Lyrics 박혜련 – 춘향가 中 ‘사랑가 · 기생점고 · 군로사령 · 갈까보다’ 가사
Singer: 박혜련
Title: 춘향가 中 ‘사랑가 · 기생점고 · 군로사령 · 갈까보다’
– 춘향가 中 사랑가
아니리) 그때여 이도령이 광한루에서 춘향을 만나 정이 점점 깊어 가니 하로난 도련님이 춘향을 데리고 사랑가로 놀아 보시겠다.
진양조) 사랑 사랑 내 사랑아 어허 둥둥 내 사랑이야. 광한루서 처음 보고, 산하지맹(山河之盟) 깊은사랑. 하상견지만야월(何相見之晩也). 하월삼경(夏月三更) 밤이 짧어 구곡(九曲)같이 서린 정회 탐탐(耽耽)이 풀새 없이 새벽 닭이 원수로 구나. 어허 둥둥 내 사랑이야. 밤이 짧어 한이 되면, 천중명월 잡어 메고 장침가(長寢歌)로 놀아보고, 이 내 마음 거울이요. 도련님 굳은 맹세 내무진 오는밤에 사랑가로 즐겨보세. 사랑이야 어허 내 사랑이로구나. 어허 둥둥 네가 내 사랑이지야.
아니리) 오늘밤이 가면 내일밤이 또 오지요 일년이면 몇 밤이냐 삼백예순 다섯밤이지요 책방에 홀로 앉어 너를 생각하는 낮은 오지도 말고 일년 내내 너와 만나 노는 밤이 있어 주었으면
중모리) 사랑 사랑 내 사랑이야 어허둥둥 네가 내 사랑이지야. 이리 보아도 내사랑 저리 보아도 내 사랑. 우리 둘이 사랑 타가 생사가 한이 되어, 한번 아차 죽어지면 너의 혼은 꽃이 되고, 나의 넋은 나비 되어, 이삼월춘풍시(二三月春風時)절 네 꽃송이를 내가 안어 두 날개를 쩍 벌리고 너울너울 춤 추거든, 네가 나 인줄을 알려무나.
아니리) 아니 여보 도련님 오늘 같이 즐거운 날 불길하게 죽는단 말씀은 왜 하시오 그러면 정담을 허랴
중중모리) 정자 노래를 들어라. 정자 노래를 들어라. 너와 나와 유정허니, 어찌아니 다정하리. 담담 장강수(澹澹長江水) 유유원객정(悠悠遠客情). 하교불상송 (河橋不相送)허니 강수에 원앙정 (江樹遠含情) 송구남포 불승정(送君南浦 不勝情) 하남태수 희구정(河南太守 依舊情). 삼태육경(三台六卿)의 백관조정(百官朝庭) 소지원정(消紙寃情) 주어인정 니 마음 일편단정(一片丹情 ) 내마음 원형이정 (元亨利貞) 양인 심정(兩人心情)이 탁정(托情) 타가 만일 파정(罷情)이 퇴락이면 복통절정(腹痛絶情) 걱정되니 진정으로 완정(玩情) 허자는 그 정자 노래라. 사랑이로구나 내 사랑이야 사랑 사랑 사랑 내 사랑이야. 사랑이로구나 내 사랑이야 사랑이로구나 내 사랑이로구나. 아마도 내 사랑이야. 네가 무엇을 먹으랴느냐 니가 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 둥글둥글 수박 웃 봉지때 버리고 강능백청(江陵白淸)을 따르르 부어. 반간 진술로 담뿍 떠서 아나 였다. 네 먹을라느냐. 아니 그것도 나는 싫소. 그럼 네 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 네가 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 징땅징 찌다징허니 외가지 단참외 네 먹을라느냐. 아니 그것도 나는 싫어. 어허둥둥 내 사랑이야. 그럼 또 네 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 네가 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 시금 털털 개살구를 애기 서는데 네 먹을라느냐. 아니 그것도 나는 싫소 그럼 네 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 네가 무엇을 먹으랴느냐. 능금을 주랴 포도를 주랴 석류를 주랴 유자를 주랴. 둥둥둥 내 사랑이야. 이 이 이 내 사랑이로구나 설마둥둥 내 사랑이야. 사랑 사랑 사랑 내 사랑이야 어허 둥둥 내 사랑.
– 춘향가 中 기생점고
아니리) 그때여 사또는 동원(東軒)에 좌정(坐定)후 여봐라 호방(戶房) 형리(刑吏) 듣거라. 이 고을에는 미인(美人) 미색(美色)이 많다 허니 다른점고는 삼일 후로 미루고 우선 기생점고부터 혀렸다. 호방이 기생점고(妓生點考)를 허는데.
진양조) 우후동산(雨後東山)에 명월(明月)이 명월이가 들어온다. 명월이라 허는 기생은 기생 중 일행순(一行首)디, 홍상(紅裳) 자락을 거둠거둠 걷어다 세요흉중(細腰胸中)에 딱 붙이고, 아장아장 이긋거려서 예 등대(等待)나오. 점고를 맞고 일어서더니 좌부진퇴(左符進退)로 물러난다. 차문주가하처재(借問酒家何處在)요 연연옥골(娟娟玉骨) 설행(雪杏)이 설행이가 들어온다. 설행이가 들어온다.설행이라 하는 기생은 알음알이가 북창문인디 걸음을 걸어도 장단 맞춰 아장아장 이긋거려서 예 등대나오. 점고를 맞고 일어서더니 우부진퇴(右符進退)로 물러난다.
아니리) 네 여봐라. 기생점고를 그렇게 느리게 허다가는 석 달 열흘이 걸려도 다 못하겠구나. 내 성미는 원래 급한 사람이니 급급히 불러드려라. 호방이 눈치 있어 사또님의 보비우(補脾胃)를 허느라고 넉짜 화두로 불러 들이 난데.
중모리) 조운모우(朝雲暮雨) 양대선(陽臺仙)이 위선위귀(爲仙爲鬼) 춘운(春雲)이사군불견(思君不見) 반월(半月)이 독좌유황(獨坐幽篁) 금선(琴仙)이, 어주축수(漁舟逐水)에 도홍(桃紅)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 팔월부용(八月芙蓉)에 군자용(君子容), 만당추수(滿塘秋水)에 홍련(紅蓮)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 서창(紗窓)에 비치여 섬섬영자(纖纖影子) 초월(初月)이 예 등대허였오. 만경대(萬景臺) 구름 속에 높이 노던 학선(鶴仙)이 왔느냐 예 등대허였오. (간주) 바람아 퉁탱 부지 마라 낙락장송(落落長松)의 취행(翠香)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 단산오동(山丹梧桐) 그늘 밑 문왕(文王) 어루던 채봉(彩鳳)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 장삼(長衫) 소매를 떠드러 메고 저정 거리던 무선(舞仙)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 진루명월(秦樓明月) 옥소성(玉簫聲)에 화선(花仙)허던 농옥(弄玉)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. (간주) 만화방창(萬化方暢)에 봄바람 부귀할 손 모란(牧丹)이 왔느냐 예 등대허였오. 오동 복판에 거문고 시리렁 둥당 탄금(彈琴)이 왔느냐. 예 등대허였오. 뒷동산에다 대를 심었더니 매두 매두 매두 죽심(竹心)이 왔느냐. 예 등대 나오.
– 춘향가 中 군로사령
아니리) 기생점고 다 하였다 아뢰요. 듣거라 이고을에는 춘향이라는 기생이 있다는데 점고에 불참이니 어찌된 일인고? 춘향어미는 기생이로되 춘향은 기생이 아니온바 전전 이등 사또 자제 이몽룡씨와 백년가약을 맺은 후로 지금 수절을 하고 있나이다. 뭐 기생의 자식이 수절을 해. 그년 바삐 잡아 들여라.
중중모리) 군로사령(軍奴使令)이 나간다. 사령 군로가 나간다. 산수(山獸)털 벙거지 남일광단(藍日光緞)에 안을 받쳐. 날랠 용(勇)짜를 딱 부치고 충 충 충 충 허널 거리고 나간다. 서로 부르면서 나가는데, 이 얘 김 번수야, 와야. 이 얘 박 패두야, 와야. 걸리었다 걸리어 거 누구가 걸렸나. 춘향이가 걸렸단다. 옳다 그 제기 붙고 발기 갈 년이 양반 서방을 허였다고, 우리네를 보면 초리(草履)로 보고 댕혜(唐鞋)만 잘 잘 끌며 교만(驕慢)이 대단 허더니만, 잘되고 잘 되었다. 너나 내나 일분 사정 두는 놈은 저의 부모를 모르리라. 삼문 밖을 썩 나서 영주각을 지낸 후에, 오작교 다리 우에 우뚝 서서 아나였다 춘향아. 허고 부르는 소리 원근산천(遠近山川)이 떵 그렇게 들린다. 사또 분부가 지엄하니 지체 말고 나오너라.
– 춘향가 中 갈까부다
창조) 그때여 춘향이는 사령이 오난지 군로가 오난지 아무런 줄을 모르고 독수공방 상사 일념으로 세월을 보내는데
중모리) 갈까부다. 갈까 부네. 임 따라서 갈까부다. 천리라도 따라가고 만리라도 따라가지. 바람도 수여 넘고 구름도 수여 넘는, 수진이 날진이 해동청(海東靑) 보라매 모두 다 수여 넘는 동설령(冬雪嶺) 고개. 우리 님이 왔다 하면 나는 발 벗고 아니 수여 넘으련만, 어찌 허여 못 가는고. 무정허여 아주 잊고 一張手書)가 돈절(頓絶)허네. 뉘년의 꼬염을 듣고 여영 이별이 되었는가. 하늘의 직녀성은 은하수가 막혔어도 일년 일도 보건만은, 우리 임 계신 곳은 무슨 물이 막혔기로 이다지도 못 오신고. 차라리 내가 죽어 삼월동풍 연자(燕子) 되어 임 계신 처마 끝에, 집을 짓고 내가 노니다가 밤중만 임을 만나 만단정회를 풀어 볼꺼나. 아이고 아이고 내일이야. 이를 장차 어쩔거나. 그저 퍼 버리고 울음을 운다.
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Hangul / Romanized / Romanization
– chunhyang-ga jung salang-ga
anili) geuttaeyeo idolyeong-i gwanghanlueseo chunhyang-eul manna jeong-i jeomjeom gip-eo gani halonan dolyeonnim-i chunhyang-eul deligo salang-galo nol-a bosigessda.
jin-yangjo) salang salang nae salang-a eoheo dungdung nae salang-iya. gwanghanluseo cheoeum bogo, sanhajimaeng(sanhajimaeng) gip-eunsalang. hasang-gyeonjiman-yawol(hasang-gyeonjiman-ya). hawolsamgyeong(hawolsamgaeng) bam-i jjalb-eo gugog(gugog)gat-i seolin jeonghoe tamtam(tamtam)i pulsae eobs-i saebyeog dalg-i wonsulo guna. eoheo dungdung nae salang-iya. bam-i jjalb-eo han-i doemyeon, cheonjungmyeong-wol jab-eo mego jangchimga(jangchimga)lo nol-abogo, i nae ma-eum geoul-iyo. dolyeonnim gud-eun maengse naemujin oneunbam-e salang-galo jeulgyeobose. salang-iya eoheo nae salang-iloguna. eoheo dungdung nega nae salang-ijiya.
anili) oneulbam-i gamyeon naeilbam-i tto ojiyo ilnyeon-imyeon myeoch bam-inya sambaeg-yesun daseosbam-ijiyo chaegbang-e hollo anj-eo neoleul saeng-gaghaneun naj-eun ojido malgo ilnyeon naenae neowa manna noneun bam-i iss-eo jueoss-eumyeon
jungmoli) salang salang nae salang-iya eoheodungdung nega nae salang-ijiya. ili boado naesalang jeoli boado nae salang. uli dul-i salang taga saengsaga han-i doeeo, hanbeon acha jug-eojimyeon neoui hon-eun kkoch-i doego, naui neogs-eun nabi doeeo, isam-wolchunpungsi(isam-wolchunpungsi)jeol ne kkochsong-ileul naega an-eo du nalgaeleul jjeog beolligo neoulneoul chum chugeodeun, nega na injul-eul allyeomuna.
anili) ani yeobo dolyeonnim oneul gat-i jeulgeoun nal bulgilhage jugneundan malsseum-eun wae hasio geuleomyeon jeongdam-eul heolya
jungjungmoli) jeongja nolaeleul deul-eola. jeongja nolaeleul deul-eola. neowa nawa yujeongheoni, eojjiani dajeonghali. damdam jang-gangsu(damdamjang-gangsu) yuyuwongaegjeong(yuyuwongaegjeong). hagyobulsangsong (hagyobulsangsong)heoni gangsue won-angjeong (gangsuwonhamjeong) song-gunampo bulseungjeong(song-gunnampo bulseungjeong) hanamtaesu huigujeong(hanamtaesu uigujeong). samtaeyuggyeong(samtaeyuggyeong)ui baeggwanjojeong(baeggwanjojeong) sojiwonjeong(sojiwonjeong) jueoinjeong ni ma-eum ilpyeondanjeong(ilpyeondanjeong ) naema-eum wonhyeong-ijeong (wonhyeong-ijeong) yang-in simjeong(lyang-insimjeong)i tagjeong(tagjeong) taga man-il pajeong(pajeong)i toelag-imyeon bogtongjeoljeong(bogtongjeoljeong) geogjeongdoeni jinjeong-eulo wanjeong(wanjeong) heojaneun geu jeongja nolaela. salang-iloguna nae salang-iya salang salang salang nae salang-iya. salang-iloguna nae salang-iya salang-iloguna nae salang-iloguna. amado nae salang-iya. nega mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya niga mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. dung-geuldung-geul subag us bongjittae beoligo gangneungbaegcheong(gangneungbaegcheong)eul ttaleuleu bueo. bangan jinsullo damppug tteoseo ana yeossda. ne meog-eullaneunya. ani geugeosdo naneun silhso. geuleom ne mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. nega mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. jingttangjing jjidajingheoni oegaji dancham-oe ne meog-eullaneunya. ani geugeosdo naneun silh-eo. eoheodungdung nae salang-iya. geuleom tto ne mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. nega mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. sigeum teolteol gaesalguleul aegi seoneunde ne meog-eullaneunya. ani geugeosdo naneun silhso geuleom ne mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. nega mueos-eul meog-eulyaneunya. neung-geum-eul julya podoleul julya seoglyuleul julya yujaleul julya. dungdungdung nae salang-iya. i i i nae salang-iloguna seolmadungdung nae salang-iya. salang salang salang nae salang-iya eoheo dungdung nae salang.
– chunhyang-ga jung gisaengjeomgo
anili) geuttaeyeo sattoneun dong-won(dongheon)e jwajeong(jwajeong)hu yeobwala hobang(hobang) hyeongli(hyeongli) deudgeola. i go-eul-eneun miin(miin) misaeg(misaeg)i manhda heoni daleunjeomgoneun sam-il hulo milugo useon gisaengjeomgobuteo hyeolyeossda. hobang-i gisaengjeomgo(gisaengjeomgo)leul heoneunde.
jin-yangjo) uhudongsan(uhudongsan)e myeong-wol(myeong-wol)i myeong-wol-iga deul-eoonda. myeong-wol-ila heoneun gisaeng-eun gisaeng jung ilhaengsun(ilhangsu)di, hongsang(hongsang) jalag-eul geodumgeodum geod-eoda seyohyungjung(seyohyungjung)e ttag but-igo, ajang-ajang igeusgeolyeoseo ye deungdae(deungdae)nao. jeomgoleul majgo il-eoseodeoni jwabujintoe(jwabujintoe)lo mulleonanda. chamunjugahacheojae(chamunjugahacheojae)yo yeon-yeon-oggol(yeon-yeon-oggol) seolhaeng(seolhaeng)i seolhaeng-iga deul-eoonda. seolhaeng-iga deul-eoonda.seolhaeng-ila haneun gisaeng-eun al-eum-al-iga bugchangmun-indi geol-eum-eul geol-eodo jangdan majchwo ajang-ajang igeusgeolyeoseo ye deungdaenao. jeomgoleul majgo il-eoseodeoni ubujintoe(ubujintoe)lo mulleonanda.
anili) ne yeobwala. gisaengjeomgoleul geuleohge neulige heodaganeun seog dal yeolheul-i geollyeodo da moshagessguna. nae seongmineun wonlae geubhan salam-ini geubgeubhi bulleodeulyeola. hobang-i nunchi iss-eo sattonim-ui bobiu(bobiwi)leul heoneulago neogjja hwadulo bulleo deul-i nande.
jungmoli) jounmou(jounmou) yangdaeseon(yangdaeseon)i wiseon-wigwi(wiseon-wigwi) chun-un(chun-un)isagunbulgyeon(sagunbugyeon) ban-wol(ban-wol)i dogjwayuhwang(dogjwayuhwang) geumseon(geumseon)i, eojuchugsu(eojuchugsu)e dohong(dohong)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. pal-wolbuyong(pal-wolbuyong)e gunjayong(gunjayong), mandangchusu(mandangchusu)e honglyeon(honglyeon)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. seochang(sachang)e bichiyeo seomseom-yeongja(seomseom-yeongja) chowol(chowol)i ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. mangyeongdae(mangyeongdae) guleum sog-e nop-i nodeon hagseon(hagseon)i wassneunya ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. (ganju) balam-a tungtaeng buji mala naglagjangsong(nagnagjangsong)ui chwihaeng(chwihyang)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. dansan-odong(sandan-odong) geuneul mit mun-wang(mun-wang) eoludeon chaebong(chaebong)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. jangsam(jangsam) somaeleul tteodeuleo mego jeojeong geolideon museon(museon)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. jinlumyeong-wol(jinnumyeong-wol) ogsoseong(ogsoseong)e hwaseon(hwaseon)heodeon nong-og(nong-og)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. (ganju) manhwabangchang(manhwabangchang)e bombalam bugwihal son molan(mogdan)i wassneunya ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. odong bogpan-e geomungo silileong dungdang tangeum(tangeum)i wassneunya. ye deungdaeheoyeoss-o. dwisdongsan-eda daeleul sim-eossdeoni maedu maedu maedu jugsim(jugsim)i wassneunya. ye deungdae nao.
– chunhyang-ga jung gunlosalyeong
anili) gisaengjeomgo da hayeossda aloeyo. deudgeola igo-eul-eneun chunhyang-ilaneun gisaeng-i issdaneunde jeomgo-e bulcham-ini eojjidoen il-ingo? chunhyang-eomineun gisaeng-ilodoe chunhyang-eun gisaeng-i anionba jeonjeon ideung satto jaje imonglyongssiwa baegnyeongayag-eul maej-eun hulo jigeum sujeol-eul hago issnaida. mwo gisaeng-ui jasig-i sujeol-eul hae. geunyeon bappi jab-a deul-yeola.
jungjungmoli) gunlosalyeong(gunnosalyeong)i naganda. salyeong gunloga naganda. sansu(sansu)teol beong-geoji nam-ilgwangdan(nam-ilgwangdan)e an-eul badchyeo. nallael yong(yong)jjaleul ttag buchigo chung chung chung chung heoneol geoligo naganda. seolo buleumyeonseo naganeunde, i yae gim beonsuya, waya. i yae bag paeduya, waya. geollieossda geollieo geo nuguga geollyeossna. chunhyang-iga geollyeossdanda. olhda geu jegi butgo balgi gal nyeon-i yangban seobang-eul heoyeossdago, ulineleul bomyeon choli(choli)lo bogo daenghye(danghye)man jal jal kkeulmyeo gyoman(gyoman)i daedan heodeoniman, jaldoego jal doeeossda. neona naena ilbun sajeong duneun nom-eun jeoui bumoleul moleulila. sammun bakk-eul sseog naseo yeongjugag-eul jinaen hue, ojaggyo dali ue uttug seoseo anayeossda chunhyang-a. heogo buleuneun soli wongeunsancheon(wongeunsancheon)i tteong geuleohge deullinda. satto bunbuga jieomhani jiche malgo naoneola.
– chunhyang-ga jung galkkabuda
changjo) geuttaeyeo chunhyang-ineun salyeong-i onanji gunloga onanji amuleon jul-eul moleugo dogsugongbang sangsa ilnyeom-eulo sewol-eul bonaeneunde
jungmoli) galkkabuda. galkka bune. im ttalaseo galkkabuda. cheonlilado ttalagago manlilado ttalagaji. balamdo suyeo neomgo guleumdo suyeo neomneun, sujin-i naljin-i haedongcheong(haedongcheong) bolamae modu da suyeo neomneun dongseollyeong(dongseollyeong) gogae. uli nim-i wassda hamyeon naneun bal beosgo ani suyeo neom-eulyeonman, eojji heoyeo mos ganeungo. mujeongheoyeo aju ijgo iljangsuseo)ga donjeol(donjeol)heone. nwinyeon-ui kkoyeom-eul deudgo yeoyeong ibyeol-i doeeossneunga. haneul-ui jignyeoseong-eun eunhasuga maghyeoss-eodo ilnyeon ildo bogeonman-eun, uli im gyesin gos-eun museun mul-i maghyeossgilo idajido mos osingo. chalali naega jug-eo sam-woldongpung yeonja(yeonja) doeeo im gyesin cheoma kkeut-e, jib-eul jisgo naega nonidaga bamjungman im-eul manna mandanjeonghoeleul pul-eo bolkkeona. aigo aigo naeil-iya. ileul jangcha eojjeolgeona. geujeo peo beoligo ul-eum-eul unda.
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춘향가 中 ‘사랑가 · 기생점고 · 군로사령 · 갈까보다’ – English Translation
-Chunhyangga Middle Love
Aniri) At that time, Lee Do-ryeong met Chun-hyang at Gwanghallu and the affection is getting deeper, so Borcissist Haronan will take Chun-hyang and play as a love song.
Jinyangjo) Love, love, my love, my love. The first time I saw it in Gwanghallu, the deep love of the mountain, Hazimeeng. Only Ha Sang-gyeon (何相見之晩也). The summer months are short and the night is short, and the tamtam of Jeonghoe, who is standing like a gugok, has no grass, and a chicken at dawn is the enemy. It’s my love. When the night is short and it’s cold, I catch Cheonjungmyeongwol and play with Jangchim-ga, and this is my mind mirror. Bocchan, let’s enjoy the swearing vows this coming night as a love song. It’s love, uh, it’s my love. Oh, you are my love.
Aniri) If tonight passes, tomorrow night will come again How many nights in a year? Three hundred and sixty five nights. I would like to have a night to meet and play with you all year, instead of sitting alone in a bookstore and thinking about you.
Jungmori) Love, love, it’s my love, you are my love Looking at me, my love, looking at me, my love. When the two of us are in love, life and death become a breeze, and once you die, your soul becomes a flower, my soul becomes a butterfly, and I hold your blossoms in the spring of this Samwol Chunpung, spread our wings apart, and dance. If you’re dancing, I know you’re me.
Nori) No honey, why do you say that you are dying ominously on a happy day like today?
Jungjungmori) Listen to the sperm song. Listen to the sperm song. You and me, Yoo Jung Honey, how sweet will it be? Damdam, Janggangsu, Yuyu-won Gaekjeong (悠悠遠客情). Hagyo Buddhism Song (河橋不相送) Honey River (江樹遠含情) Songgunampo (Bulletin Jeong) Hanam Taesoo (Hui Gujeong). Samtae Yuk-gyeong’s Baekwan-jeong (百官朝庭) So Ji-won-jeong (消紙寃情) Subject recognition Your heart one-sided Dan-jeong (一片丹情) My heart prototype Lee-jeong (元亨利貞) Yangin Shim-jeong (兩人) Takjeong (托情) Taga (heart 情) If pajeong (罷情) is degenerate, I am worried about the peak of abdominal pain. Truly Wanjeong (玩情) He is the sperm song. It’s love, it’s my love, love, love, love, it’s my love. It is love, it is my love, it is love, it is my love. Maybe it’s my love What shall you eat? What shall you eat? Throw it away in a bag of round watermelon and pour it with Gangneungbaekcheong (江陵白淸). It was Ana with a half statement. Do you eat? No I hate that either. Then what do you eat? What do you eat? What do you want to eat? No I hate it either. It’s my love. Then what else should you eat? What do you eat? I’m standing up with spinach haired dog apricots, do you want to eat? No, I hate that too. Then what do you eat? What do you eat? Will I give you a golden gold, a grape, a pomegranate, or a citron? It’s my love. This is my love, this is my love. Love love, it’s my love, my love
-Gisaeng branch in Chunhyangga
Aniri) At that time, after sitting down in Sa or Dongwon, listen to Yeobang (戶房) and Hyeongri (刑吏). In this town, there are many beautiful off-white (美色), so other points were postponed three days later, and first of all, the parasitic point was ruled out. Hobang breaks down the parasitic point.
Jinyangjo) Myeongwol and Myeongwol come to Uhu-dong Mountain (雨後東山). Among the gisaengs, the Gisaeng, who is called Myeongwol, gathers the hem of Hanoksoon (一行首) and Hongsang (紅裳), and attaches it to the middle of the house. After getting up, he stepped back with a left-handed digression (左符進退). Chamunjugahachejae (借問酒家何處在) and Yeonyeonokgol (娟娟玉骨) Seolhaeng (雪杏) comes in. A gisaeng called Seolhaeng comes out of the lighthouse because Alum-Ryi walks in the north window indifferent to the beat. After getting up and running, he retreats to woobujindeo (右符進退).
Nori) Yes, honey. I can’t do it all even if it takes three months and ten days to break down the parasitic check so slowly. My temper is a person in a hurry, so call me in a hurry. Because I noticed a hobang, I called Sato-nim’s Bobiu (補脾胃) as a hot topic.
Jungmori) Jo Unmo (朝雲暮雨) Yang Dae-seon (Yang Dae-seon) Hyposeon (爲仙爲鬼) Chun-un (Chun-woon) (Chun-Un) (琴仙), did Dohong come to Eoju Chuksu (漁舟逐水)? Yes, it was lighthouse. Did Gunja-yong (君子容) come to Palwolbu-yong (八月芙蓉) and Hongryeon (紅蓮) to Mandang Chusu (滿塘秋水)? Yes, it was lighthouse. It was reflected in Seochang, and the island island Yeongja transcendence was a lighthouse. Mangyeongdae (萬景臺) Is the Northern Hakseon high in the clouds? Yes, it was Lighthouse Heo. (Ganju) Wind, don’t be hungry. Have you come to take on Narakjangsong (落落長松)? Yes, it was lighthouse. Did Chaebong, who used to be the king of Moon, come under the shade of Dansan Odong? Yes, it was the lighthouse. Was the radio (舞仙) who was carrying long sleeves and walking around? Yes, it was the lighthouse. Did the Hwaseon and Hwa-seon-Heaven Farm House come to Okso-seong in Jinru Myungwol (秦樓明月)? Yes, it was lighthouse. (Ganju) Did the spring breeze rich hand, Peony, come to the Manga Bangchang? Yes, it was Lighthouse Heo. Did Geomungo Sirireung Dongdang Tangeum come in the middle of Paulownia? Yes, it was the lighthouse. After planting a stalk in the back garden, did Maedoo Maedoo Maedoo Juksim come? Yes lighthouse come out.
-Commander Gunro of Chunhyangga
Aniri) I’m done with the parasitic point. Listen, there is a gisaeng named Chun-hyang in Goo-eul. Chun-hyang’s mother is a gisaeng, but Chun-hyang is not a gisaeng. Since I signed up with Lee Mong-ryong, a son of a former former brother-in-law, she has been working hard now. Well, the gisaeng’s child does the ritual. Get that b#tch busy.
Jungjungmori) Commander Gunro (軍奴使令) leaves. Commander Gunro goes out. Support the inside of Namil Gwangdan, a place where the hair of the mountains and waters is buried. They just send a fast dragon, and go out. They go out calling each other, but this is Kim Bunsu, come. This is Park Padoo, come on. Who got caught? Chunhyang is caught. It is true that the years to be raised and erection left the West, and looking at us as chori (草履), only Dang-hye (唐鞋) was well attracted, and pride (驕慢) was very good. You, me, or someone who is in trouble for one minute will not know my parents. After going outside the Sammun and staying at Yeongjugak, it was Ana, standing tall on the bridge of Ojakgyo Bridge. The sound of a song called Wongeunsancheon (遠近山川) sounds like that. Sato’s order is stern, so come out without delay.
-I want to go to Chunhyangga
Creation) At that time, Chun-hyang spends the years with his thoughts as the boss of the Doksu Workshop without knowing whether the commander was Onan or Gunro.
Jungmori) I should go. I’m afraid to go. Im thinking of going accordingly. Thousand lira will follow, and even ten lira will follow. Dongseolyeong Pass is bestowed over all winds and clouds, and Sujin is bestowed in Haedongcheong and Boramae. If we come, I will take off my feet and pass the award, but why can’t I go? I forget it very much. After hearing what year of love, did Yeo-young become parting? Even if the Milky Way was blocked in the sky, we couldn’t even come to the place where we were in forest because some water was blocked. I’d rather die and become a Samwol-dong pung (燕子) and build a house at the end of the eaves of the immortal god, and then I will meet Im only in the middle of the night to solve Mandanjeonghoe. Oh oh oh oh it’s tomorrow What about this in the future? I just spread and cry.
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