금과 이전이 왈, “적을 경시허면 패한다 하였으니, 길이 좁고, 갈수석과 수목이 총잡헌듸, 만일 불로 치거드면 그 일을 어쩌리요?” 돈이 듣고 옳게 여겨 군사를 거둔지라. 뜻밖에 사면에서 화광이 충천, 화성은 우루루루루루 후닥딱 꿍. 자룡이 말을 놓아 좌충우돌 쫓아오니, 하후 돈 대경허여 쥐 숨듯 도망허고, 그 뒤 장익덕은 고리눈 부릅뜨고, “네 이놈, 우 금, 이 전아, 닫지 말고 창 받어라.” 우레같은 큰 소리 산악이 깨어진 듯, 우 금을 몰아치고 또 그 뒤를 바라보니 후봉대장 관운장이라. 벽력같은 큰 소리으 이 전이 황급하야 정신없이 달아날 제, 그때으 공명 선생, 군사를 거둔지라, 공명의 신기모산 귀신도 난측이라. 운장, 익덕 이하 장졸들이 모두 다 경탄을 허는구나.
공명의 높은 재조, 박망으 소둔허고, 두번째 출전허여 백하에 엄몰허니, 공명 선생 높은 이름, 삼국이 진동터라. 그때여 조승상은 팔십만 병 거느리고 손권으게 격서를 보낸지라. 조조 격서를 손권이 본 연후 모책을 의논헐 제, 노숙이 여짜오되, “동오와 서한이 기왕 화친 약조허였으니, 원컨대, 현주께서는 강하에 가옵시어, 유비와 동심 합력하시여 조조 진을 치올진대, 가히 대사를 이루리다.” 손권이 옳게 여겨 노숙을 강하로 보낸지라. 이때으 유현덕은 조조 파할 묘책을 상의헐 제 수문장이 여짜오되, “강동 손권의 밀사 노숙이 와서 뵈옵겠다 허옵니다.” 공명 듣고 대소허며, “이제는 좋은 일이 생겼도다. 대사를 이루리라. 노숙이 우리 군중을 탐지하러 온 일이니, 만일 조조 동정을 묻삽거든 나에게로 미루소서.” 노숙을 청하여 현덕과 면담헐 제, “유현주의 높은 말씀 들은 지 오래오나, 조조와 싸워보니 장졸 병세가 어떠허더니까?”, “그 일은 공명 선생이 아나니다.” 노숙이 다시 공명과 면담헐 제, “선생이 기왕 전쟁에 허신허셨으면 어진 인군을 도움이 떳떳한 일이어늘, 무도한 유황숙을 무엇하러 따라오셨나니까?
나를 따라 강동 갑세, 나를 따라 강동 가세, 우리나라 손장군은 총명인혜허고, 경현례사허며, 육군을 웅거허며, 장병이 십만이요, 군량이 무한허고, 문무가 구비허여 영웅이 집래허니, 나를 따라 강동 가면 대사성공헐 것이니 나를 따라감이 어떠허오?”
공명이 거짓 속은 체 가기로 허락허고 현주께 하직허니, 현덕이 탄식허되, “분분한 천하 득실 선생만 믿삽거든 이게 웬 말씀이요?” 공명이 현덕 전 은근히 여짜오되, “삼국이 분분헌 중 위부 오강허고 한실이 미약허니, 오나라에 한번 들어가 손 권을 달래이고 주 유를 격동시켜 조 조를 치게 한 연후 수이 돌아올 것이니, 자룡에게 군사 백 명만 주어, 금월 동짓달 이십일 갑자시 남병산 하 오강 뒤로 보내시되, 삼가 어기지 마옵소서.”
하직허고 물러나와, 공명의 거동 보소. 머리의 팔각 윤건, 몸에난 학창의라. 백운선 손에 들고 오나라 들어갈 제, 일엽편주 급하도다. 노 숙이 인도허여 관역 안일헐 제, 공명이 좌정 후 좌우를 살펴보니, 아관박대 장수 등 이십여인이 공명으게 허는 말이, “선생은 관중악의 지재를 흉중으 품었다 허옵는디, 유 현주는 선생 얻기 이전보다 더함이 없사오니, 그리고 어찌 장자방의 재조에 비교허리요?” 공명이 대답허되, “붕비만리에 군조가 기지하지요?” 공명의 높은 언재 그 뉘랴 당하리요. 이때 황 개 크게 소리쳐 좌우를 꾸짖어 왈, “대사 급박헌디 무슨 수작이 장황헌고? 선생은 관용하시옵고 주공과 의논허시와 좋은 모책을 이르사이다.”
공명 선생 손 권에게 들어가니, “선생의 높은 말씀 들은 지 오랜지라. 선생의 힘을 빌려 조 조를 폐허코저 허나니다.” 공명이 이른 말이, “주공은 힘 알어 항복을 허옵소서.” 손 권이 대노하야, “그러면 유 현주는 어찌헐지?” 공명이 대답허되,
“우리 성군 유 현주는 한실이 종친이요, 지혜 있고 재주 있어 의기가 넉넉허여 세상으 덮었으니, 남의 나라에 굴허리요?” 손 권이 대노하야 좌우를 돌아보며, “네 급히 번양에가 주 유를 불러오라.” 이 때 사자 급히 보내어 주 유를 청해 들여 공명과 면담할 제, “선생의 높은 재조 들은 지 오래오나, 인제 보니 만시지탄. 선생의 깊은 꾀를 이르사 적을 막게 허옵소서.” 공명이 대답허되, “강동은 염려 없고 편한 일이 있더니다.”, “무슨 일로 편하리까?”, “조 조 내심 음흉하야, 동작대 지은 뜻은 강동을 무찌르고 교공의 딸 천하일색, 대교, 소교, 두 계집을 양편에다 거나리고 호강코저 헌 일이니, 만일으 두 계집을 조 조으게 보내시면 강동은 염려 없이 그 아니 편하리오?” 주 유 듣고 화를 내어, “선생은 그 속을 어찌 아오?”, “조 조의 둘째아들 동작대 지은 글을 사방 선비 외우기로 나도 그 글을 외웠내다.”, “그 글 좀 들어지이다.” 공명이 좌정헌 후 글을 잠깐 외우난듸, “종명후이희유혜여 등층대이오정이요, 견태부지광개혜여 관성덕지소영이며, 건고문지차아혜여 부쌍궐호태청이요, 입중천지화관혜여 연비각호서성이며, 임장수지장류혜여 망원과지자영이요, 입쌍대어좌우혜여 유옥룡여금봉이며, 남이교어동남혜여 낙조석지여공이라.”
주유 듣고 분노허여 칼을 들어 문을 치며, “음골의 노적놈이 그다지 무례헌가?” 공명이 모르는 체, “옛날 한고조도 흉노를 달래여서 화친을 허였거든, 나라 대사 위급헌듸 민간의 아녀자를 그다지 아끼리까?”
주 유 이른 말이, “선생은 모르리다. 대교라 하는 이는 내 손 백부의 안댁이요, 소교라 하는 이는 나의 아내외다.” 공명이 놀래는 체, “에, 그게 웬 말씀이요? 나는 과연 모르고 실언을 허였나니다.” 주 유 또 이른 말이, “선생은 어쨌든 힘을 모아 조 조를 패케 허소서.” 허고 손 권에게 들어가니 손 권이 주 유에게 허는 말인즉, “조조가 기병허여 하구에 둔취허고 격서를 보냈으니 이 일을 어쩌리요!”
주유 듣고 대답허되, “노적이 방자하야 우리를 능욕허니, 결단코 늙은 도적을 산 채로 잡아오겠내다.” 손권이 대희하야 즉석에서 주유를 대도독으로 삼은지라, 주유는 물러나와 공명에게 묻는 말이, “팔십만 대적군을 무엇으로 대전허리요?” 공명이 속마음에 불로 쳐야 할 것인 줄 엄연히 알면서도 짐짓 대답허는 말이, “살로 대전하리이다.” 주유 내념에, “저런 것을 어찌 모사라 헐 것인고?” 공명 죽일 작정으로, “그러면 지금부터 열흘 말미 줄 것이니, 선생은 어찌허든 살 십만개를 만드시오.” 공명이 이른 말이, “적선이 가까운디 열흘을 가오리까? 삼일 말미만 주사이다.” 주유 더욱 기뻐허여, “그러면 군령에 다짐허오.”. “다짐허지요.” 다짐허고 물러나와 노숙께 허는 말이, “주도독이 삼일간에 살 십만 개를 만들라 허오니 어디가 얻어올꼬?” 노숙이 대답허되, “자취지화근이니 뉘를 원망허오리까?”
“자경은 나를 도와, 군사 백 명과 전선 십여 척에 대와 섶을 많이 실어 청포장으로 둘러 주며 살을 얻어오리이다.” 노 숙 왈, “살은 어디가 얻나니까?”, “아, 적벽강 조 조에게 얻어오지요.” 노 숙 듣고 어이없어, “여보, 그런 푸석푸석한 말 마오. 차라리 여기 앉어 통 죽음을 허고 말지, 거기 가서 더운 죽음을 헌단 말이요?” 공명 함소 왈, “못 얻으면 죽는 게 아니겠소? 내 말대로만 허여 주오.”, “그대로 허여주지.”
공명 선생 배를 타고 적벽강으로 떠들어갈 제, 일락서산 황혼 되어 안개 차차 강산을 덮는지라. 쟁, 북, 광쇠, 바라를 일제히 뛰다려 나발은 홍앵홍앵홍앵. 고함을 뒤지르며 중강에 떴구나. 조조 장수 모개, 우금, 조조으게 품고허되, “적선이 들어오니 어서 방비허사이다.” 조 조 듣고 이른 말이, “안개가 끼었으니 아예 요동허지 말고 활로만 대고 쏘라.” 또 육진으 분부허여 장요, 허저를 불러들여, “궁노수 삼천 명을 강변에 급히 보내 북소리 나는 곳을 그저 활로 쏘게 하라.” 이렇듯 영을 받고 수만 조 조 군사 일시으 달려들어 활을 쏘니 허다한 많은 살이 공명 탄 배 갈섶에가 모두 다 박힌지라. 만선이 되도록 살을 많이 받은 후으, “승상이 살을 이다지 후히 주니 은혜 백골난망이요.” 조조가 대노허여, “아차차차 둘렸구나. 네 바삐 공명을 잡어오라.” 장요, 허저, 비선 타고 아무리 쫓아간들 잡을 수가 있겠느냐.
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오왠 (O.WHEN) – Picnic
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gongmyeong-i geujeya gamtanhago hamluheomyeo, “cheondanhan jaejuleul beoliji aniheosini hyeonjuleul dowa gyeonmajilyeog-eul dahagessnanida.” hyeondeog-i bangyeo deudgo unjang-gwa igdeog-eul bulleo danlyeleul nanun hue, “i salam-eun nae duljjae au unjang-iyo, ineun nae sesjjae au igdeog-iobnida.” gongmyeong-i bangyeo heomyeo au gyun-eul bulleo, “i ae, gyun-a, yu, gwan, jang, sebunkkeseo nal gat-eun cheonsaleul daejeobkojeo posugeumbaeg yemullosseo samgocholyeo jigeugheosini jieun-eul nanmang-ila, i mom-eul heolagheoni, huwon-ui maehwaleul beoliji malmyeo, nae gongseongsintoehal nal-ina gidalyeola.”, “ye, hyeongjang-eun daesa seong-gonghasigo su-i hwangahasigi balananida.” auege ileohdeus dangbuheogo hyeondeoggwa sin-yalo dol-aoni, byeongbulmancheon-iyo, jangbulmansib-ila, cheonhasaleul uinon heol je, ittaeeu unjang-eun mosmattanghi yeogyeo, “gongmyeong-i nai eoligo jinsilhan jaejo eobsgeoneul, hyeongjang-i neomu taegwahi daejeobham-i bulgahanga hananida.” hyeondeog wal, “naega gongmyeong-eul eod-eum-i gogi mul-eul eod-eumgwa gatneunjila, auneun geuleon mal heoji malla.” halonan gongmyeong-i heoneun mal-i “jugong, ppalli gunsaleul ch#mohasoseo.” hyeondeog-i baegseong samcheon-in-eul mojibhaya gongmyeong-i sisilo jinbeob-eul galeuchidoe, ttaemachim jo joga hahu don-eulo hayeogeum sibman gun-eul ikkeulgo jischyeoonda hageoneul gongmyeong wal, “unjang-i gunlyeong-eul ani deul-eul geos gatsaoni kalgwa in-eul billisoseo.” hyeondeog-i heolagheogo,
il-il-eun gongmyeong-i jangdaeeu nop-i olla jejang-eul bunbalheol je, “unjang-eun ilcheongun-eul geoneuligo anlim sup-eul gamanhi maebogheoyeossdaga, jeogbyeong-i jinadoe yangcho dwie iss-eul geos-ini, nambang bonghwaleul boa bagmangseong hyangheoyeo yangcho-eu bul-eul noh-eula. jo un-eun seonbong-i doeeo jeogjang-eul yuinheogo, igdeog-eun jung-gun-i doeeo jeoggun-i ileugeodeun ilsieu eomsalheola. jugong-eun ilgun-eul geoneuligo dwileul jeob-eunghasoseo.” unjang, igdeog daeso wal, “ulineun jeoggun-eul maggeoniwa, geudaeneun jib sog-e pyeonhi issgojeo heondan malga?” gongmyeong-i holyeongheodoe, “kalgwa in-i ye issgeonal, wilyeongjaneun chamhalila.” byeoglyeoggat-eun holyeong soli, wieom-i chusang-gatda. hyeondeog-i muanheoyeo, “hyeonjeyeo, hyeonjeyeo, unjuyuagjijung gyeolseungcheonlijioeleul eoi moleuneungo? du auneun chuho yeong-eul eogiji malla.” ittaeyeo hahudon, ugeum, ijeon-i bagmangpa-eu ileuleo hyeondeog jin-eul bodeoni daesoheomyeo heoneun mal-i, “gyeon-yang-eul mol-adaga maengholeul chimbeomham-iloda.”
joun-i mal-eul noh-a geubgeubhi dallyeooda hahudongwa seolo maj-eo sib-yeo hab ssaudeoni, joun-i paehaneunche odeon gillo dadneunjila, hahudon uigiyang-yang, jjochgilo jagjeongheoni, ugeumgwa ijeon-i wal, “jeog-eul gyeongsiheomyeon paehanda hayeoss-euni, gil-i jobgo, galsuseoggwa sumog-i chongjabheondui, man-il bullo chigeodeumyeon geu il-eul eojjeoliyo?” don-i deudgo olhge yeogyeo gunsaleul geodunjila. tteusbakk-e samyeon-eseo hwagwang-i chungcheon, hwaseong-eun ulululululu hudagttag kkung. jalyong-i mal-eul noh-a jwachung-udol jjoch-aoni, hahu don daegyeongheoyeo jwi sumdeus domangheogo, geu dwi jang-igdeog-eun golinun buleubtteugo, “ne inom, u geum, i jeon-a, dadji malgo chang bad-eola.” ulegat-eun keun soli san-ag-i kkaeeojin deus, u geum-eul mol-achigo tto geu dwileul balaboni hubongdaejang gwan-unjang-ila. byeoglyeoggat-eun keun solieu i jeon-i hwang-geubhaya jeongsin-eobs-i dal-anal je, geuttaeeu gongmyeong seonsaeng, gunsaleul geodunjila, gongmyeong-ui singimosan gwisindo nancheug-ila. unjang, igdeog iha jangjoldeul-i modu da gyeongtan-eul heoneunguna.
gongmyeong-ui nop-eun jaejo, bagmang-eu sodunheogo, dubeonjjae chuljeonheoyeo baegha-e eommolheoni, gongmyeong seonsaeng nop-eun ileum, samgug-i jindongteola. geuttaeyeo joseungsang-eun palsibman byeong geoneuligo songwon-euge gyeogseoleul bonaenjila. jojo gyeogseoleul songwon-i bon yeonhu mochaeg-eul uinonheol je, nosug-i yeojjaodoe, “dong-owa seohan-i giwang hwachin yagjoheoyeoss-euni, wonkeondae, hyeonjukkeseoneun gangha-e gaobsieo, yubiwa dongsim hablyeoghasiyeo jojo jin-eul chioljindae, gahi daesaleul ilulida.” songwon-i olhge yeogyeo nosug-eul ganghalo bonaenjila. ittaeeu yuhyeondeog-eun jojo pahal myochaeg-eul sang-uiheol je sumunjang-i yeojjaodoe, “gangdong songwon-ui milsa nosug-i waseo boeobgessda heoobnida.” gongmyeong deudgo daesoheomyeo, “ijeneun joh-eun il-i saeng-gyeossdoda. daesaleul ilulila. nosug-i uli gunjung-eul tamjihaleo on il-ini, man-il jojo dongjeong-eul mudsabgeodeun na-egelo milusoseo.” nosug-eul cheonghayeo hyeondeoggwa myeondamheol je, “yuhyeonjuui nop-eun malsseum deul-eun ji olaeona, jojowa ssawoboni jangjol byeongsega eotteoheodeonikka?”, “geu il-eun gongmyeong seonsaeng-i ananida.” nosug-i dasi gongmyeong-gwa myeondamheol je, “seonsaeng-i giwang jeonjaeng-e heosinheosyeoss-eumyeon eojin ingun-eul doum-i tteostteoshan il-ieoneul, mudohan yuhwangsug-eul mueoshaleo ttalaosyeossnanikka?
naleul ttala gangdong gabse, naleul ttala gangdong gase, ulinala sonjang-gun-eun chongmyeong-inhyeheogo, gyeonghyeonlyesaheomyeo, yuggun-eul ung-geoheomyeo, jangbyeong-i sibman-iyo, gunlyang-i muhanheogo, munmuga gubiheoyeo yeong-ung-i jiblaeheoni, naleul ttala gangdong gamyeon daesaseong-gongheol geos-ini naleul ttalagam-i eotteoheoo?”
gongmyeong-i geojis sog-eun che gagilo heolagheogo hyeonjukke hajigheoni, hyeondeog-i tansigheodoe, “bunbunhan cheonha deugsil seonsaengman midsabgeodeun ige wen malsseum-iyo?” gongmyeong-i hyeondeog jeon eungeunhi yeojjaodoe, “samgug-i bunbunheon jung wibu ogangheogo hansil-i miyagheoni, onala-e hanbeon deul-eoga son gwon-eul dallaeigo ju yuleul gyeogdongsikyeo jo joleul chige han yeonhu su-i dol-aol geos-ini, jalyong-ege gunsa baeg myeongman jueo, geum-wol dongjisdal isib-il gabjasi nambyeongsan ha ogang dwilo bonaesidoe, samga eogiji maobsoseo.”
hajigheogo mulleonawa, gongmyeong-ui geodong boso. meoliui palgag yungeon, mom-enan hagchang-uila. baeg-unseon son-e deulgo onala deul-eogal je, il-yeobpyeonju geubhadoda. no sug-i indoheoyeo gwan-yeog an-ilheol je, gongmyeong-i jwajeong hu jwauleul salpyeoboni, agwanbagdae jangsu deung isib-yeoin-i gongmyeong-euge heoneun mal-i, “seonsaeng-eun gwanjung-ag-ui jijaeleul hyungjung-eu pum-eossda heoobneundi, yu hyeonjuneun seonsaeng eodgi ijeonboda deoham-i eobs-saoni, geuligo eojji jangjabang-ui jaejo-e bigyoheoliyo?” gongmyeong-i daedabheodoe, “bungbimanlie gunjoga gijihajiyo?” gongmyeong-ui nop-eun eonjae geu nwilya danghaliyo. ittae hwang gae keuge solichyeo jwauleul kkujij-eo wal, “daesa geubbagheondi museun sujag-i janghwangheongo? seonsaeng-eun gwan-yonghasiobgo jugong-gwa uinonheosiwa joh-eun mochaeg-eul ileusaida.”
gongmyeong seonsaeng son gwon-ege deul-eogani, “seonsaeng-ui nop-eun malsseum deul-eun ji olaenjila. seonsaeng-ui him-eul billyeo jo joleul pyeheokojeo heonanida.” gongmyeong-i ileun mal-i, “jugong-eun him al-eo hangbog-eul heoobsoseo.” son gwon-i daenohaya, “geuleomyeon yu hyeonjuneun eojjiheolji?” gongmyeong-i daedabheodoe,
“uli seong-gun yu hyeonjuneun hansil-i jongchin-iyo, jihye issgo jaeju iss-eo uigiga neogneogheoyeo sesang-eu deop-eoss-euni, nam-ui nala-e gulheoliyo?” son gwon-i daenohaya jwauleul dol-abomyeo, “ne geubhi beon-yang-ega ju yuleul bulleoola.” i ttae saja geubhi bonaeeo ju yuleul cheonghae deul-yeo gongmyeong-gwa myeondamhal je, “seonsaeng-ui nop-eun jaejo deul-eun ji olaeona, inje boni mansijitan. seonsaeng-ui gip-eun kkoeleul ileusa jeog-eul magge heoobsoseo.” gongmyeong-i daedabheodoe, “gangdong-eun yeomlyeo eobsgo pyeonhan il-i issdeonida.”, “museun illo pyeonhalikka?”, “jo jo naesim eumhyunghaya, dongjagdae jieun tteus-eun gangdong-eul mujjileugo gyogong-ui ttal cheonhailsaeg, daegyo, sogyo, du gyejib-eul yangpyeon-eda geonaligo hogangkojeo heon il-ini, man-il-eu du gyejib-eul jo jo-euge bonaesimyeon gangdong-eun yeomlyeo eobs-i geu ani pyeonhalio?” ju yu deudgo hwaleul naeeo, “seonsaeng-eun geu sog-eul eojji ao?”, “jo joui duljjaeadeul dongjagdae jieun geul-eul sabang seonbi oeugilo nado geu geul-eul oewossnaeda.”, “geu geul jom deul-eojiida.” gongmyeong-i jwajeongheon hu geul-eul jamkkan oeunandui, “jongmyeonghu-ihuiyuhyeyeo deungcheungdaeiojeong-iyo, gyeontaebujigwang-gaehyeyeo gwanseongdeogjisoyeong-imyeo, geongomunjichaahyeyeo bussang-gwolhotaecheong-iyo, ibjungcheonjihwagwanhyeyeo yeonbigaghoseoseong-imyeo, imjangsujijanglyuhyeyeo mang-wongwajijayeong-iyo, ibssangdaeeojwauhyeyeo yuoglyong-yeogeumbong-imyeo, nam-igyoeodongnamhyeyeo nagjoseogjiyeogong-ila.”
juyu deudgo bunnoheoyeo kal-eul deul-eo mun-eul chimyeo, “eumgol-ui nojeognom-i geudaji mulyeheonga?” gongmyeong-i moleuneun che, “yesnal hangojodo hyungnoleul dallaeyeoseo hwachin-eul heoyeossgeodeun, nala daesa wigeubheondui mingan-ui anyeojaleul geudaji akkilikka?”
ju yu ileun mal-i, “seonsaeng-eun moleulida. daegyola haneun ineun nae son baegbuui andaeg-iyo, sogyola haneun ineun naui anaeoeda.” gongmyeong-i nollaeneun che, “e, geuge wen malsseum-iyo? naneun gwayeon moleugo sil-eon-eul heoyeossnanida.” ju yu tto ileun mal-i, “seonsaeng-eun eojjaessdeun him-eul moa jo joleul paeke heososeo.” heogo son gwon-ege deul-eogani son gwon-i ju yuege heoneun mal-injeug, “jojoga gibyeongheoyeo hague dunchwiheogo gyeogseoleul bonaess-euni i il-eul eojjeoliyo!”
juyu deudgo daedabheodoe, “nojeog-i bangjahaya ulileul neung-yogheoni, gyeoldanko neulg-eun dojeog-eul san chaelo jab-aogessnaeda.” songwon-i daehuihaya jeugseog-eseo juyuleul daedodog-eulo sam-eunjila, juyuneun mulleonawa gongmyeong-ege mudneun mal-i, “palsibman daejeoggun-eul mueos-eulo daejeonheoliyo?” gongmyeong-i sogma-eum-e bullo chyeoya hal geos-in jul eom-yeonhi almyeonseodo jimjis daedabheoneun mal-i, “sallo daejeonhaliida.” juyu naenyeom-e, “jeoleon geos-eul eojji mosala heol geos-ingo?” gongmyeong jug-il jagjeong-eulo, “geuleomyeon jigeumbuteo yeolheul malmi jul geos-ini, seonsaeng-eun eojjiheodeun sal sibmangaeleul mandeusio.” gongmyeong-i ileun mal-i, “jeogseon-i gakkaundi yeolheul-eul gaolikka? sam-il malmiman jusaida.” juyu deoug gippeoheoyeo, “geuleomyeon gunlyeong-e dajimheoo.”. “dajimheojiyo.” dajimheogo mulleonawa nosugkke heoneun mal-i, “judodog-i sam-ilgan-e sal sibman gaeleul mandeulla heooni eodiga eod-eoolkko?” nosug-i daedabheodoe, “jachwijihwageun-ini nwileul wonmangheoolikka?”
“jagyeong-eun naleul dowa, gunsa baeg myeong-gwa jeonseon sib-yeo cheog-e daewa seop-eul manh-i sil-eo cheongpojang-eulo dulleo jumyeo sal-eul eod-eooliida.” no sug wal, “sal-eun eodiga eodnanikka?”, “a, jeogbyeoggang jo jo-ege eod-eoojiyo.” no sug deudgo eoieobs-eo, “yeobo, geuleon puseogpuseoghan mal mao. chalali yeogi anj-eo tong jug-eum-eul heogo malji, geogi gaseo deoun jug-eum-eul heondan mal-iyo?” gongmyeong hamso wal, “mos eod-eumyeon jugneun ge anigessso? nae maldaeloman heoyeo juo.”, “geudaelo heoyeojuji.”
gongmyeong seonsaeng baeleul tago jeogbyeoggang-eulo tteodeul-eogal je, illagseosan hwanghon doeeo angae chacha gangsan-eul deopneunjila. jaeng, bug, gwangsoe, balaleul iljehi ttwidalyeo nabal-eun hong-aenghong-aenghong-aeng. goham-eul dwijileumyeo jung-gang-e tteossguna. jojo jangsu mogae, ugeum, jojo-euge pumgoheodoe, “jeogseon-i deul-eooni eoseo bangbiheosaida.” jo jo deudgo ileun mal-i, “angaega kkieoss-euni aye yodongheoji malgo hwalloman daego ssola.” tto yugjin-eu bunbuheoyeo jang-yo, heojeoleul bulleodeul-yeo, “gungnosu samcheon myeong-eul gangbyeon-e geubhi bonae bugsoli naneun gos-eul geujeo hwallo ssoge hala.” ileohdeus yeong-eul badgo suman jo jo gunsa ilsieu dallyeodeul-eo hwal-eul ssoni heodahan manh-eun sal-i gongmyeong tan bae galseop-ega modu da baghinjila. man
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박망파 싸움부터 공명 주유를 격동시키는 대목 까지 – English Translation
Only then did the resonance admire and shout, “I will not abandon my ingenious talent, so I will do my best to help Hyunju.” After Hyun Deok greeted him and sang the verse with the luck and the luck, “This is my second brother’s luck, and this is my third brother’s luck.” Resonantly greeted and called the younger brother Gyun, “This boy, Kyun-ah, Yu, Kwan, Jang, and Seon made the angel like me as a gift for a catcher and a golden gift. Do not throw away the plum blossoms of, and wait for the day of my siege.”, “Yes, I hope you will succeed in the ambassador and celebrate Sui.” As I asked my brother to come back to Hyeondeok and Shinya, I was blessed with ten thousand and ten thousand and ten thousand, and I discussed the history of the world, and at this time I didn’t like the luck, “Resonance is old and there is no true reconciliation. I wonder if hospitality is impossible.” Hyunduk Wal said, “I have gained resonance as if I had gained meat and water, so don’t say that.” The words of Haronan Resonance are, “Jogong, quickly commemorate the military.” When Hyeon-deok recruits the 3,000 people of the people, the resonance teaches the truth of Shishi, but at the same time, Joe Joe hafus the money and leads over 100,000 troops. Resonance Wall says, “Let’s not hear the military commander. ” Hyunduk gives permission,
Every day, the resonance goes up to the pole and blows off the chief. “Woonjang was a thousand soldiers and ambushed the forest of Anrim, and the enemy soldiers passed by, but he was behind the candle. Let go. Cho Woon becomes the vanguard and lures the captain, and Ikdeok becomes the middle army. The main character, with a group of workers, will meet the back.” Woonjang, Ikdeok Daeso Wall, “We’re stopping the enemy, are you comfortable in the house and don’t mean it?” Resonance is commanded, “There will be swords and seals, and the memorial will be true.” The sound of a shout like a wall force and the dignity are abstract Hyun Deok, Muan Heo Yeo, “Hyeonjeyeo, Hyunjeyeo, Unju Yooakji, and the final Cheonjiri? Do not break the spirit of the two brothers.” At this time, Hahoodon, Woogeum, and Jeon came to the prospect and looked at Hyundeok Jin and said, “It is because they drove the sheep and invaded the fierce battle.”
Joun ran hurriedly and hurriedly ran into a fight with Hahudon, fighting for a dozen sums, and Joan closing down on the way that he was defeated. Hahoodon’s elation, determined to chase. The road is narrow, and the chief and the tree are grossly miserable. What if it is set on fire?” When you hear the money, take it right and take it. Unexpectedly, Hwa-gwang was filled with Hwang-gwang on the slope, and Hwaseong was tumbling. As Jeryong releases the horse and chases left and right, Hahoo Don Daekyunghe runs away like a rat, and then Jang Ik-deok screams, “Yeah, Woo Geum, Lee Jeon, don’t close, get the window.” The sound of a loud mountain, like a thunder, seems to be broken. Loud noises such as wall force make this war urgently fleeing, and at that time, the resonance teacher, the military, and the ghost of the resonance of the resonance are also difficult. Unjang and Ik-deok, all of them are admired.
High resonance of resonance, annealing of Park Mang, permission to participate in the second, sunk under the white, high name of the resonance teacher, and the Three Kingdoms. At that time, Cho Seung-sang sent 800,000 bottles and handed over the box. After Son Joon saw the Jojo Gyeokso, he said, “The Dong-O and Seo-Han were the oldest and oldest, and the Joo-Jin came to the river. Ambassador.” Son Kwon felt right and sent homelessness down. At this time, Yoo Hyun-deok asked my secretary to discuss the plans to break Jojo. Hearing the resonance, he says, “Now, something good has happened. I will make an ambassador. Homeless came to detect our crowd, and if you bury the sympathy of Jojo, delay it to me.” Asked the homeless and interviewed Hyeon-deok, “I have heard the words of high-spiritedism for a long time, but when I fought against Jojo, how did you get sick of it?”, “It’s not a resonance teacher.” Resonating and interviewing Nosook again, I said, “If the teacher vanished in the previous war, it was a pity to help the lost people. What did you do to follow Yoo Sook Hwang, who is reckless?
Gangdong Gapse to follow me, Gangdong to follow me, the general of Korea’s son general is Hye-in Hye-go, Kyung-Hyeon-rye-ha, and the troops, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, infinite military, and equipped with a munition. The ambassador will be successful, so how are you following me?”
Resonance is allowed to go through the false lies, and it’s not easy for Hyun Joo to be sighed, Hyun Deok sighs, “If you believe in a sensible teacher, what is this?” Resonance is quietly uttered before Hyun-duk said, “After the three kingdoms are distributing, the upper Oganghego Hansil is weak, and once he enters the Onara, he soothes his hand and inflicts oil and strikes Jo Jo. Give me only the people, and send them back on the 20th of this month, on the 20th of the month, at the back of Nam Byeong-san’s river, but don’t violate.”
Get out of the way and watch the resonance behaviour. The octagonal Yungeon of the head, the schoolboy in the body. Baek Woon-seon, I’m going to go into Onara, and I’m in a hurry. As Roh Sook was granted the guidance of India, and the resonant left and then looked at the left and right sides, twenty-six women, such as the longevity of Awan Bakdae, resonated, “The teacher embraced the intellectuals of the spectator music. There is nothing more than before, and how do you compare to the revival of Jangjabang?” The resonance replied, “Isn’t there a military base in Bungbi-ri?” I’m going to suffer from the high level of resonance. At this time, Hwang screamed loudly and scolded the left and right, saying, “What ambassador’s urgency? The teacher is tolerant and gives good counsel and discussion with the protagonist.”
Resonance teacher Son Kwon said, “It has been a long time since I heard the high words of the teacher. I use my teacher’s power to destroy Jo-Jo. The resonant said, “Let the Jugong know and surrender.” Son Kwon is very angry, “Then what will Yoo Hyun-ju do?” Resonance is answered,
“Our Seonggun Yoo Hyun-joo is a Korean slave, and he is wise and talented, so he has enough spirit to cover the world. Son Kwon turns to the left and right, and “Yeah hurry to the breeding and call for oil.” At this time, a messenger will be sent urgently to ask for refueling and interview with the resonance. Please teach me your deep tricks to stop the enemy.” The resonance replied, “Gangdong has no worries and comfort.”, “What will be comfortable with you?” If you send two chicks on both sides, and you’re doing it, it’s not easy for Gangdong without worry.” Hearing the anger and angrily, “How does the teacher know the inside?”, “I also memorized the writings of Jo Jo’s second son Dongjakdae, memorizing the writings everywhere.”, “I will listen to them.” After the resonance, Jeong-heon left, and wrote a brief note, “Jung-myeong Hui Hee-yeo Yeo is the second-degree of the high school. , Im Jang Soo Jang Ryu Hye Yeo Mangwon and Ji Ja Young, Ipsangdae Fish Left and Right Yeo Ok Ryong Yeo Geum Bong, and Nami Gyodong Nam Hye Yeo Nakjo Seok Ji Yeo.”
Hearing refueling, he was angry and raised the knife and struck the door. Regardless of the resonance, “Once the old Hanzozo quenched the anger, he gave up his anger, so why don’t you save a civilian woman who is an ambassador to the country?”
Yoo said, “The teacher doesn’t know. The person called Daekyo is not the home of my son Baekbu, and the person called Sokyo is not my wife.” Resonant surprises, “Eh, what do you mean? I didn’t know and made a false statement.” Yoo Yoo and another early saying, “Teacher, join forces anyway to defeat Joe Cho.” When he went to Kwon Kwon, Son Kwon said to Yoo Yoo, “What can we do with Jojo’s being a cavalry?
Hearing the oil and answering, “The Rogue must raid us to humiliate us, and I will never take the old rogue alive.” Sohn Kwon made great use of gasoline as a great poison on the fly, and as he stepped back, he asked the Resonant, “What do you do with the 800,000 enemy troops?” Regardless of the fact that resonance must be ignited by fire in his heart, the words that he replied to are dubbed, “I will fight with salo.” In the spirit of refueling, “Why would you destroy something like that?” With the intention of killing the resonance, “Then I’ll give you ten days from now, so make a hundred thousand to live anyway.” The resonant said, “Will the enemy ship go near ten days? It is an injection in less than three days.” I’m more pleased with the refueling, “Then promise to the military.”. “I promise you.” After resolving, he said to the homeless man, “Where do you get it because the lead dog asks you to make 100,000 dogs in three days?” The old man answered, “Would you blame you for being a trace trace?”
“The vigil will help me, and I will gain weight by wrapping up hundreds of soldiers and a dozen ships on the front line and wrapping them around with a blue package.” Sook-wal Noh, “Where do you get the flesh from?” No-sook, it’s stupid, “Honey, don’t be so stupid. Wouldn’t you rather sit down here and die, or go there and give yourself a hot death?” Resonator Hamsa said, “If you don’t get it, don’t you die? Only give me what I say.”, “Let me give it.”
I’m going to go to the Jeokbyeok River by a resonance teacher boat. Nabal, Hong-Ang-Hong-Ang, trying to run at the same time in seng, drum, mine, barra. You screamed and screamed in the middle river. Jojo Longevity, woogeum, and jojo hug, but, “Red ships come in. Jo Cho heard and said, “Because there is a fog, don’t shake at all, just shoot with a bow.” In addition, call Jang Yoo and Heo Heo, the commander of Yukjin, “Send 3,000 prisoners to the riverside so that they can shoot the drums with a bow.” In this way, tens of thousands of trillion trillions of military soldiers rush into the bow and shoot their bows. just
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Lyrics 정윤형 – 박망파 싸움부터 공명 주유를 격동시키는 대목 까지 가사
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