Lyrics 정윤형 – 오, 한 군사 분발하는 데 ~ 적벽화전 가사
Singer: 정윤형
Title: 오, 한 군사 분발하는 데 ~ 적벽화전
한가히 가는지라, 서 성, 정 봉 혼이 없어 겁주하여 돌아와서 그 사연을 회포하니, 주 유 듣고 탄식허되, “천지도 무심허다. 주 유를 내셨거든 공명을 내잖거나, 공명을 내셨거든 주 유를 내잖거나, 한 천하에 영웅을 이리 내 계시니, 허허 이 일을 어이헐꼬?” 질이 탄식허다, “아서라, 조 조를 먼저 치고 한나라를 후보헌 채 허자.” 약속을 다시 허고 수륙군 분발헐 제, 주 유가 삼국 명장 중에 수전으 제일 명장이었다.
“감 영은 채 중, 항졸 거나리고 조 조 진중 들어가 이화위호하라.” 전영의 태사자와, 좌영 여 몽, 중영 능 통, 우영 동 습, 후영 반 장 등은 각촌 삼천 수륙군 분발, 각처 매복허고, 병영군관 제일대 한 당이요, 제이대 취 태요, 제삼대 장 흠이요, 제사대 진 무 등은 삼백 전선 일자로 파열허고, 상부도독 주 유, 정 보, 서 성, 정 봉, 선봉장으 육 손이라. 주 유 장중으 하령허되, “병법으 이르기를, 승화연여운하야 일제 웅진허고, 봉총의 부휴대허여 산붕여장도라 허였으니, 황 개 화선 거화 보아 황혼시 호령출을 각선으 청후하라.”
이때여 공명이는 일엽 풍범 빨리 놓아 본국으로 돌아와 현덕을 뵈온 후로,
금고를 꿍꿍 울리면서 장졸을 분발헌다. 진암장군 자룡 불러, “그대는 삼천 병마 거나리고 오림 갈대 숲속에 둔병 매복허였다가, 조병이 절반이나 지내거든 불 놓아 엄살하라.” 장익덕 불러, “그대도 삼천 병마 거나리고 호로곡으 복병하여 있으면 내일 오시에 조 조 비 맞고 그리 갈 것이니 엄살하야 사로잡으라. 이번 출전은 익덕의 공이 적지 아니허리라.” 미 방, 미 축, 유 봉 삼장을 불러, “그대는 어선인 체 강상으 둥실 높이 떴다 조 조 패군 기계를 앗어 오라.” 이렇듯이 분발헐 제,
한 장수 들어온다, 한 장수 들어와. 봉목을 부릅뜨고, 삼각수 거사리고, 청룡도 비껴들고 호기 있게 들어와 궤좌허여 여짜오되, “과연 소장이 팔년간과의 척촌지공은 없사오나, 허다한 전장으 낙후함이 없삽더니, 여차 환란시으 소장을 쓰지 아니허니 생불여사라, 죽기만 같지 못하외다.”
공명 왈, “장군을 의논컨대, 용맹이 출천하고 지혜 무궁헌 줄 내 이미 알거니와, 그대, 황건적 폐를 만나, 조 조 나라 들어가 깊은 은혜를 입어, 조 조를 잡고도 도로 놓고 올 듯 허기에 이번 소임을 정치 아니한 것이니 허물치 말라.” 관공이 여짜오되, “재연후 지정중이요, 도연후 지장단이라, 군중에 무사정이오니 무슨 사정을 두오리까? 만일 조 조를 잡고도 도로 놓고 온다면 군법으로 참하소서.” 공명 왈, “장군이 진심으로 그러허면 군률에 다짐허라.” 관공 다짐허였으되, “살등 소장 관모는 지벌이 수미나 충의는 진성이라. 회 도원의 결의하니 망사생지동심이요, 전장출이간고하니, (불)위기령이갈력이라. 기병이 공토허니, 방조이하착고? 여피소아생금함이 무이탐낭취물이니, 약비위령이옵거든, 상고 처치 의당사라.” 공명이 군령장 받고 허락허되, “장군이 화룡도로 들어가 산에 불 놓아 조 조를 유인하여 사로잡어 오라.” 관공이 여짜오되, “그곳 길이 둘이오니 만일 조 조가 화룡도로 아니 들어오며 어찌허오리까?”, “만일 조 조가 화룡도로 아니 들어오면 나도 참하시요.” 상호 군령장 헌 연후에,
관공이 대희하야 화룡도로 행군한다. 청도기 벌였난디, 청도 한쌍, 홍문 한쌍, 주작, 남동각 남서각, 홍초, 남문 한쌍, 청룡, 동남각 서남각, 남초, 황문 한쌍, 백호, 동북각 서북각, 흑초, 현무, 북동각 북서각, 홍신, 백신, 황신, 청신, 흑신, 표미, 금고 한쌍, 호초 한쌍, 나 한쌍, 적 한쌍, 바래 한쌍, 쇠약 두쌍, 고 두쌍, 영기 두쌍, 군로층열 두쌍, 좌마, 독존이요, 난후, 친병, 교사, 당북 각 두쌍으로 좌르르르 가는 거동, 기세는 영웅이요 검광여상이라, 현덕, 공명 칭찬허고, 주 유 용병 간심차로 번구에 나어가니 동남풍이 점기로다.
이때의 조 조는 장대으 높이 앉어 제장과 상의헐 제, 정 욱이 여짜오되, “동남풍이 일었사오니 미리 제방허사이다.” 조 조 왈, “동지 후 일양이 생하니 동남풍인가 의심 말라.” 분부허고 황 개 약속 기다릴 제,
이때의 황 개 화선 들어온다. 이십 화선 거나리고, 청룡아기 선기 상의 ‘선봉대장 황 개’라, 뚜렷이 꼽고, 청포장 둘러치고, 삼승돛 추여달고, 오강 여울 바람 맞혀, 조 조 진중 바라보고 지국총 소래허며 은은히 떠들어오니, 조 조가 보고 대희하야, “정 욱아, 정 욱아. 저 배 보아라. 황 공복이 날 위하야 양초 실고 오난 바는 하날이 나를 도움이로구나.” 히히 하하하하하하 대소허니,
정 욱이 여짜오되, “군량 실은 배량이면 선중이 온중할디, 강상에 둥덩실 높이 떠 요로하고 범유하니, 만일 간계 있을진대 어찌 피하오리까?”
조 조 이 말에 의심하야 문 빙 불러 방색타가 살 맞어 떨어지니, 황 개 화선 이십척이 거화포 승기 전에 땟땟때 나발 소리, 두리둥둥 뇌고 치며 번개같이 달려들어 한 번에 불이 버썩, 두 번째 불붙이니, 강산이 무너지고 우주가 바뀌난 듯, 화염이 충천, 천지가 따그르르르르르르르, 풍선은 우루루루루루루, 물결은 출렁, 전선 뒤뚱, 용총, 활대, 노사옥대, 삼판 나리, 족판행장, 멍에, 각 부대가 물에 풍 꺼꾸러져, 기치 펄펄, 장막, 화선, 궁전, 방패, 창과, 통노기, 북 징, 꽹과리, 워리렁 철철 산산이 깨어져 풍파강상, 화광이 훨훨, 수만 전선이 간 데가 없고, 적벽강이 뒤끓으니 불빛이 낮빛이로구나. 가련할 손 백만 대병, 날도 뛰도 못하고 적벽에 몰살할 제, 황 개의 제장 군졸 일시에 달려들어, 여덟 ‘팔’자 비껴 서서 편전을 따르르르르르르 깍지손을 때떼르니, 번개 같은 빠른 살이 사모 뀌어 건너가고, 쇠도리채 휘휘 둘러, 어릅파를, 신기전의 픽 시그르르르르르르르르, 방패 맞어 박살하고, 일등 명장 다 죽을 제, 칼 들고 엎지난 놈, 활 들고 기난 놈과, 적벽강 위진 군사 화염 중에 다 죽는다. 숨 맥히고, 기 맥히고, 활도 맞고 창에 찔려, 불에 타고, 물에 빠져, 일시으 다 죽을 제, 한 군사 내달으며 저 죽을 줄 짐작허고, “내가 아무 때나 이런 봉변 당하며는 먹고 죽을랴고 비상 사 넣었더니라.” 내여 와삭와삭 먹고 죽고, 또 한 군사는 돛대 끝에로 기염기염 올라서더니마는, “아이고, 하나님, 살려 주오. 나는 오대 독신이요.” 또 한 군사는 선미에 우뚝 서서 고향을 바라보며, “아이고, 어머니. 학발 양친과 규중처자를 못 보요, 원수 놈의 적벽강 귀신이 되오 그려. 어느 때나 뵈오리까?” 세설허며 물에 풍 빠져죽고, 수하의 죽은 군사 모도 뒤둥그러져 적벽강이 뻑뻑. 일등 명장이 쓸 데가 없고 날랜 장수가 무용이로구나. 조 조는 숯 빛이요, 정 욱 면상 불빛이라, 허 저는 창만 들고, 장요는 활만 들고, 죽을 뻔 도상하야 제우제우 달아날 제, 황 개 쫓아가며 외는 말이, “붉은 강포 입은 놈이 조 조니라!” 조 조의 혼 기겁하야 홍포 벗어 던져 버리고, 군사 전립 앗어 쓰고, “참 조 조는 저기 간다.” 제 이름을 제 부르며 꾀탈 양탈 도망헐제, 좌우편 한 당, 장 흠, 우 번, 진 무, 주 태, 주 유, 정 보, 서 성, 정 봉, 합병하야 쫓아가며 고성이 진동허니, 조 조 겁중에 말을 거꾸로 타고, “아이고, 이 말이 퇴불여전하야 적벽으로만 뿌두둑 뿌두둑 들어가니, 주 유, 노 숙이 육전 축지법을 못하는 줄 알았건마는, 상프듬 땅을 찍어 윅이나 부다. 정 욱아, 정 욱아, 정 욱아, 날 살려라, 날 살려라.”
창황분주 도망헐 제, 새만 푸르르르르르르르르 날아가도 복병인가 의심을 허고, 낙엽만 버석 떨어져도 한 장인가 의심을 헌다.
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Hangul / Romanized / Romanization
hangahi ganeunjila, seo seong, jeong bong hon-i eobs-eo geobjuhayeo dol-awaseo geu sayeon-eul hoepohani, ju yu deudgo tansigheodoe, “cheonjido musimheoda. ju yuleul naesyeossgeodeun gongmyeong-eul naejanhgeona, gongmyeong-eul naesyeossgeodeun ju yuleul naejanhgeona, han cheonha-e yeong-ung-eul ili nae gyesini, heoheo i il-eul eoiheolkko?” jil-i tansigheoda, “aseola, jo joleul meonjeo chigo hannalaleul huboheon chae heoja.” yagsog-eul dasi heogo sulyuggun bunbalheol je, ju yuga samgug myeongjang jung-e sujeon-eu jeil myeongjang-ieossda.
“gam yeong-eun chae jung, hangjol geonaligo jo jo jinjung deul-eoga ihwawihohala.” jeon-yeong-ui taesajawa, jwayeong yeo mong, jung-yeong neung tong, uyeong dong seub, huyeong ban jang deung-eun gagchon samcheon sulyuggun bunbal, gagcheo maebogheogo, byeong-yeong-gungwan jeildae han dang-iyo, jeidae chwi taeyo, jesamdae jang heum-iyo, jesadae jin mu deung-eun sambaeg jeonseon iljalo payeolheogo, sangbudodog ju yu, jeong bo, seo seong, jeong bong, seonbongjang-eu yug son-ila. ju yu jangjung-eu halyeongheodoe, “byeongbeob-eu ileugileul, seunghwayeon-yeounhaya ilje ungjinheogo, bongchong-ui buhyudaeheoyeo sanbung-yeojangdola heoyeoss-euni, hwang gae hwaseon geohwa boa hwanghonsi holyeongchul-eul gagseon-eu cheonghuhala.”
ittaeyeo gongmyeong-ineun il-yeob pungbeom ppalli noh-a bongug-eulo dol-awa hyeondeog-eul boeon hulo,
geumgoleul kkungkkung ullimyeonseo jangjol-eul bunbalheonda. jin-amjang-gun jalyong bulleo, “geudaeneun samcheon byeongma geonaligo olim galdae supsog-e dunbyeong maebogheoyeossdaga, jobyeong-i jeolban-ina jinaegeodeun bul noh-a eomsalhala.” jang-igdeog bulleo, “geudaedo samcheon byeongma geonaligo hologog-eu bogbyeonghayeo iss-eumyeon naeil osie jo jo bi majgo geuli gal geos-ini eomsalhaya salojab-eula. ibeon chuljeon-eun igdeog-ui gong-i jeogji aniheolila.” mi bang, mi chug, yu bong samjang-eul bulleo, “geudaeneun eoseon-in che gangsang-eu dungsil nop-i tteossda jo jo paegun gigyeleul as-eo ola.” ileohdeus-i bunbalheol je,
han jangsu deul-eoonda, han jangsu deul-eowa. bongmog-eul buleubtteugo, samgagsu geosaligo, cheonglyongdo bikkyeodeulgo hogi issge deul-eowa gwejwaheoyeo yeojjaodoe, “gwayeon sojang-i palnyeongangwaui cheogchonjigong-eun eobs-saona, heodahan jeonjang-eu naghuham-i eobs-sabdeoni, yeocha hwanlansieu sojang-eul sseuji aniheoni saengbul-yeosala, juggiman gatji moshaoeda.”
gongmyeong wal, “jang-gun-eul uinonkeondae, yongmaeng-i chulcheonhago jihye mugungheon jul nae imi algeoniwa, geudae, hwang-geonjeog pyeleul manna, jo jo nala deul-eoga gip-eun eunhyeleul ib-eo, jo joleul jabgodo dolo nohgo ol deus heogie ibeon soim-eul jeongchi anihan geos-ini heomulchi malla.” gwangong-i yeojjaodoe, “jaeyeonhu jijeongjung-iyo, doyeonhu jijangdan-ila, gunjung-e musajeong-ioni museun sajeong-eul duolikka? man-il jo joleul jabgodo dolo nohgo ondamyeon gunbeob-eulo chamhasoseo.” gongmyeong wal, “jang-gun-i jinsim-eulo geuleoheomyeon gunlyul-e dajimheola.” gwangong dajimheoyeoss-eudoe, “saldeung sojang gwanmoneun jibeol-i sumina chung-uineun jinseong-ila. hoe dowon-ui gyeol-uihani mangsasaengjidongsim-iyo, jeonjangchul-igangohani, (bul)wigilyeong-igallyeog-ila. gibyeong-i gongtoheoni, bangjoihachaggo? yeopisoasaeng-geumham-i mu-itamnangchwimul-ini, yagbiwilyeong-iobgeodeun, sang-go cheochi uidangsala.” gongmyeong-i gunlyeongjang badgo heolagheodoe, “jang-gun-i hwalyongdolo deul-eoga san-e bul noh-a jo joleul yuinhayeo salojab-eo ola.” gwangong-i yeojjaodoe, “geugos gil-i dul-ioni man-il jo joga hwalyongdolo ani deul-eoomyeo eojjiheoolikka?”, “man-il jo joga hwalyongdolo ani deul-eoomyeon nado chamhasiyo.” sangho gunlyeongjang heon yeonhue,
gwangong-i daehuihaya hwalyongdolo haeng-gunhanda. cheongdogi beol-yeossnandi, cheongdo hanssang, hongmun hanssang, jujag, namdong-gag namseogag, hongcho, nammun hanssang, cheonglyong, dongnamgag seonamgag, namcho, hwangmun hanssang, baegho, dongbuggag seobuggag, heugcho, hyeonmu, bugdong-gag bugseogag, hongsin, baegsin, hwangsin, cheongsin, heugsin, pyomi, geumgo hanssang, hocho hanssang, na hanssang, jeog hanssang, balae hanssang, soeyag dussang, go dussang, yeong-gi dussang, gunlocheung-yeol dussang, jwama, dogjon-iyo, nanhu, chinbyeong, gyosa, dangbug gag dussang-eulo jwaleuleuleu ganeun geodong, giseneun yeong-ung-iyo geomgwang-yeosang-ila, hyeondeog, gongmyeong chingchanheogo, ju yu yongbyeong gansimchalo beongue na-eogani dongnampung-i jeomgiloda.
ittaeui jo joneun jangdaeeu nop-i anj-eo jejang-gwa sang-uiheol je, jeong ug-i yeojjaodoe, “dongnampung-i il-eosssaoni mili jebangheosaida.” jo jo wal, “dongji hu il-yang-i saenghani dongnampung-inga uisim malla.” bunbuheogo hwang gae yagsog gidalil je,
ittaeui hwang gae hwaseon deul-eoonda. isib hwaseon geonaligo, cheonglyong-agi seongi sang-ui ‘seonbongdaejang hwang gae’la, ttulyeos-i kkobgo, cheongpojang dulleochigo, samseungdoch chuyeodalgo, ogang yeoul balam majhyeo, jo jo jinjung balabogo jigugchong solaeheomyeo eun-eunhi tteodeul-eooni, jo joga bogo daehuihaya, “jeong ug-a, jeong ug-a. jeo bae boala. hwang gongbog-i nal wihaya yangcho silgo onan baneun hanal-i naleul doum-iloguna.” hihi hahahahahaha daesoheoni,
jeong ug-i yeojjaodoe, “gunlyang sil-eun baelyang-imyeon seonjung-i onjunghaldi, gangsang-e dungdeongsil nop-i tteo yolohago beom-yuhani, man-il gangye iss-euljindae eojji pihaolikka?”
jo jo i mal-e uisimhaya mun bing bulleo bangsaegtaga sal maj-eo tteol-eojini, hwang gae hwaseon isibcheog-i geohwapo seung-gi jeon-e ttaesttaesttae nabal soli, dulidungdung noego chimyeo beongaegat-i dallyeodeul-eo han beon-e bul-i beosseog, du beonjjae bulbut-ini, gangsan-i muneojigo ujuga bakkwinan deus, hwayeom-i chungcheon, cheonjiga ttageuleuleuleuleuleuleuleu, pungseon-eun ululululululu, mulgyeol-eun chulleong, jeonseon dwittung, yongchong, hwaldae, nosaogdae, sampan nali, jogpanhaengjang, meong-e, gag budaega mul-e pung kkeokkuleojyeo, gichi peolpeol, jangmag, hwaseon, gungjeon, bangpae, chang-gwa, tongnogi, bug jing, kkwaeng-gwali, wolileong cheolcheol sansan-i kkaeeojyeo pungpagangsang, hwagwang-i hwolhwol, suman jeonseon-i gan dega eobsgo, jeogbyeoggang-i dwikkeulh-euni bulbich-i najbich-iloguna. galyeonhal son baegman daebyeong, naldo ttwido moshago jeogbyeog-e molsalhal je, hwang gaeui jejang gunjol ilsie dallyeodeul-eo, yeodeolb ‘pal’ja bikkyeo seoseo pyeonjeon-eul ttaleuleuleuleuleuleu kkagjison-eul ttaetteleuni, beongae gat-eun ppaleun sal-i samo kkwieo geonneogago, soedolichae hwihwi dulleo, eoleubpaleul, singijeon-ui pig sigeuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleu, bangpae maj-eo bagsalhago, ildeung myeongjang da jug-eul je, kal deulgo eopjinan nom, hwal deulgo ginan nomgwa, jeogbyeoggang wijin gunsa hwayeom jung-e da jugneunda. sum maeghigo, gi maeghigo, hwaldo majgo chang-e jjillyeo, bul-e tago, mul-e ppajyeo, ilsieu da jug-eul je, han gunsa naedal-eumyeo jeo jug-eul jul jimjagheogo, “naega amu ttaena ileon bongbyeon danghamyeoneun meoggo jug-eullyago bisang sa neoh-eossdeonila.” naeyeo wasag-wasag meoggo juggo, tto han gunsaneun dochdae kkeut-elo giyeomgiyeom ollaseodeonimaneun, “aigo, hananim, sallyeo juo. naneun odae dogsin-iyo.” tto han gunsaneun seonmie uttug seoseo gohyang-eul balabomyeo, “aigo, eomeoni. hagbal yangchingwa gyujungcheojaleul mos boyo, wonsu nom-ui jeogbyeoggang gwisin-i doeo geulyeo. eoneu ttaena boeolikka?” seseolheomyeo mul-e pung ppajyeojuggo, suhaui jug-eun gunsa modo dwidung-geuleojyeo jeogbyeoggang-i ppeogppeog. ildeung myeongjang-i sseul dega eobsgo nallaen jangsuga muyong-iloguna. jo joneun such bich-iyo, jeong ug myeonsang bulbich-ila, heo jeoneun changman deulgo, jang-yoneun hwalman deulgo, jug-eul ppeon dosanghaya je-uje-u dal-anal je, hwang gae jjoch-agamyeo oeneun mal-i, “bulg-eun gangpo ib-eun nom-i jo jonila!” jo joui hon gigeobhaya hongpo beos-eo deonjyeo beoligo, gunsa jeonlib as-eo sseugo, “cham jo joneun jeogi ganda.” je ileum-eul je buleumyeo kkoetal yangtal domangheolje, jwaupyeon han dang, jang heum, u beon, jin mu, ju tae, ju yu, jeong bo, seo seong, jeong bong, habbyeonghaya jjoch-agamyeo goseong-i jindongheoni, jo jo geobjung-e mal-eul geokkulo tago, “aigo, i mal-i toebul-yeojeonhaya jeogbyeog-euloman ppududug ppududug deul-eogani, ju yu, no sug-i yugjeon chugjibeob-eul moshaneun jul al-assgeonmaneun, sangpeudeum ttang-eul jjig-eo wig-ina buda. jeong ug-a, jeong ug-a, jeong ug-a, nal sallyeola, nal sallyeola.”
changhwangbunju domangheol je, saeman puleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleu nal-agado bogbyeong-inga uisim-eul heogo, nag-yeobman beoseog tteol-eojyeodo han jang-inga uisim-eul heonda.
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오, 한 군사 분발하는 데 ~ 적벽화전 – English Translation
As I was going leisurely, Seo Seong and Jeong Bong didn’t have a soul, I came back scared and recounted the story, so I listened and sighed and said, “The heavens are indifferent. If you paid me, you gave me a resonance, or if you gave me a resonance, you pay me, or are you a hero in a world, huh? Jill is sighed, “Arthur, let’s go to Joe Cho first, and then let Hana be a candidate.” The promise was made again, and the amphibious force was the best commander of the Three Kingdoms.
“Gamyeong Chae, Chae Joong, Jo Jo Jin Joo, enter and protect Ewha.” Taeyoungja of Jeonyoung, Jeongyeong of Yeongyeong, Yeongyeong of Tongyeong, Tungyeong of Tongyeong, Dongyeong of Wooyoung, and Banyeong of Huyeong are eager to ambush Samcheon amphibious forces in each village, ambush every place, the largest party in the Barracks, Jay the Great, Jay the Great, Jinmu, etc. of the ritual corps were ruptured on the date of the three hundred fronts, and they were the owners of the upper extremities, intelligence, seoseong, jeongbong, and spearheads. Yoo Joong-jung, he said, “She said, “She said, “Sublimation Yeonhahaya was made by Ungjin Hugo in Japan and Bu-chong’s sub-carriage.
At this time, the Resonance was released quickly, and after returning to the homeland and chasing Hyeondeok,
He whispered his vault and gave him a shot. General Jin-am, called Jaryong, said, “You have three thousand soldiers, and you have ambush in the forest of Orim Reed. Singing Jang Ik-duk, “If you still have three thousand soldiers, and you are returning to Horogok, you will meet Jo Jobi at noon tomorrow. There will not be many balls of Ikdeok in this exhibition.” Singing the three rooms of the US room, the US axis, and the pestle, “Take a high tide on a river that is a fishing boat, and take the Joe Joe defeated machine.” Like this,
One longevity comes in, one longevity comes in. I broke the tree, and the triangular tree fell, and the blue dragon came in and came in with a curiosity, saying, “Are you sure, the chief has no deficit in the village of Eight Years? No, honey, don’t live, it’s not like dying.”
Resonance Wall, “Consulting the general, you already know that courage is coming out, and you know that you will be wise, and you meet the imperial lungs of the Cho Jona kingdom, deeply favored by Jo Jo Na. It’s not a politics of duty, so don’t break it down.” The government official said, “I’m designating after a reenactment, and I’m a chief of a group after Doyeon. If you take Jo Jo and leave him back, be patient with military law.” Resonance says, “If the general sincerely, then promise to the military rule.” He was a pledge to pledge to the government. The decision of the Doowon, the contemplation of the death of the fish, and the resignation of the battlefield, and the (Fire) crisis spirit are the urges. Cavalry honeysuckle? Yeopia pediatric locker is nothing more than a scent bag, so it’s a medicinal commission, so it’s a doctor of appeal.” Resonance received the command of the military commander and was allowed, “The general enters Hwaryongdo and puts the fire on the mountain to lure Joe Joe and capture him.” The government official said, “There are two roads there. If Joe Jo is not in Hwaryongdo, what can I do?” After the reciprocal of the military commander,
The government officials march to Hwaryongdo, a great place to come. Cheongdogi, Nadi, Cheongdo pair, Hongmun pair, Jujak, Namdonggak Namseogak, Hongcho, Nammun pair, Cheongnyong, Southeastern Seonamgak, Namcho, Hwangmun pair, Baekho, Northeastern Northwest, Blackcho, Hyunmu, Northeast Northwest , Hongshin, Vaccine, Hwangshin, Youngshin, Blacksin, Fumi, One Vault, One Pair, One Pair, Two Enemies, Two Pairs of Debilitation, Two Pairs of Debilitation, Two Pairs of Aura, Two Pairs of Army Groups, Two Pairs of Army Groups, Jemma, Dokjon, Nanhu, Sickness, As a teacher, the behavior of going to the north with two pairs of Dangbuk, the momentum is a hero and a swordsman, and Hyeondeok, resonance praise, and Yoo mercenary go to the bunker with the difference between the southeast and southeast.
At this time, Joe Cho sits high on the pole and talks to the chief and the council agent, Jung Wook, saying, “A southeastern wind has occurred, it is a levee ahead of time.” Jo Jo-Wal, “Don’t doubt if the sun sets after South Korea. I’m waiting for the appointment
At this time, Hwanggae Hwasun comes in. Twenty Hwasun Goryeogori, the ‘Seonbongdaejang Hwanggae’ on the Blue Dragon Baby’s flagship, clearly picked up, surrounded the Cheongpojang, followed by a three-sail sail, and met the wind of the Ogang, looked at Jo Jo Jin Joong and looked at the submarine gun, quietly speaking, Joe Jo saw Daehee Haya, “Jung Uk Ah, Jung Uk Ah. Look at that ship Hwang’s empty stomach is for me, and candles are on my way, and Hanal helps me.” Hahahahahahahaha
Wook Jung-wook said, “If the army is actually full, the crowd will be warm, and the river will float high on the river.
Joe Joe, when you doubt this, you call Moon Bing, and the bladder hits off, so when twenty Hwang dogs fired before they win the Geohwapo, they struck, thundered, and struck like lightning, bursting at once, the second fire. Gapni, as if the mountain is collapsing and the universe has changed, the flames are filled, the heavens are thrilling, the balloons are ururururu, the waves are fluctuating, the front of the wire, the rifle, the bow, the labor-management corps, the sampan nari, the footsteps, Yoke, each unit is turned upside down in water, banner pearl pearl, tabernacle, caustic, palace, shield, spear, tonggi, drum gong, gongwari, wary rong iron shattered, the wind wave is strong, the fire is far, tens of thousands of wires are gone. , The red light is boiling, so the light is daylight. One million hands of poor hands, a man who couldn’t run and slay the enemy walls, rushed to the helm of the imperial lord of the yellow dog, followed by eight’arms’, and followed the prejudice, struck a sergeant’s hand, the lightning-fast flesh turned into a private , Around the ramshackle, the elbows, the new Pixirreurreur, the smashed by a shield, the first master dies, the sword and the spilled, the bow and the furious, and the enemy’s military fire. I’m breathing, tingling, bowing, stabbing, burning, drowning, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, and I’m guessing that I’m going to die and eat and die at any time. I bought it.” Gone, eat and die, and another soldier climbed up to the end of the mast and said, “Oh, God, save me. I am a single person.” Another soldier stood at the stern, looking at his hometown, and said, “Oh, my mother. I can’t see my parents and my wife, and I become the enemy’s red-eyed ghost. Will it come anytime?” He was drowning in the water, and the submissive military moguls were rounded up, and the Red Cliff River became stiff. The first class master is useless and the slender longevity is a dance. Jo Jo is a charcoal light, Jung Wook is a face light, but I only hold a spear, Jang Yo holds a bow, and when I almost die, the Zeus Zeus run away, the horse chasing the yellow dog, “The one in the red wild is Joe!” Joe Cho’s soul is scared, throws off the red guns, takes away military prowess, and says, “Joe Joe goes there.” Calling my name, fleeing the ugly sheep, one party on the left and right, Jang Hum, Woo Bun, Jin Moo, Joo Tae, Joo Yoo, information, Seo Seong, Jeong Bong, Chasing after the merger On the way, he rides the horse upside down, saying, “Oh, this horse is still decaying, so it only goes into the red walls. Jung Uk-ah, Jung Uk-ah, Jung Uk-ah, save me, save me.”
Fleeing from the rush of the window, I am suspicious of flying to Samanpurrlurre, and I doubt that it is a piece even if only fallen leaves fall.
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Lyrics 정윤형 – 오, 한 군사 분발하는 데 ~ 적벽화전 가사
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