춘향가 中 어사출도 Lyrics – 정보권
Singer: 정보권
Title: 춘향가 中 어사출도
그 때여 본관은 속이 과히 붉혀 곰곰히 생각터니,
‘저놈이 양반의 자식은 분명헌디,
젊은 놈이 저리 버릇이 없을 진데,
제 집안이 난봉이요, 필경 무식헐 터이니
운자를 내어 쫓으리라.’
“자, 좌중에 통 헐 말이 있소.
우리들 관장네 모여 노는 좌석에 글이 없어 무미하니,
우리 글 한 귀씩 지읍시다.”
손수 운자를 불렀으되,
“기름 고, 높을 고.”
두 자로 절귀 운을 부르더니,
“만일에 운자대로 글을 못 짓는 자가 이 좌중에 있으면,
곤장 다섯 대씩 때려 밖으로 쫓아내기로 헙시다.”
어사또 함소허며,
“자, 상좌에 말씀 올라가오!
이 사람도 부모 덕분에 글자나 읽었으니,
그 시 한 귀 지으면 어떠허오?”
운봉이 반겨 듣고 통인을 불러들여,
“네 여봐라. 이 양반께 지필연 갖다 올려라.”
어사또 지필연 받어 일필휘지허여 운봉 장께 내어주며,
“이런 과객의 글이 오즉허겠습니까?
보신 다음에 웃지 말으시고,
고칠 데 있으면 고치시지요.”
운봉이 글을 받아 보니, 글씨가 명필이요,
글이 또한 문장이라
운봉이 글을 읽다 벌벌벌벌 떨며,
“이 글 속에 일 들었구나!”
곡성을 가만히 손짓허여
뒤 툇마루로 가서 가만히 글을 읊는디,
그 때여 운봉과 곡성은 본관이 들을까 허여
가만가만 읊었건 마는,
우리 성악가들이 읊을 적에는
좌상이 들으시게 허자니,
글을 좀 크게 읊든 것이었다.
“금준미주는 천인혈이요, 옥반가효는 만성고라.
촉루낙시에 민루락이요, 가성고처에 원성고라.”
“이 글 속에 벼락 들었소!
우리 여기 있다가는 초서리 맞기 쉬울 테니
어서어서 떠납시다.
여보, 본관장. 잘 놀으시오. 나는 먼저 떠납니다.”
“아니, 운봉 영장, 별안간 이게 웬 일이시오?”
“헤헤, 대부인께서 낙태를 했다고 곧 기별이 왔소.”
“아니? 노형 대부인 춘추가 얼마신데 낙태를 허세요?”
“금년에 아흔 아홉이오.”
“아흔 아홉에 무슨 낙태를 허신단 말씀이오?”
“아, 낙태가 아니라, 낙상 허였다는 것을
겁결에 잘못 헌 말 이오.”
곡성도 같이 떨며,
“나, 나, 나, 나, 나, 나도 떠나야겄소.”
“아니, 곡성은 왜 이러시오?”
“나는 오늘이 하, 학질 직날이오!”
운봉 하인을 부르고, 곡성 하인을 부르고 야단이 났것다.
그 때에 폐의파립헌 사람 하나 질청에 달려들어와,
무슨 문서 내어놓고 말없이 나가거늘,
아전들이 들고 보니 어사또 비간이라.
아전들이 질색허여 동헌에 달려들어와,
“어사또 비간 올리오!”
올려 놓으니, 좌상에 모인 수령네는 혼이 없고,
본관은 넋을 잃어, 비간을 펴보랴 헐 제.
없던 수전증이 절로 생기것다.
‘남원부사 친집개탁’이라 허였거늘,
뚝 떼어보니 허였으되,
‘본부수리 각창색 진휼감색 착하 뇌수허고,
거행 형리 성명을 삭직보래 의당사’라.
이리 되어 어사또 남원에 출도를 붙이는디,
동헌이 들썩들썩 각 청이 뒤노을 제,
“본부 수리 각창색 진휼감색 착하뇌수허고,
거행 형리 성명을 보한 연후,
삼공형 부르고, 삼행수 불러라.
위선 고량을 신칙허고,
동헌에 수례차로 감색을 차정하라.
공형을 불러서 각고하기 재촉,
도서원 불러서 ‘결총이 옳으냐?’
전대동색 불러 수미가 줄이고,
군색을 불러 군목가감허고,
육직이 불러서 큰 소를 잡히고,
공방을 불러 재물을 단속,
수노를 불러서 거회도 신칙,
사정이 불러서 옥쇠를 단속,
예방을 불러 공인을 단속허고,
행수기 불러서 기생을 단속허여라!”
그저 우근 우근 우근.
남원 성중이 뒤노을 제,
좌상에 모인 수령네는 혼불부신이 되어 앉었들 못허고,
이리저리 다니면서 서로 친분로 귀에 대고 소곤소곤.
“이제 남원은 절단났소.
우리 여기 있다가는 산벼락 맞기 쉬울 테니,
어서어서 떠납시다.”
그 때여 어사또님은 앉었다 일어서며 지지개를 불끈.
“어어. 잘 먹었다. 어찌 이리 좌석이 섬뜩허오?
여보, 본관장! 내 잘 얻어먹고, 잘 놀다 잘 가오마는,
좌석이 이리 섬뜩허니 원, 이런 낙흥이 없소그려!”
본관이 물색 모르고 어사또께 포악헌다.
“아, 이 사람놈의 인사야. 잘 가던지, 못 가던지,
이 난리 통에 쉰사는 무슨 놈에 쉰사여?”
어사또 어이없어 본관을 물끄러미 보며,
“그럴 일이요. 그러면 우리 조끔 있다가 또 만나봅시다.”
뜰 아래 내려서서 좌우를 살펴보니,
청패 역졸 수십 명이 장사꾼으로 채림새를 허고,
패랭이를 숙여 쓰고,
구경꾼 한 테 섞여 드문 듬성 늘어서 어사또를 바라본다.
그 때여 어사또님은 삼문 밖으로 나가면서,
눈 한 번 끔쩍, 부채질 까딱, 발 한 번 툭 구르니,
청패 역졸이 눈치를 채고 순식간에 변장을 허는디,
청상적을 입고, 홍견대를 띠고,
패랭이를 벗고 홍전립을 쓰고,
사면에서 우루루루루루루루. 삼문을 후닥딱!
“암행어사 출도야! 출도하옵신다! 출도야!”
두세 번 외는 소리 하날이 답싹 무너지고,
땅이 툭 꺼지 는 듯. 백일벽력 진동하고,
여름날이 불이 붙어 가삼이 다 타는구나!
각읍 수령이 넋을 잃고,
탕건 바람 버선발로 대숲으로 달어나며,
“통인아. 공사궤 급창아, 탕근 주워라!”
대도 집어 내던지고,
병부 입으로 물고 헐근 실근 달어날 제,
운봉 영장 뚱이 잃고 수박 들고 달어나고,
담양 부사 갓을 잃고 방석 쓰고 달어나고,
순창 군수 탕건 잃고 화관 쓰고 달어날 제,
임실 현감은 창의 잃고 몽도리 입고 달어나고,
순천 부사는 겁도 나고 술도 취허여,
다락으로 도망쳐 올라가 갓 모자에다 오줌을 누니,
밑에 있던 하인들이 오줌 벼락을 맞으면서,
“아퍼! 아퍼! 헤!” 겁결에 허는 말이,
“요사이는 하느님이 비를 끓여서 나리나부다!”
본관이 넋을 잃고 골방으로 들어가다가
쥐구멍에다가 상투를 박고,
“갓 내어라. 신고 가자. 신발 내라. 쓰고 가자. 말 내어라.
입고 가자. 창의 잡아라. 타고 가자. 문 들어온다.
바람 닫혀라. 요강 마렵다.
오줌 들여라. 물 마르니 목 좀 다오!”
다시 벌떡 일어나, 통인의 목을 부여잡고 벌벌벌벌 떨며,
“통인아, 날 살려라! 역졸이 날 찾거든 모른다고 허여라!”
역졸이 장난헌다. “이방!” 후닥딱! “아이고, 아이고!”
“공방!” 후닥딱! 공방이 맞어 꺼꾸러지며,
“아이고, 아이고! 내가 삼대독신이오. 살려 주오!
야, 이 몹쓸 아전들아! 좋은 구실은 너희가 허고,
천하 무죄헌 공방 시켜 이 형벌이 웬 일이냐?”
공형, 아전 갓철대가 부러지고, 직령동이 떠나갈 제,
발목 삐고 발 상헌 채 전동전동 달어나고,
불쌍허다 관로 사령 눈 빠지고, 박 터지고, 코 떨어지고,
귀 떨어지고, 덜미 치어 엎더진 놈, 상투 쥐고 달어나며,
수령 모인 잔치 좌중을 망치로 바수는디,
금병 수병 산수병과 수십 자
교자상과 양치대야 토기 쟁반
접시 대합 술병 후닥딱 지끈, 왱그렁 쨍그렁 깨어지고,
거문고 가야금 양금 해금 생황 단소 피리 젓대 북 장고
산산히 부서 질 적, 춤 추던 기생들은
팔 벌린 채 달어나고,
관비는 밥상 잃고 물통이고 들어오며,
“사또님, 세수 잡수시오!”
공방은 넋을 잃고, 멍석을 말어
옆에 끼고 멍석인 줄을 모르고,
“아이고, 이놈의 자리가 어찌 이리 무거우냐?”
사령은 나발 잃고, 주먹 쥐고 “홍앵 홍앵 홍앵.”
운봉은 넋을 잃고 말을 거꾸로 집어타고,
“어따, 급창아! 이 말 좀 보아라!
이 말이 운봉으로는 아니 가고,
남원 어사또 계신데로만 뿌두둥 뿌두둥 가니,
암행 사또가 축천축지법도 허나부다!
어따, 급창아. 이 말 좀 보아라!”
급창이 넋을 잃고 들숨 날숨 꼼짝 달싹을 못허고,
“흐 흐, 아이고, 사또님. 아이고
사또님 말을 거꾸로 탔사오니,
속히 내려 옳게 타십시오!”
“어따, 이놈아! 이 난리 통에 언제 말을 옳게 탄단 말이냐?
말 모가지를 선뜻 빼어
멍구똥에다 둘러박어라! 둘러박어라!”
풍진이 일어나서 장판교가 되었을 제,
짖던 개도 목이 쉬고, 날든 새도 아니 날며,
산천초목도 벌벌 떠니 무섭고도 두려워라.
눈치 빠른 통인이 대상에 뛰어올라,
“집사! 훤화 금 허랍신다!” “쉬!”
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Hangul / Romanized / Romanization
geu ttaeyeo bongwan-eun sog-i gwahi bulghyeo gomgomhi saeng-gagteoni,
‘jeonom-i yangban-ui jasig-eun bunmyeongheondi,
jeolm-eun nom-i jeoli beoleus-i eobs-eul jinde,
je jib-an-i nanbong-iyo, pilgyeong musigheol teoini
unjaleul naeeo jjoch-eulila.’
“ja, jwajung-e tong heol mal-i issso.
ulideul gwanjangne moyeo noneun jwaseog-e geul-i eobs-eo mumihani,
uli geul han gwissig jieubsida.”
sonsu unjaleul bulleoss-eudoe,
“gileum go, nop-eul go.”
du jalo jeolgwi un-eul buleudeoni,
“man-il-e unjadaelo geul-eul mos jisneun jaga i jwajung-e iss-eumyeon,
gonjang daseos daessig ttaelyeo bakk-eulo jjoch-anaegilo heobsida.”
eosatto hamsoheomyeo,
“ja, sangjwa-e malsseum ollagao!
i salamdo bumo deogbun-e geuljana ilg-eoss-euni,
geu si han gwi jieumyeon eotteoheoo?”
unbong-i bangyeo deudgo tong-in-eul bulleodeul-yeo,
“ne yeobwala. i yangbankke jipil-yeon gajda ollyeola.”
eosatto jipil-yeon bad-eo ilpilhwijiheoyeo unbong jangkke naeeojumyeo,
“ileon gwagaeg-ui geul-i ojeugheogessseubnikka?
bosin da-eum-e usji mal-eusigo,
gochil de iss-eumyeon gochisijiyo.”
unbong-i geul-eul bad-a boni, geulssiga myeongpil-iyo,
geul-i ttohan munjang-ila
unbong-i geul-eul ilgda beolbeolbeolbeol tteolmyeo,
“i geul sog-e il deul-eossguna!”
gogseong-eul gamanhi sonjisheoyeo
dwi toesmalulo gaseo gamanhi geul-eul eulpneundi,
geu ttaeyeo unbong-gwa gogseong-eun bongwan-i deul-eulkka heoyeo
gamangaman eulp-eossgeon maneun,
uli seong-aggadeul-i eulp-eul jeog-eneun
jwasang-i deul-eusige heojani,
geul-eul jom keuge eulpdeun geos-ieossda.
“geumjunmijuneun cheon-inhyeol-iyo, ogbangahyoneun manseong-gola.
choglunagsie minlulag-iyo, gaseong-gocheoe wonseong-gola.”
“i geul sog-e byeolag deul-eossso!
uli yeogi issdaganeun choseoli majgi swiul teni
eoseoeoseo tteonabsida.
yeobo, bongwanjang. jal nol-eusio. naneun meonjeo tteonabnida.”
“ani, unbong yeongjang, byeol-angan ige wen il-isio?”
“hehe, daebu-inkkeseo nagtaeleul haessdago god gibyeol-i wassso.”
“ani? nohyeong daebu-in chunchuga eolmasinde nagtaeleul heoseyo?”
“geumnyeon-e aheun ahob-io.”
“aheun ahob-e museun nagtaeleul heosindan malsseum-io?”
“a, nagtaega anila, nagsang heoyeossdaneun geos-eul
geobgyeol-e jalmos heon mal io.”
gogseongdo gat-i tteolmyeo,
“na, na, na, na, na, nado tteonayageossso.”
“ani, gogseong-eun wae ileosio?”
“naneun oneul-i ha, hagjil jignal-io!”
unbong hain-eul buleugo, gogseong hain-eul buleugo yadan-i nassgeosda.
geu ttaee pyeuipalibheon salam hana jilcheong-e dallyeodeul-eowa,
museun munseo naeeonohgo mal-eobs-i nagageoneul,
ajeondeul-i deulgo boni eosatto bigan-ila.
ajeondeul-i jilsaegheoyeo dongheon-e dallyeodeul-eowa,
“eosatto bigan ollio!”
ollyeo noh-euni, jwasang-e moin sulyeongneneun hon-i eobsgo,
bongwan-eun neogs-eul ilh-eo, bigan-eul pyeobolya heol je.
eobsdeon sujeonjeung-i jeollo saeng-gigeosda.
‘nam-wonbusa chinjibgaetag’ila heoyeossgeoneul,
ttug tteeoboni heoyeoss-eudoe,
‘bonbusuli gagchangsaeg jinhyulgamsaeg chagha noesuheogo,
geohaeng hyeongli seongmyeong-eul sagjigbolae uidangsa’la.
ili doeeo eosatto nam-won-e chuldoleul but-ineundi,
dongheon-i deulsseogdeulsseog gag cheong-i dwino-eul je,
“bonbu suli gagchangsaeg jinhyulgamsaeg chaghanoesuheogo,
geohaeng hyeongli seongmyeong-eul bohan yeonhu,
samgonghyeong buleugo, samhaengsu bulleola.
wiseon golyang-eul sinchigheogo,
dongheon-e sulyechalo gamsaeg-eul chajeonghala.
gonghyeong-eul bulleoseo gaggohagi jaechog,
doseowon bulleoseo ‘gyeolchong-i olh-eunya?’
jeondaedongsaeg bulleo sumiga jul-igo,
gunsaeg-eul bulleo gunmoggagamheogo,
yugjig-i bulleoseo keun soleul jabhigo,
gongbang-eul bulleo jaemul-eul dansog,
sunoleul bulleoseo geohoedo sinchig,
sajeong-i bulleoseo ogsoeleul dansog,
yebang-eul bulleo gong-in-eul dansogheogo,
haengsugi bulleoseo gisaeng-eul dansogheoyeola!”
geujeo ugeun ugeun ugeun.
nam-won seongjung-i dwino-eul je,
jwasang-e moin sulyeongneneun honbulbusin-i doeeo anj-eossdeul mosheogo,
ilijeoli danimyeonseo seolo chinbunlo gwie daego sogonsogon.
“ije nam-won-eun jeoldannassso.
uli yeogi issdaganeun sanbyeolag majgi swiul teni,
eoseoeoseo tteonabsida.”
geu ttaeyeo eosattonim-eun anj-eossda il-eoseomyeo jijigaeleul bulkkeun.
“eoeo. jal meog-eossda. eojji ili jwaseog-i seomtteugheoo?
yeobo, bongwanjang! nae jal eod-eomeoggo, jal nolda jal gaomaneun,
jwaseog-i ili seomtteugheoni won, ileon nagheung-i eobs-sogeulyeo!”
bongwan-i mulsaeg moleugo eosattokke poagheonda.
“a, i salamnom-ui insaya. jal gadeonji, mos gadeonji,
i nanli tong-e swinsaneun museun nom-e swinsayeo?”
eosatto eoieobs-eo bongwan-eul mulkkeuleomi bomyeo,
“geuleol il-iyo. geuleomyeon uli jokkeum issdaga tto mannabobsida.”
tteul alae naelyeoseoseo jwauleul salpyeoboni,
cheongpae yeogjol susib myeong-i jangsakkun-eulo chaelimsaeleul heogo,
paelaeng-ileul sug-yeo sseugo,
gugyeongkkun han te seokk-yeo deumun deumseong neul-eoseo eosattoleul balabonda.
geu ttaeyeo eosattonim-eun sammun bakk-eulo nagamyeonseo,
nun han beon kkeumjjeog, buchaejil kkattag, bal han beon tug guleuni,
cheongpae yeogjol-i nunchileul chaego sunsiggan-e byeonjang-eul heoneundi,
cheongsangjeog-eul ibgo, hong-gyeondaeleul ttigo,
paelaeng-ileul beosgo hongjeonlib-eul sseugo,
samyeon-eseo ulululululululu. sammun-eul hudagttag!
“amhaeng-eosa chuldoya! chuldohaobsinda! chuldoya!”
duse beon oeneun soli hanal-i dabssag muneojigo,
ttang-i tug kkeoji neun deus. baeg-ilbyeoglyeog jindonghago,
yeoleumnal-i bul-i but-eo gasam-i da taneunguna!
gag-eub sulyeong-i neogs-eul ilhgo,
tang-geon balam beoseonballo daesup-eulo dal-eonamyeo,
“tong-in-a. gongsagwe geubchang-a, tang-geun juwola!”
daedo jib-eo naedeonjigo,
byeongbu ib-eulo mulgo heolgeun silgeun dal-eonal je,
unbong yeongjang ttung-i ilhgo subag deulgo dal-eonago,
dam-yang busa gas-eul ilhgo bangseog sseugo dal-eonago,
sunchang gunsu tang-geon ilhgo hwagwan sseugo dal-eonal je,
imsil hyeongam-eun chang-ui ilhgo mongdoli ibgo dal-eonago,
suncheon busaneun geobdo nago suldo chwiheoyeo,
dalag-eulo domangchyeo ollaga gas moja-eda ojum-eul nuni,
mit-e issdeon haindeul-i ojum byeolag-eul maj-eumyeonseo,
“apeo! apeo! he!” geobgyeol-e heoneun mal-i,
“yosaineun haneunim-i bileul kkeulh-yeoseo nalinabuda!”
bongwan-i neogs-eul ilhgo golbang-eulo deul-eogadaga
jwigumeong-edaga sangtuleul baggo,
“gas naeeola. singo gaja. sinbal naela. sseugo gaja. mal naeeola.
ibgo gaja. chang-ui jab-ala. tago gaja. mun deul-eoonda.
balam dadhyeola. yogang malyeobda.
ojum deul-yeola. mul maleuni mog jom dao!”
dasi beoltteog il-eona, tong-in-ui mog-eul buyeojabgo beolbeolbeolbeol tteolmyeo,
“tong-in-a, nal sallyeola! yeogjol-i nal chajgeodeun moleundago heoyeola!”
yeogjol-i jangnanheonda. “ibang!” hudagttag! “aigo, aigo!”
“gongbang!” hudagttag! gongbang-i maj-eo kkeokkuleojimyeo,
“aigo, aigo! naega samdaedogsin-io. sallyeo juo!
ya, i mobsseul ajeondeul-a! joh-eun gusil-eun neohuiga heogo,
cheonha mujoeheon gongbang sikyeo i hyeongbeol-i wen il-inya?”
gonghyeong, ajeon gascheoldaega buleojigo, jiglyeongdong-i tteonagal je,
balmog ppigo bal sangheon chae jeondongjeondong dal-eonago,
bulssangheoda gwanlo salyeong nun ppajigo, bag teojigo, ko tteol-eojigo,
gwi tteol-eojigo, deolmi chieo eopdeojin nom, sangtu jwigo dal-eonamyeo,
sulyeong moin janchi jwajung-eul mangchilo basuneundi,
geumbyeong subyeong sansubyeong-gwa susib ja
gyojasang-gwa yangchidaeya togi jaengban
jeobsi daehab sulbyeong hudagttag jikkeun, waeng-geuleong jjaeng-geuleong kkaeeojigo,
geomungo gayageum yang-geum haegeum saenghwang danso pili jeosdae bug jang-go
sansanhi buseo jil jeog, chum chudeon gisaengdeul-eun
pal beollin chae dal-eonago,
gwanbineun babsang ilhgo multong-igo deul-eoomyeo,
“sattonim, sesu jabsusio!”
gongbang-eun neogs-eul ilhgo, meongseog-eul mal-eo
yeop-e kkigo meongseog-in jul-eul moleugo,
“aigo, inom-ui jaliga eojji ili mugeounya?”
salyeong-eun nabal ilhgo, jumeog jwigo “hong-aeng hong-aeng hong-aeng.”
unbong-eun neogs-eul ilhgo mal-eul geokkulo jib-eotago,
“eotta, geubchang-a! i mal jom boala!
i mal-i unbong-euloneun ani gago,
nam-won eosatto gyesindeloman ppududung ppududung gani,
amhaeng sattoga chugcheonchugjibeobdo heonabuda!
eotta, geubchang-a. i mal jom boala!”
geubchang-i neogs-eul ilhgo deulsum nalsum kkomjjag dalssag-eul mosheogo,
“heu heu, aigo, sattonim. aigo
sattonim mal-eul geokkulo tasssaoni,
soghi naelyeo olhge tasibsio!”
“eotta, inom-a! i nanli tong-e eonje mal-eul olhge tandan mal-inya?
mal mogajileul seontteus ppaeeo
meong-guttong-eda dulleobag-eola! dulleobag-eola!”
pungjin-i il-eonaseo jangpangyoga doeeoss-eul je,
jijdeon gaedo mog-i swigo, naldeun saedo ani nalmyeo,
sancheonch#mogdo beolbeol tteoni museobgodo dulyeowola.
nunchi ppaleun tong-in-i daesang-e ttwieoolla,
“jibsa! hwonhwa geum heolabsinda!” “swi!”
Find more lyrics at mykpop.jspinyin.net
춘향가 中 어사출도 – English Translation
At that time, the main building is so blushing and thinking.
‘He’s a child of the man.
The young man won’t have a habit,
My family is Nanbong, is it ignorant ignorant?
I will be chased by luck. ‘
“Now, there’s a lot of words in the middle.
There is no article in the seats that are playing with us,
Let’s lose one ear. ”
I called my hand, but
“Oil, high, high.”
I called my luck with two characters,
“If a person who can’t write as he is in the middle of this,
Let’s hit five trunks and drove out. ”
Hamsoheo, and
“Now, go up to the left!
This person also read letters thanks to his parents,
How about it if you earn one ear? ”
Unbong listens to and brings Tongin,
“Yes, please. Put it on this class. ”
I received it, I received it, and I gave it to Unbongjang.
“Is this a passenger writing Oh right?
Don’t laugh after seeing,
If you have to fix it, fix it. ”
When Unbong received the article, the text is Myung -pil,
The article is also a sentence
Unbong reads and trembles as he reads,
“You have heard in this article!”
Gokseong still hits you
Go to the rear floor and write still,
At that time, Woonbong and Gokseong will hear the main building.
I don’t know if it’s still
When our vocalists
Huh, let’s listen to the left,
I wrote a little bit.
“Geum Joon -mi is celestial blood, and the jade is chronic.
Minrurak in the Nok -ru -rak city, and the cafecron. ”
“I heard a thunderbolt in this article!
It will be easy to get a choice of choosing here
Let’s leave it.
Honey, head of the main hall. Play well. I leave first. ”
“No, Woonbong warrant, what is this?”
“Hehe, the message came soon because the loan had abortion.”
“no? How much do you have to be abortion? ”
“Nine nine this year.”
“What are the abortions for ninety -nine?”
“Oh, it’s not abortion, it’s a fall.
I was wrong about it. ”
Gokseong trembles together,
“I, me, me, me, me, I have to leave too.”
“No, why is Gokseong this way?”
“I am today’s ha, the school day!”
I called Unbong servant, called Gokseong servant, and scolded.
At that time, I ran into one of the lungs of the lungs,
I always go out silently with a document,
The wars were brought and it was Eo -so Bigan.
The people ran into Dongheon, and
“Eoito Bino Olio!”
I put it on, and the receiver gathered on the left has no soul,
The main building is fascinated, and I open my beans.
Sasanosis, which is not there, will be reached.
It was called ‘Namwon Nosus House Tak Tak’
It was huh, but
‘Headquarters repaired the color of the color of the blue brain, the brain of the brainwashing,
The name of the Hungri -ri is a deletion.
Thus, it is placed on Namwon
Dongheon’s rushing rushes,
“Headquarters repaired the color of the color of the blue and the brain of the brain,
After the statement of the Hung Brotherhood,
Call Samgong -type, and call Samhaengsu.
The hypocric highs
Determine the color as an unidentified car for Dongheon.
Calling the public,
Called the book and said, ‘Is the bullet right right?’
Calling the same color, the Sumi is reduced,
Calling the military color,
The sixth is called and caught a big cow,
Calling the workshop and cracking down on wealth,
Calling Sulno,
The situation is called and cracked down on the cow,
Calling the publicity by calling prevention,
Call the action and crack down on parasitic! ”
Just Woo Geun Woo Geun.
Namwon Seongjung
The leader who gathered at the left was not allowed,
Sogon Sogon, who went back and forth.
“Now Namwon is cut.
It will be easy to hit the mountain here,
Let’s leave it. ”
At that time, Yeo Sato sits, stands up and fires a support.
“Uh. I ate well. How is the seat creepy?
Honey, the main hall! I eat it well, play well, play well, good Gaoma,
The seat is creepy, and there is no such fall! ”
The main building does not know, and it is devoted to Easato.
“Oh, this guy’s greeting. Whether you go well or not,
What kind of fifty people are fifty to this crazy barrel? ”
It’s so ridiculous to look at the main building,
“That’s it. Then let’s meet again. ”
I went down under the garden and looked at the left and right,
Dozens of people who are in defect graduates are a trader,
I bow down
A viewer is mixed and rarely lined up.
At that time, Yeo -san went out of Sammun,
Seeing once, a fan, a fan, a feet roll,
Congratulations to the peaks and the disguise in a moment,
Wearing a blue pair, holding a bridge,
Take off the parlia and use the Hongjeon -ri,
Ururururururu on the slope. Three gates!
“It is a canal fishing company! I will be out! It’s out! ”
The sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of two or three times collapsed,
The ground seems to be turned off. 100 -day wall vibration,
Summer days are on fire, and you get all the way you are burning!
Each town’s leader is fascinated,
Tang Gun -gun’s winding footed footed forests,
“Tongin. Construction leading window, pick it up! ”
Throw the big one,
Bite with the mouth of the bottle,
Unbong warrant loses and grabs watermelon,
I lost my lampshade, I used to use the cushion,
Soonchang -gun’s tanga loses, wearing corresponds,
Imsil is losing its creative and wearing Mongdo,
Suncheon adverb is scared and licensed for alcohol,
Running to the attic and peeing on a fresh hat,
As the servants underneath are peeing thunderbolt,
“It hurts! It hurts! swimming!” Something that is scared,
“Yosai is a narina with God boiled the rain!”
The main building was fascinated and went into the alcove
In the rat hole,
“Get freshly. Let’s report. Shoes. Let’s go. Talk.
Let’s go. Catch the window. Let’s ride. The door comes in.
Close the wind. It’s a lecture.
Piss. It’s dried water, so come on my neck! ”
Raise again, grab the neck of Tongin and tremble,
“Tongin, save me! If you are looking for me, you don’t know! ”
Physics is playful. “Gentiles!” It’s perfect! “Oh my, oh my!”
“The workshop!” It’s perfect! The workshop is right,
“Oh my, oh my! I am a three generations. Save me!
Hey, this terrible guys! The good excuse is that you are
What is this punishment for the world’s innocence? ”
Gong -in, Ajeon Gat -a -do breaks down, and Jeyeong -dong will leave,
Pigsed ankle and batted electricity electricity,
The poor pipeline is in the eyes of the head of the pipeline, it is bursting, and the nose falls,
The ear falls, the guy who is beaten up, the clumsy,
“It’s upset!”
Basu is a hammer who has gathered a gathered feast.
Gold disease scanning and dozens of characters
Gyoza and Brushing Earthenic Tray
Plate closed bottle is broken,
Geomungo Gayageum Yanggeum Haegeum Hwangdanso Piri Danggo Django
The parasitic departments sanctioned and danced
Opening arms open,
Kwanbi lost the table and came in with a bucket,
“Sato, hold your face!”
The workshop is fascinated and dried up
I don’t know I was stuck next to me,
“Oh, how are you so heavy?”
The command lost my feet, grabbed my fist and said,
Unbong is fascinated and picked up the horse upside down,
“What are you doing? Look at this!
This is not going to be Unbong,
Namwon Eo Tomo
Honor Sato is also a livestock congratulations!
How do you, in a hurry. Look at this! ”
The emergency window is fascinated and I can’t hide the exhausting ends.
“Heh, oh and Sato. oh my
I rode Sato’s words upside down,
Go down quickly and get right! ”
“How do you, this guy! When are you talking about this?
Say good words
Surround the bruise! Surround! ”
I would have become a funeral and became a jangpan bridge.
The barking dogs are even thirsty, flying, no birds,
Sancheon vegetation is also scary and afraid.
A quick noticed Tong -in jumps into the target,
“butler! I wear it! ” “pee!”
Find more lyrics at mykpop.jspinyin.net
Lyrics 정보권 – 춘향가 中 어사출도 가사
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