Lyrics 김준수 – 우리수국 퇴략하야 ~ 일개한퇴 가사

Lyrics 김준수 – 우리수국 퇴략하야 ~ 일개한퇴 가사

Singer: 김준수
Title: 우리수국 퇴략하야 ~ 일개한퇴

별주부가 한 꾀를 얼른내고 목을 길게 빼어 호랭이 앞으로 바짝바짝 달려들며 “자 ! 목나가오 목나가!”
“호랭이 깜짝 놀라 “그만 나오시오 그만 나와! 이렇듯 나오다가는 하루 일천오백발도 더 나오겠소.
어찌 그리 조그마한 분이 목이 들랑달랑 뒤움치기를 잘 하시오” “오 이놈 내 목내력을 말할테니 들어봐라”

우리 수국 퇴락하야 천여칸 기와집을 내 솜씨로 올리려다 목으로 철컥 떨어져 이 병신이 되었으니
명의더러 물은즉 호랑이 쓸개가 좋다허기로 도량귀신 잡어타고 호랑이 사냥을 나왔으니 네가 일찍 호랑이냐
쓸개 한 봉 못주겠나 도량귀신 게 있느냐 비수 검드는 칼로 이 호랑이 배 갈라라 !” 앞으로 바짝 기여들어
도리랑 도리랑

호랭이 다리를 꽉 물고 뺑뺑 돌아노니 어찌 호랭이가 아팠던지 거기서 의주압록강까지를 도망을 했겄다.
거기서 저혼자 장담하는 말이 “아따! 그놈 참 용맹 무서운 놈이로다 나나 된게(되니까) 여기까지살아왔지
다른 놈 같으면 영락없이 죽었을 것이다.” 그 때여 별주부는 호랭이를 쫓은 후에 곰곰히 생각허니
호랭이라 허는 것은 산중의 영물이라 내 눈에 와서 보일진대 목욕재계 정히하고 산신제를 한번 지내는디,

계변양류(溪邊楊柳) 늘어진 반송가지를 앞이로 자끗 꺾어내여 진토를 쓸어 버리고 암상으로 제판삼고
낙엽으로 먼지를 깔고 산과 목실을 주워다가 방위 가려서 갈라놓고 은어 한 마리 잡어내어
어동 육서로 받쳐놓고 석하으 배례허여 지성으로 독축을 헌다.

유세차(維歲次) 갑신 유월 갑신삭(甲申朔) 임자 초칠일 남해 수궁 별주부 자라 감소 고우(敢昭告于)
상천일월성신 후토 명산 신령전 지성으로 비나이다.용 왕이 우연 득병하야 선의도사 문병후에 토끼간이 낫사오니
중산토끼 한 마리를 허급(許給) 허옵심을 상사 상향(常事尙饗)

빌기를 다한 후에,

한 곳을 바라보니 묘한 짐승이 앉었네, 두 귀를 쫑긋 눈은 도리도리 허리는 늘신 꽁댕이 모똑 좌편 청산이오
우편은 녹순듸 녹수청산에 애굽은 장송 휘늘어진 양류속 들랑달랑 오락가락 앙그주춤 기난토끼 산중퇴 월중퇴.
자라가 보고서 괴이 여겨 화상을 보고 토끼를 보니 분명한 토끼라 보고서 반기여겨 “저기 섰는게 퇴생원 아니오 ? ”
토끼가 듣고서 좋아라고 깡짱 뛰어 나오면서 “거 뉘가 날 찾나? 날 찾을 리가 없겄마는 거 누구가 날 찾어.
기산영수소부허유(箕山潁水巢父許由) 피서 가자고 날 찾나. 수양산 백이숙제 채미(采薇) 허자고 날 찾나
백화심처 일승귀(百花深處一僧歸) 춘풍석교(春風石橋) 화림중 성진화상(性眞和尙)이 날 찾나
완월장취(玩月長醉) 강남태백 기경상천(起耕上天) 험한길 함께 가자고 날 찾나 도화유수 무릉 거주속객(擧酒屬客)이 날 찾나
청산기주 백로탄 여동빈(呂洞賓)이 날 찾나 처산중운심(處山中雲深)헌디 부지처(不知處) 오신 손님
날 찾을 이 만무로구나 거 누구가 날 찾나 건너산 색시 토끼가 연분을 맺자고 날 찾나 ”
요리로 깡충 저리로 깡충 짜웃둥(갸웃둥) 거리고 내려온다.

이리 한찬 매려오다가 별주부하고 후닥탁 들어 받았겄다. “아이고 코야! 아이고 이맛빡이야!
어어 초면에 남의 이맛빡은 왜 이렇게 받으시오 자! 우리 통성명이나 합시다” “그럽시다!” “게서는 뉘라 하시오”
“예 나는 수국 전옥주부공신 사대손 별주부 자라라 하오 게 손은 뉘라 하오?” “예 나는 세상에서 이음양 순사시(理陰陽順四時)하던
예부상서(禮部尙書) 월퇴(月兎) 일러니 도약주 대취하야 장생약 그릇찧고 적하중산(謫下中山)하야 머무른지 오랠러니
세상에서 부르기를 명생이 퇴선생이라 부르오” 별주부 듣고 함소 왈 “퇴선생 높은 이름 들은지 오랠러니
오늘날 상봉기는 하상견지(何相見之) 많이허여 만만무고 불측(晩晩無故不測)이로소이다. 아닌게 아니라 잘났소 잘났어
진세에서 몰라 그렇지 우리 수국을 들어가면 훈련대장은 꼭 하실 것이요. 미인미색을 밤낮으로 데리고 동락을 할 것이니
그 아니좋소? 그러나 퇴선생은 이 세상에서 무슨 재미로 살으시오”
” 뭐, 나 지내는 재미는 무상이지요마는 세상 흥미를 한번 이를테니 들어 보시오”

임자없는 녹수청산 일모황혼(日暮黃昏) 저문날에 월출동령(月出東嶺)의 잠얼깨어 청림벽계(靑林碧溪) 집을 삼고
값이 없는 산과 목실 양식을 삼어서 감식헐제 신여부운(身如浮雲) 일이 없어 명산 찾어 완경헐제
여산동남 오로봉(廬山東南五老峰)과 진국명산 만장봉과 봉래방장 영주 삼산이며 태산 숭산 형산 화산
만학천봉(萬壑千峰) 구월섬곡 삼각계룡 금강산 아미산 수양산을 아니 본곳없이 모두 놀고 영주 삼산이며
완완히 기어올라 흑운을 박차고 백운을 무릅쓰고 여산낙조경과 위국(廬山落照經過 魏國)의 일출경을 완완히 세밀허니
등태산소천하(登泰山小天下)의 공부자의 대관(戴冠)인들이어서 더 하드란 말이냐 밤이며는 완월구경 낮이되면 유산헐제
이따금 심심허면 적송자 안기생(安期生)을 종아리 때리고 강산풍경 흥미간에 지상신선이 나뿐인가

“아닌게 아니라 잘 지내시오 당신은 발맵시도 오입쟁이로 생겼거니와 풍채가참 잘 생겼소.
그러나 미간에 화망살(禍亡煞)이 비쳐 이 세상에 있고보면 죽을지경을 꼭 여덟 번 당하겠소.”
“어 그분 초면에 방정맞은 소리를 허는군 그래. 내 모양이 어째서 그렇게 생겼단 말이요.”
“내가 이를테니 한번 들어보시오.”

“일개한퇴 그대 신세 삼촌구추(三春九秋)를 다 지내고 대한엄동 설한풍에 만학에 눈쌓이고 천봉에 바람이 칠제
앵무원앙이 끊어졌네 화초목실 없어질제 어둑한 바위밑에 고픈배 틀어잡고 발바닥만 할짝할짝 더진 듯이
앉은 거동 초회왕(楚懷王)의 원혼이요 일월고초 북해상소중랑(北海上蘇中郞) 원혼이요 거의 주려 죽을토끼
새우등 구부리고 삼동고생을 겨우 지내 벽도홍행 춘일월(碧桃紅杏春二月)에 주린 구복(口腹)을 채우랴고
심산중곡을 찾고 찾어 이리저리 지낼적에 골골히 묻힌건 목달개 음찰기요 봉봉이 섯난 건 매 받는 응주(鷹主)로다,
목달개 거치게 되면 결항치사(結項致死)가 대량대량 제수고기가 될 것이요 청천에 떴난건 토끼 대구리 덮치려고
우그리고 드난 것은 기슭으로 휘여들어 모릿꾼 사냥개 험산골로 기어올라 퍼긋퍼긋 뛰어갈제 토끼놀래 호드득 호드득
추월자 매놓아라 해동청 보라매 귀뚜리매 빼지새 공작 이마루 도리당사 적굴새 방울떨쳐 쭉지끼고 수루루루루루루루루
그대귓전 양발로 당그랗게 집어다가 꼬부랑한 주둥이로 양미간 골치대목을 꽉꽉꽉!”
“허 그분! 방정맞은 소리말래도” 점점 더허는디 “그러면 뉘가 게 있간디요. 산중등으로 돌지 중등으로 돌며는
송하에 숨은 포수 오난 토끼 노(쏠)리고 불대라는 도포수 풀감토 푸삼을 입고 상사배물에 왜물조총(倭物鳥銃)
화약답사실을 얼른 넣어 반달같은 방아쇠 고초같은 불을 얹어 한눈 찌그리고 반만 일어서서 닫는 토끼 찡그려보고
꾸르르르르르 탕!” “허그분 방정맞은 소리말래도” 점점 더 하는디 “그러면 뉘가 게 있간디요 훤헌들로 내리제
들로 내리면 초동목수(樵童牧揷) 아이들이 몽둥이 들어메고 없는개 호구리고 워리두둑 쫓는 양은 선술먹은 초군이요
그대 간장 생각허니 백등칠일 곤궁(白登七日困窮) 한태조간장 층암절벽 석간틈으로 기운없이 올라갈제
쩌른 꼬리를 샅에껴 요리깡충 조리깡충 깡충접동 뛰놀제 목궁기 쓴내나고 밑궁기 조총놓니 그 아니 팔난인가
팔난세상 나는 싫네 조생모사(朝生暮死) 자네신세 한가허다고 뉘 이르며 무슨 정으로 유산 무슨정으로 완월 ,
아까 안기생 적송자 종아리 때렸다는 그런 거짓부렁이를 뉘 앞에서 내 여습나”

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Hangul / Romanized / Romanization

byeoljubuga han kkoeleul eolleunnaego mog-eul gilge ppaeeo holaeng-i ap-eulo bajjagbajjag dallyeodeulmyeo “ja ! mognagao mognaga!”
“holaeng-i kkamjjag nolla “geuman naosio geuman nawa! ileohdeus naodaganeun halu ilcheon-obaegbaldo deo naogessso.
eojji geuli jogeumahan bun-i mog-i deullangdallang dwiumchigileul jal hasio” “o inom nae mognaelyeog-eul malhalteni deul-eobwala”

uli sugug toelaghaya cheon-yeokan giwajib-eul nae somssilo ollilyeoda mog-eulo cheolkeog tteol-eojyeo i byeongsin-i doeeoss-euni
myeong-uideoleo mul-eunjeug holang-i sseulgaega johdaheogilo dolyang-gwisin jab-eotago holang-i sanyang-eul nawass-euni nega iljjig holang-inya
sseulgae han bong mosjugessna dolyang-gwisin ge issneunya bisu geomdeuneun kallo i holang-i bae gallala !” ap-eulo bajjag giyeodeul-eo
dolilang dolilang

holaeng-i dalileul kkwag mulgo ppaengppaeng dol-anoni eojji holaeng-iga apassdeonji geogiseo uijuabloggangkkajileul domang-eul haessgeossda.
geogiseo jeohonja jangdamhaneun mal-i “atta! geunom cham yongmaeng museoun nom-iloda nana doenge(doenikka) yeogikkajisal-awassji
daleun nom gat-eumyeon yeonglag-eobs-i jug-eoss-eul geos-ida.” geu ttaeyeo byeoljubuneun holaeng-ileul jjoch-eun hue gomgomhi saeng-gagheoni
holaeng-ila heoneun geos-eun sanjung-ui yeongmul-ila nae nun-e waseo boiljindae mog-yogjaegye jeonghihago sansinjeleul hanbeon jinaeneundi,

gyebyeon-yanglyu(gyebyeon-yanglyu) neul-eojin bansong-gajileul ap-ilo jakkeus kkeokk-eonaeyeo jintoleul sseul-eo beoligo amsang-eulo jepansamgo
nag-yeob-eulo meonjileul kkalgo sangwa mogsil-eul juwodaga bang-wi galyeoseo gallanohgo eun-eo han mali jab-eonaeeo
eodong yugseolo badchyeonohgo seogha-eu baelyeheoyeo jiseong-eulo dogchug-eul heonda.

yusecha(yusecha) gabsin yuwol gabsinsag(gabsinsag) imja chochil-il namhae sugung byeoljubu jala gamso gou(gamsogou)
sangcheon-il-wolseongsin huto myeongsan sinlyeongjeon jiseong-eulo binaida.yong wang-i uyeon deugbyeonghaya seon-uidosa munbyeonghue tokkigan-i nas-saoni
jungsantokki han malileul heogeub(heogeub) heoobsim-eul sangsa sanghyang(sangsasanghyang)

bilgileul dahan hue,

han gos-eul balaboni myohan jimseung-i anj-eossne, du gwileul jjong-geus nun-eun dolidoli heolineun neulsin kkongdaeng-i mottog jwapyeon cheongsan-io
upyeon-eun nogsundui nogsucheongsan-e aegub-eun jangsong hwineul-eojin yanglyusog deullangdallang olaggalag ang-geujuchum ginantokki sanjungtoe woljungtoe.
jalaga bogoseo goei yeogyeo hwasang-eul bogo tokkileul boni bunmyeonghan tokkila bogoseo bangiyeogyeo “jeogi seossneunge toesaeng-won anio ? ”
tokkiga deudgoseo joh-alago kkangjjang ttwieo naomyeonseo “geo nwiga nal chajna? nal chaj-eul liga eobsgeossmaneun geo nuguga nal chaj-eo.
gisan-yeongsusobuheoyu(gisan-yeongsusobuheoyu) piseo gajago nal chajna. suyangsan baeg-isugje chaemi(chaemi) heojago nal chajna
baeghwasimcheo ilseung-gwi(baeghwasimcheoilseung-gwi) chunpungseoggyo(chunpungseoggyo) hwalimjung seongjinhwasang(seongjinhwasang)i nal chajna
wan-woljangchwi(wan-woljangchwi) gangnamtaebaeg gigyeongsangcheon(gigyeongsangcheon) heomhangil hamkke gajago nal chajna dohwayusu muleung geojusoggaeg(geojusoggaeg)i nal chajna
cheongsangiju baeglotan yeodongbin(yeodongbin)i nal chajna cheosanjung-unsim(cheosanjung-unsim)heondi bujicheo(bujicheo) osin sonnim
nal chaj-eul i manmuloguna geo nuguga nal chajna geonneosan saegsi tokkiga yeonbun-eul maej-jago nal chajna ”
yolilo kkangchung jeolilo kkangchung jjausdung(gyausdung) geoligo naelyeoonda.

ili hanchan maelyeoodaga byeoljubuhago hudagtag deul-eo bad-assgeossda. “aigo koya! aigo imasppag-iya!
eoeo chomyeon-e nam-ui imasppag-eun wae ileohge bad-eusio ja! uli tongseongmyeong-ina habsida” “geuleobsida!” “geseoneun nwila hasio”
“ye naneun sugug jeon-ogjubugongsin sadaeson byeoljubu jalala hao ge son-eun nwila hao?” “ye naneun sesang-eseo ieum-yang sunsasi(ieum-yangsunsasi)hadeon
yebusangseo(yebusangseo) woltoe(wolto) illeoni doyagju daechwihaya jangsaeng-yag geuleusjjihgo jeoghajungsan(jeoghajungsan)haya meomuleunji olaelleoni
sesang-eseo buleugileul myeongsaeng-i toeseonsaeng-ila buleuo” byeoljubu deudgo hamso wal “toeseonsaeng nop-eun ileum deul-eunji olaelleoni
oneulnal sangbong-gineun hasang-gyeonji(hasang-gyeonji) manh-iheoyeo manmanmugo bulcheug(manmanmugobulcheug)ilosoida. aninge anila jalnassso jalnass-eo
jinseeseo molla geuleohji uli sugug-eul deul-eogamyeon hunlyeondaejang-eun kkog hasil geos-iyo. miinmisaeg-eul bamnaj-eulo deligo donglag-eul hal geos-ini
geu anijohso? geuleona toeseonsaeng-eun i sesang-eseo museun jaemilo sal-eusio”
” mwo, na jinaeneun jaemineun musang-ijiyomaneun sesang heungmileul hanbeon ileulteni deul-eo bosio”

imja-eobsneun nogsucheongsan ilmohwanghon(ilmohwanghon) jeomunnal-e wolchuldonglyeong(wolchuldonglyeong)ui jam-eolkkaeeo cheonglimbyeoggye(cheonglimbyeoggye) jib-eul samgo
gabs-i eobsneun sangwa mogsil yangsig-eul sam-eoseo gamsigheolje sin-yeobuun(sin-yeobuun) il-i eobs-eo myeongsan chaj-eo wangyeongheolje
yeosandongnam olobong(yeosandongnam-onobong)gwa jingugmyeongsan manjangbong-gwa bonglaebangjang yeongju samsan-imyeo taesan sungsan hyeongsan hwasan
manhagcheonbong(manhagcheonbong) guwolseomgog samgaggyelyong geumgangsan amisan suyangsan-eul ani bongos-eobs-i modu nolgo yeongju samsan-imyeo
wan-wanhi gieoolla heug-un-eul bagchago baeg-un-eul muleubsseugo yeosannagjogyeong-gwa wigug(yeosannagjogyeong-gwa wigug)ui ilchulgyeong-eul wan-wanhi semilheoni
deungtaesansocheonha(deungtaesansocheonha)ui gongbujaui daegwan(daegwan)indeul-ieoseo deo hadeulan mal-inya bam-imyeoneun wan-wolgugyeong naj-idoemyeon yusanheolje
ittageum simsimheomyeon jeogsongja angisaeng(angisaeng)eul jong-ali ttaeligo gangsanpung-gyeong heungmigan-e jisangsinseon-i nappun-inga

“aninge anila jal jinaesio dangsin-eun balmaebsido oibjaeng-ilo saeng-gyeossgeoniwa pungchaegacham jal saeng-gyeossso.
geuleona migan-e hwamangsal(hwamangsal)i bichyeo i sesang-e issgobomyeon jug-euljigyeong-eul kkog yeodeolb beon danghagessso.”
“eo geubun chomyeon-e bangjeongmaj-eun solileul heoneungun geulae. nae moyang-i eojjaeseo geuleohge saeng-gyeossdan mal-iyo.”
“naega ileulteni hanbeon deul-eobosio.”

“ilgaehantoe geudae sinse samchonguchu(samchunguchu)leul da jinaego daehan-eomdong seolhanpung-e manhag-e nunssah-igo cheonbong-e balam-i chilje
aengmuwon-ang-i kkeunh-eojyeossne hwach#mogsil eobs-eojilje eodughan bawimit-e gopeunbae teul-eojabgo balbadagman haljjaghaljjag deojin deus-i
anj-eun geodong chohoewang(chohoewang)ui wonhon-iyo il-wolgocho bughaesangsojunglang(baehaesangsojunglang) wonhon-iyo geoui julyeo jug-eultokki
saeudeung gubuligo samdong-gosaeng-eul gyeou jinae byeogdohonghaeng chun-il-wol(byeogdohonghaengchun-iwol)e julin gubog(gubog)eul chaeulyago
simsanjung-gog-eul chajgo chaj-eo ilijeoli jinaeljeog-e golgolhi mudhingeon mogdalgae eumchalgiyo bongbong-i seosnan geon mae badneun eungju(eungju)loda,
mogdalgae geochige doemyeon gyeolhangchisa(gyeolhangchisa)ga daelyangdaelyang jesugogiga doel geos-iyo cheongcheon-e tteossnangeon tokki daeguli deopchilyeogo
ugeuligo deunan geos-eun giseulg-eulo hwiyeodeul-eo moliskkun sanyang-gae heomsangollo gieoolla peogeuspeogeus ttwieogalje tokkinollae hodeudeug hodeudeug
chuwolja maenoh-ala haedongcheong bolamae gwittulimae ppaejisae gongjag imalu dolidangsa jeoggulsae bang-ultteolchyeo jjugjikkigo sululululululululu
geudaegwisjeon yangballo dang-geulahge jib-eodaga kkobulanghan judung-ilo yangmigan golchidaemog-eul kkwagkkwagkkwag!”
“heo geubun! bangjeongmaj-eun solimallaedo” jeomjeom deoheoneundi “geuleomyeon nwiga ge issgandiyo. sanjungdeung-eulo dolji jungdeung-eulo dolmyeoneun
songha-e sum-eun posu onan tokki no(ssol)ligo buldaelaneun doposu pulgamto pusam-eul ibgo sangsabaemul-e waemuljochong(waemuljochong)
hwayagdabsasil-eul eolleun neoh-eo bandalgat-eun bang-asoe gochogat-eun bul-eul eonj-eo hannun jjigeuligo banman il-eoseoseo dadneun tokki jjing-geulyeobogo
kkuleuleuleuleuleu tang!” “heogeubun bangjeongmaj-eun solimallaedo” jeomjeom deo haneundi “geuleomyeon nwiga ge issgandiyo hwonheondeullo naelije
deullo naelimyeon chodongmogsu(chodongmogsab) aideul-i mongdung-i deul-eomego eobsneungae hoguligo wolidudug jjochneun yang-eun seonsulmeog-eun chogun-iyo
geudae ganjang saeng-gagheoni baegdeungchil-il gongung(baegdeungchil-ilgongung) hantaejoganjang cheung-amjeolbyeog seogganteum-eulo giun-eobs-i ollagalje
jjeoleun kkolileul sat-ekkyeo yolikkangchung jolikkangchung kkangchungjeobdong ttwinolje moggung-gi sseunnaenago mitgung-gi jochongnohni geu ani palnan-inga
palnansesang naneun silhne josaengmosa(josaengmosa) janesinse hangaheodago nwi ileumyeo museun jeong-eulo yusan museunjeong-eulo wan-wol ,
akka angisaeng jeogsongja jong-ali ttaelyeossdaneun geuleon geojisbuleong-ileul nwi ap-eseo nae yeoseubna”
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우리수국 퇴략하야 ~ 일개한퇴 – English Translation

The starring housewife quickly pulled out a trick and pulled the neck out for a long time.
“The tiger is startled” Stop it, come out! One thousand five hundred a day will come out like this.
How can a very small person scramble with his neck?” “Oh, I’m going to tell you my throat, listen.”

It wasn’t until we got out of the hydrangeas that I was trying to put up a thousand tiled houses with my skill and fell off my neck.
The tiger’s gallbladder is good, as the name suggests. Are you an early tiger?
Can’t you give me a gallbladder? Is there any ghost? The dagger sword will split this tiger’s belly with a knife!”
Doryang Doryang

Horang bites his leg tightly and turns around, so he escaped to the Uiju Yalu River from where he was sick.
There was a saying that I promised myself, “Oh! He’s a very brave man.
If you look like another guy, you would have died without fail.” At that time, the housekeeper thought carefully after chasing the tiger.
It is the spirit of the mountain that I cry because it’s Horang. Come to my eyes and see it.

Gyebyeonyangryu (溪邊楊柳) The lined sagging branch is bent cleanly to the front, sweeping the soil and making it into a rock.
After laying dust with fallen leaves, picking up mountains and woods, splitting the defense and catching a sweetfish
It is supported by a fish-eye land, and is banned.

Yoo Se-cha Gapsin Yuwol Gapsinsak The first seven days of the year Namhae Sugung Beef Housewife Grow Decrease Go (敢昭告于)
Sangcheon Ilwolseong god Futo Myeongsan Shinryeongjeon is intellect. The dragon king must be beaten by chance.
Upgrading one bowl of rabbits to hesitate (급事事尙饗)

After praying,

When I looked at one place, a strange beast sat down, with both ears wide open, eyes wide open, waists stretched out, left side cleared.
The mail is Noksuncheong, Noksucheongsan Mountain, Egypt, Jangsong, and the elders of the streams.
When Jara saw the report and saw the rabbit after seeing the burn, it was clear that it was a rabbit.
As the rabbit listened and jumped out and said, “Who is looking for me? Who is looking for me?
Kisan Yeongsobubuheyu You’re looking for me to go to the summer resort. Suyangsan Baek Yi-suk, Chae-mi?
Seongjin-hwa, who is looking for me during the spring forest of Ilseunggwi, the spring flower stone bridge
Wanwol Jangchi (남月長醉) Gangnam Taebaek Kyeongsangsangcheon (起耕上天) Go to the rough road, find me or Dowhayusu Murung residents (거주酒屬客) find me
A visitor from Cheongsan Kiju, a visitor of Cheongsan Jungwoon Shim, who visited me
Who is looking for me, who is looking for me.
It goes down and goes down by cooking.

I came to Han Chan, and I got a special housewives and listened. “Oh, it’s Koya! It’s like this!
Why don’t you get someone else’s taste in the first place? “Let’s do our full name.” “Let’s do it!”
“Yes, I am a hydrangea Jeon Ok-ju, a spokesman, a housekeeper. “Yes I was in the world
Yebusangseo (월部尙書) It is said that it is a new year, and it is an ordeal that the leap liquor must be drunk and the longevity medicine must be stopped and the load must be stopped.
Call out from the world, Myeongsaeng is called a retired teacher.
Today’s Sangbonggi is a manso innocent and immoral since it has been granted a lot of Sanghaji (何相見之). It’s not good, it’s good.
I don’t know from the truth. If you go into our hydrangea, the training captain will definitely do it. Will you bring beauty and beauty together day and night?
Isn’t that good? But what fun do you have in this world?”
“Well, the fun I’m doing is free. Don’t forget to listen to the interest of the world.”

On the day of the Nomosu Cheongsan Ilmo Twilight on the day of the no-employment, the awakening of the Wolchuldongnyeong was made to make the house of Cheongnim Byeokgye.
It has no value for mountains and pastoral foods, so there is no way to discourage them.
Yeosandongnam Orobong (과山東南五老峰), Jingukmyeongsan Manjangbong and Bongnaebang Yeongju Samsan, Taesan Sungsan Hyeongsan Volcano
Manhakcheonbong (월千峰) Guwol island valley triangular dragons Geumgangsan Amisan Suyangsan Mountain
Climbed up gently, spurred the black clouds, overlooked the white clouds, and thoroughly watched the sunrise of Yeosan and the sunrise of Yukuk (廬山落照經過 魏國).
Are you saying that it is harder because they are the chiefs of the study of the Taesansan Mountain River (공부泰山小天下)?
Occasionally, if you have a Simsim license, hit the calf, Angisaeng, and hit the calf.

“It’s not that you’re doing well. You’re a bad boy, but you’re good looking.
However, if there is an arrow in the middle of the eye and it is in this world, I will be faced with death eight times.”
“Oh, he’s making the right sound on his face. Yeah, why did I look like that?”
“I’ll say this, so listen.”

“I lived with you, my uncle, Chuchu, and I covered my eyes with Manhak in the snowy wind of Daehan Umdong and the wind was blowing on Cheonbong.
The budgerigar has been cut off. As if the flower garden disappears, the hungry boat sits beneath the dark rock, and the soles of the feet seem to be a little bigger.
It is the original soul of the first-time king of the behaviour, and the North Sea Small and Medium-sized Jungle of Ilwolgocho.
Bend the shrimp, and live in Samdong’s high school.
When I was looking for and found Shimsan Junggok, I was buried all over the place.
If you go through the Thirsty, the killing mortality will become a large quantity of marinated meat.
Wow, the thing that came up was that I shook up to the shore and climbed up to Humsangol, a hound of a hunter, and jumped and jumped.
Lay down the passerby Haedongcheong Boramae Cricket Peac#ck Peac#ck Peac#ck Imaru Dori Company Red Oyster Bird Drop and drop all the way, Sururururuurururu
I picked it up with both feet before you, but with a curly snout, I wasn’t sure about the troublesome thing between the two sides!”
“Huh, he! Even if you don’t sound right,” he said more and more. “Then there’s a nuisance.
A catcher hidden in Song-ha, an Onan rabbit, and a dwarf water pistol in a sergeant, wearing a grass-covered pussam, a spray of water called fire.
Quickly put in the gunpowder answering room and put on a fire like a half moon triggered candle and frown.
“Curleur tang!” “Hug, even if you don’t sound right.” More and more, “Then there’s someone else.
When they come down to the field, the amount of Chodong-dong carpenters who are chasing dogs and chasing dogs without a dog is a super-naked soldier.
Thinking of your soy sauce
I put my blanched tail on my face and cooked, cooked, cooked, and slithered.
I don’t like the world of frustration.
I’m in front of you, lying in front of you.”
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Lyrics Junsu 김준수 – 우리수국 퇴략하야 ~ 일개한퇴 가사

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